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By: M. Murak, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Duration and Discontinuation of Treatment Little systematic research has been performed to guide decisions about continuation medicine 5443 cheap brahmi 60 caps otc, maintenance and discontinuation of treatment medicine hat weather order online brahmi. The largest study of extended pharmacologic treatment involved fluoxetine (Tollefson et al treatment hpv discount 60caps brahmi mastercard. In this study treatment tinea versicolor purchase discount brahmi on line, 70 patients who had responded to fluoxetine and 198 patients who had not responded during an acute 13-week trial were given the opportunity to continue on medication for another 6 months. Only 19% of patients (N - 13) experienced a significant worsening of symptoms during the follow-up period. Similar to previous reports on fluoxetine, this study suggested that symptom improvement was maintained over time. Even more important, further improvement occurred in responders with longer treatment and in nonresponders with continued treatment at higher doses. In another study, 85 patients who had been treated with a variety of antiobsessional medications were followed up 1 to 3. Ninety-four percent of the patients were still taking medication, and 87% had maintained previous gains or achieved further improvement. Thus, from a clinical point of view, it seems wise to continue medication for an extended period, perhaps for 6 months to a year after initiating treatment, because during this period improvement is maintained and some patients experience further improvement. Overall, this extended duration of treatment did not result in worsening side effects; in fact, in most cases patients habituated to side effects. Another study assessed a larger group of patients and attempted to answer important clinical questions not only about long-term efficacy but about the effects of medication discontinuation after 1 year of treatment. The latter is an important question because few studies of systematic discontinuation have been carried out and in those that have been done relapse rates were quite high, above 90%. One-third of the patients in the placebo group relapsed; this was surprisingly lower than the percentage found in earlier studies. The authors offered several plausible explanations for this, which included the possibility that 1 year of effective treatment may provide sustained benefit for patients, and that patients may have engaged in self-directed behavior therapy, something that was not readily available at the time of the previous discontinuation studies. This fi nding points to the need for more sensitive measures of patient improvement and for further studies of long-term treatment efficacy. Some preliminary data have suggested that in treatment responders it may be possible to decrease the dose of clomipramine over the longer term without subsequent relapse, although this important issue needs further investigation. The data on discontinuation of behavioral therapy are also encouraging and overall, about 75% of patients continue to do well at follow-up. However, with a combination of pharmacologic and behavioral treatment, at adequate dose and duration, patients can often have significant improvement in symptoms and overall function. Freud S (1963) An infantile neurosis, in the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychologic Works of Sigmund Freud, Vol. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Honolulu, Hawaii. First, the disorder arises in a person who has been exposed to a traumatic event in which he or she experienced, witnessed, or was confronted with actual or threatened death or serious injury or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others. Furthermore, the response must have involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror. In children, it is allowed that the response may take the form of disorganized or agitated behavior. Secondly, there must have been at least one of five possible intrusive symptoms occurring as a result of exposure to the trauma, as exhibited in either dream activity or waking life. These include recollections, images, thoughts, or perceptions of the event, recurrent distressing dreams, acting as if the trauma were recurring, and intense psychological or physical distress on exposure to internal or external cues resembling the trauma. Allowance is made for a different set of reactions in children, in whom intrusive symptoms may take the form of repetitive play, frightening dreams without recognizable content, or reenactment of the trauma.

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The anxiety he was experiencing was entirely focused around making the right decision treatment plan discount 60caps brahmi amex. Psychological Factors in Oncology Many health professionals and lay people believe that psychological factors play a major role in cancer onset and progression treatment models buy brahmi 60 caps otc. The media have promoted popular ideas of overcoming cancer through "mind over body" medications gabapentin brahmi 60 caps amex. Enthusiasm for these optimistic theories and practices should be tempered by the recognition that scientific evidence clarifying the relationship between psychological factors and cancer lags far behind 85 medications that interact with grapefruit purchase generic brahmi. Maladaptive Health Behavior Affecting a General Medical Condition this is an area of research with many promising approaches. To achieve smoking cessation, bupropion, nicotine replacement, behavioral therapies and other pharmacological strategies all warrant consideration. Behavioral strategies are also useful in promoting better dietary practices, sleep hygiene, safe sex and exercise. For some patients, change can be achieved efficiently through support groups, whereas others change more effectively through a one-to-one relationship with a health care professional. Mental Disorders and Psychological Symptoms Affecting Cancer the most active area of study has been the linking of affective states, particularly depression (as a symptom or as a disorder), with the onset and course of cancer. A meta-analysis of studies relating depression to later cancer development found a small statistically significant but clinically insignificant association (McGee et al. The interpretation of epidemiologic studies is complex with many methodological problems. Besides epidemiologic studies, other research has focused on the impact of affective states on outcome in cancer patients. Emotional distress may predict lower survival with lung cancer as may anger in metastatic melanoma patients. Other studies have found positive, negative, or mixed associations between depression and mortality in cancer patients. Besides survival, depression in cancer patients may result in poorer pain control, poorer compliance and less desire for life-sustaining therapy. Neither cancer onset nor progression have been clearly shown to be influenced by bereavement. Stress-related Physiological Response Affecting a Medical Condition Biofeedback, relaxation techniques, hypnosis and other stress management interventions have been helpful in reducing stressinduced exacerbations of medical illness including cardiac, gastrointestinal, headache and other symptoms. Psychological Factors in Specific Medical Disorders In the remainder of this chapter, the effects of psychological factors on selected medical disorders are reviewed. The primary focus is on those effects for which there is reasonable evidence from controlled studies. Space considerations preclude inclusion of all valuable studies and all medical disorders. Most of the early research suffers from serious methodological flaws, including use of small biased samples, limited or no statistical analysis, poor (if any) controls and retrospective designs subject to recall and other biases. This early work generated excitement and interest in psychosomatic medicine but also produced ideas that in retrospect were intellectually appealing but erroneous and simplistic regarding the special designation of certain diseases as psychosomatic. Later research has shown improvements in methodology, but problems in design and interpretation continue. Several studies that seem to show significant effects of psychological factors on medical disease are inconclusive because of nonequivalence in groups at baseline either in medical disease severity or in treatments received (many studies do not even monitor this possibility). Some studies fail to attend to important potential confounding factors such as smoking or diet. A number of studies measure too many psychological variables and then overly emphasize the few "discovered" positive associations in the published results. Failure to standardize measures of initial psychological factors and measures of medical outcome has also been frequent. Epidemiological studies, however, have not supported a relationship between emotional suppression and cancer occurrence or mortality. Other Psychological Factors in Cancer An enormous literature documents the adverse effects of maladaptive health behaviors as risk factors for the development of various cancers, especially smoking but also excessive alcohol use, unsafe sex and dietary practices. Relatively less research has examined the effects of interpersonal variables on cancer, but there is some evidence that the quality of relationships may affect cancer onset and its course.

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Future clinical trials should incorporate biomarkers to identify patients who are most likely to benefit from molecular targeting agents symptoms of pneumonia brahmi 60 caps line. Anti-angiogenesis Angiogenesis is critical for a number of physiological and pathophysiological processes treatment rheumatoid arthritis discount brahmi online master card, and angiogenesis inhibitors are now being tested in the treatment of cancer [30 symptoms 0f a mini stroke purchase 60 caps brahmi amex. Although anti-angiogenic agents offer great therapeutic potential treatment jalapeno skin burn generic brahmi 60 caps amex, preclinical and clinical trial results suggest that these agents have a delayed onset of activity and may only induce disease stabilization for patients with advanced malignancy. The use of radiotherapy for cancer is also associated with therapeutic challenges that are distinct from those that might be expected with antiangiogenic agents. Thus, the use of angiogenesis inhibitors in combination with radiotherapy should help to overcome the limitations of each, 510 leading to enhanced efficacy and diminished toxicity. Translating the preclinical successes into clinical practice, identifying the optimal clinical indications, and maximizing the efficacy of anti-angiogenic therapy for cancer patients have been more challenging than anticipated. Long term clinical experience with the use of anti-angiogenic factors has failed to show a significant survival advantage in treated patients [30. The development of targeted therapeutics against cancer, with improved discrimination between tumour cells and non-malignant counterparts, is one of the major goals of current anti-cancer research. Tumour angiogenesis has been considered a particularly useful target for therapy and the effect of anti-angiogenic therapy has improved the therapeutic index. At present, angiogenesis inhibitors have been shown to prolong progression free survival, but only have a small effect on overall survival in patients with cancer [30. Regenerative medicine Supralethal irradiation to the diseased bone marrow followed by allogeneic stem cell transplantation to regenerate healthy marrow has saved many patients with haematological malignancies. The same principle can be applied in the field of regenerative medicine for generating healthy liver tissue [30. The feasibility has already been established by animal studies in the case of the liver and the first human trials are under way [30. Paracrine signalling Some currently available drugs do affect various cell signalling processes including paracrine signalling. The drug combination was shown to induce the availability of a number of pro-regenerative cytokines in the bone marrow microenvironment, indicating that paracrine signalling may be of importance. Increasing the knowledge of post-irradiation and therapy induced paracrine responses is essential to develop new insights to decrease radiation induced normal tissue injury. Hence, future studies should include adequate assays to measure the local presence or release of paracrine factors, as opposed to only measuring systemic effects. Stem cell therapeutics Normal tissue damage after radiotherapy is still a major problem in cancer treatment. Stem cell therapy may in the future provide a means to reduce radiation induced side effects and improve the quality of life of patients. A number of different types of stem cells are being investigated for their potential to treat a variety of disorders. Their current status, localization, characterization, isolation and potential in stem cell based therapies are the subject of active research. Although clinical adult stem cell research is still at an early stage, preclinical experiments show the potential these therapies may have. Based on the major advances made in this field, stem cell based therapy has great potential to allow prevention or treatment of normal tissue damage after radiotherapy [30. Preclinical studies have shown that the remaining stem cells can be stimulated to enhance regeneration in irradiated tissues by the application of growth factors and bone marrow derived cells. These therapies, however, only have therapeutic potential when a sufficient number of stem/progenitor cells have survived the radiation. The use of embryonic stem cells or induced pluripotent stem cells, however, is still in its infancy. For patients receiving radiotherapy, the collection of tissue stem cells before treatment is feasible. In fact, bone marrow transplantation has been used for many years to re-establish haematopoiesis. Radiation induced organ failure often occurs as a result of reduced functioning of the tissue stem cells that can no longer replace terminally differentiated functional cells, resulting in a loss of homeostasis. The lack of replenishment of these functional cells is thought to be due to radiation induced sterilization of endogenous stem cells.

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