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Dedication of the Stanmore Church After spending six or seven weeks in Melbourne and vicinity antimicrobial shampoo human effective 500 mg zitrofar, and speaking twenty-two times (Letter 171 household antibiotics for dogs trusted zitrofar 500mg, 1898) antibiotics mnemonics cheap 100 mg zitrofar mastercard, she journeyed back to Sydney virus removal programs generic zitrofar 100 mg overnight delivery, expecting that the new Stanmore church might be dedicated on April 17. Writing of the new house of worship, she described it as "a very nice building, and there are no debts upon it. There were fifty-three students present on the opening day, but a week later [345] there were seventy. White on this: the buildings erected during the summer have doubled the capacity and the general comfort of our school home. And it is our hope that the number of boarding students may increase to sixty, and that the day students in both departments may number fifty. Hughes stated in the May Record that the faculty at Cooranbong was much the same as during the first term and the program also much the same. The students divided their time between study and work, with two and a half hours each afternoon devoted to the latter. The young men engage in the various duties of farm, garden, orchard, and carpenter work. While proving a success, the school was entering upon a period of financial distress even greater than had been foreseen or expected. White, now chairman of the board, had to contend with this problem rather relentlessly, and this was to be the story for the next year or two. Ellen White attributed it somewhat to tuition set at too low a point, and to discouraging rumors and false reports that were carelessly bandied about. The May Record carries "An Appeal for Help" as the first article in which White reports on accomplishments and describes activities at the school and then presents its needs. It closes with the suggestion that as in the days of Israel of old, when the people came to the feasts carrying liberal offerings, so (1898) the First Half of 1898 375 should it be in the forthcoming Week of Prayer, May 28 to June 5, which would extend over two weekends. There was a call from church leaders not only for the payment of pledges already made to the school but for liberal offerings on the Sabbaths-at both the beginning and the close of that convocation. White reported on the animal life at the school, both domestic and wild: Of domestic animals and other living creatures on the place, the school has three farm horses, about a dozen cows, half as many young cattle, and forty to fifty fowls. Besides this, there are twenty-two swarms of bees, from whose summer gatherings of honey eleven hundred pounds have already been extracted and stored for the winter use of the students. Opossums can be heard any night, although they have been thinned out by the hunters. Henry had often accompanied her father on his itineraries in her girlhood and youth. She became a Seventh-day Adventist in 1896 while a patient at the Battle Creek Sanitarium, confined to a wheelchair. After an [347] unusual experience in which she was healed through the prayer of faith, she again entered the lecture field and used her influence to advance the cause of temperance, and at the same time to deter the women of the United States from giving support to Sunday legislation. Henry in Battle Creek in 1897 and carried back to Australia with him some of her publications, among them an envelope-sized tract of forty-eight pages titled How the Sabbath Came to Me. In the follow-up work in Stanmore, Ellen White saw in it a very useful tool, and wrote to Mrs. Henry, written on January 2, opened with the words: I would be very much pleased could I be seated by your side and converse with you in regard to the incidents of our experiences. It is not impossible that, even in this life, we shall see each other face to face. When I learn of the gracious dealings of God with you, I feel very grateful (1898) the First Half of 1898 377 to my heavenly Father that the light of the truth for this time is shining into the chambers of your mind and into the soul temple. Across the broad waters of the Pacific, we can clasp hands in faith and sweet fellowship. She wrote February 18 from her Battle Creek Sanitarium base, granting permission for the reprinting of the tract. Her response began with the words: Your letter was a genuine and very delightful surprise to me. I have often thought of you, of course, and wished that I might know you personally. I have felt myself drawn out many times toward you during the experiences which I have had, especially as I have come to realize more concerning your own work. She too expressed the wish that she might sit down beside Ellen [348] White and that they might talk of their experiences, and added: My one wish is to know what God wants me to do, and to do it; to know the whole truth and follow it.

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The County shall, following discovery thereof, promptly give written notice to the Contractor of faulty materials, equipment, or workmanship within the period of the guarantee and the Contractor shall promptly replace any part of the faulty equipment, material, or workmanship at his own cost. These warranty and guarantee provisions create no limitations on the County as to any claims or actions for breach of guaranty or breach of warranty that the County might have against parties other than the Contractor, and do not constitute exclusive remedies of the County against the Contractor. If the Contractor persistently fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract, the County reserves the right to terminate the Contract and select the next qualified Bidder or re-advertise this procurement in part or in whole. The County reserves the right to cancel all or any undelivered or unexecuted portion of this Contract with or without cause. Nothing in the Award, resulting Agreement, Contract or Purchase Order shall be deemed to affect the rights, privileges and immunities of the County as set forth in F. The Contractor shall obtain, and submit to purchasing within ten (1 O) calendar days of request, at his expense, the following minimum amounts of insurance (inclusive of any amounts provided by an umbrella or excess policy): a. Business Auto Policy Each Occurrence Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Combined Annual Aggregate (if applicable) $300. Installation Floater If this Contract does not include construction of or additions to above ground building or structures, but does involve the installation of machinery or equipment, Contractor shall provide an. Installation Floater~~ with the minimum amount of insurance to be 100°/o of the value of such addition(s), building(s), or structure(s). Certificates of Insurance and Copies of Policies Certificates of Insurance in triplicate evidencing the insurance coverage specified herein shall be filed with the Purchasing Official before operations are begun. The required certificates of insurance shall name the types of policy, policy number, date of expiration, amount of coverage, companies affording coverage, and also shall refer specifically to the Bid number and title of the project. All insurance policies required herein shall be issued by companies that are authorized to do business under the laws of the State of Florida and hold an A. Insurance, as specified herein, shall remain in force and effect for the duration of the project including any warranty periods. Complete Policies: the entire and complete insurance policies required herein shall be provided to the County on request. If the initial insurance expires prior to the completion of operations and/or services by the Contractor, renewal certificates of insurance and required copies of policies shall be furnished by the Contractor and delivered to the Purchasing Official thirty (30) days prior to the date of their expiration. Certification Requirements - In order for the certificate of insurance to be accepted it must comply with the following: 1. The certificate holder shall be: Manatee County Board of Commissioners, a political subdivision of the State of Florida P. Represents that Bidder maintains, and will maintain during the term of any Contract arising from this solicitation, insurance coverage from responsible companies duly authorized to do business in the State of Florida, as set forth in this solicitation; and 2. Agrees that, insurance should not be cancelled without thirty (30) days notice to County and must be endorsed to provide same. Failure of Bidder to obtain and maintain proper amounts of insurance as called for herein shall constitute a material breach of Contract by successful Bidder. The Bidder further agrees that failure to execute and deliver said form of Contract within ten (1 0) calendar days will result in damages to Manatee County and as guarantee of payment of same a Bid Bond/Certified Check shall be enclosed within the submitted sealed Bid in the amount of five (5°/o) percent of the total amount of the Bid. The Bidder further agrees that in case the Bidder fails to enter into a Contract, as prescribed by Manatee County, the Bid Bond/Certified Check accompanying the Bid shall be forfeited to Manatee County as agreed liquidated damages. If the County enters into a Contract with a Bidder, or if the County rejects any and/or all Bids, accompanying bond will be promptly returned. Failure to provide the required bonds on the prescribed form may result in successful Bidder being deemed nonresponsive. Surety of such bonds shall be in an amount equal to the Bid Award (1 00°/o each) issued by a duly authorized and nationally recognized surety company, authorized to do business in the State of Florida, satisfactory to this County. The attorney-infact who signs the bonds must file with the bonds, a certificate and effective dated copy of power-of-attorney. Performance and Payment Bonds shall be issued to Manatee County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, within ten (1 0) calendar days after notification of Intent to Award. A certified copy of said recording shall be furnished to the Purchasing Division upon filing.

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Expressing her gratitude for the opportunity to serve virus scan for mac effective zitrofar 500mg, she wrote: I am so grateful for the privilege of being connected with God in any way oral antibiotics for acne how long zitrofar 250mg visa. All I ask is that the Lord virus 5 days of fever discount zitrofar 100 mg with amex, in His great mercy and lovingkindness antibiotic ear drops for swimmer's ear order cheap zitrofar on-line, will give me strength to use in His service, not to minister to my own ease or selfish indulgence, but that I may labor for Christ in the salvation of souls. I am waiting and believing, and receiving His rich blessing, although I am unworthy. Then she came to the burden of her message: the word of the Lord has come to me in clear lines in reference to the principles and practices of those connected with the Review office. I am sorry that you can be willing to separate from the work for the reasons you mention. She likened his course of action to that of deserters from the army of the Lord and urged that, rather than to take such a course as he proposed, he bring about changes in his home that would make it possible to live within his means. She wrote several messages that would be of service in the coming General Conference session, some of which have served to remind the church that God was at the helm. Chapter 6-(1893) Influence at Administrative Convocations Throughout the churches of Australia the newly introduced Week of Prayer was an inspirational experience, and made an excellent prelude to the fifth session of the Australian Conference, which opened on January 6, 1893. Meetings of the session were at first held in the tent pitched for use during the Melbourne Week of Prayer, but this was not a satisfactory arrangement for the session, so the work was moved to a rented hall. Ellen White spoke Sabbath afternoon, and although she was weary and exhausted, she could write later, "I never spoke with greater ease and freedom from infirmity. As her writing allowed time, she attended meetings addressing the conference almost every day. Wednesday she spoke on the publishing work; and Friday she spoke on tithing, a subject not too well understood by all in the colonies. She declared the session itself to be "by far the best that has ever been held in this country," and she wrote: All listened to me respectfully a year ago, but this year my message means far more to them. The committee on the permanent [59] location of the school reported that study would be given to a climate that would be appropriate for students coming from Polynesia. Preceding this would be a three-week institute, which would be attended by most of the delegates to the session and scores of ministers, colporteur leaders, Bible instructors, and laymen. The two gatherings, each three weeks long, were so closely related that a separation can hardly be made. The General Conference Bulletin for 1893 carried full reports of both in its 524 double-column pages. White, who represented the General Conference as the superintendent of District Number 7, which comprised all of Australasia. On November 1, 1892, Olsen wrote to him concerning some proposals being made by certain key workers in the field that called for dismantling certain phases of organization of the church. I have had some fears that this question might come up and take a shape in the coming General Conference that much precious time would be wasted in discussing something that was not practical. Others, too, have written and spoken in a way that has given me the idea that this matter was being discussed at some considerable length in some places. At issue was a greater centralization of the work and the elimination of some familiar features. This would involve turning from "plans of working that the Lord has seen fit to bless. On its first page, Ellen White reminded church leaders that she knew the history well from firsthand contact: It is nearly forty years since organization was introduced among us as a people. I know the difficulties that had to be met, the evils which it was designed to correct, and I have watched its influence in connection with the growth of the cause. At an early stage in the work, God gave us special light upon this point, and this light, together with the lessons that experience has taught us, should be carefully considered. We had no houses of worship, [and] but few publications and very limited facilities for carrying forward our work. The sheep were scattered in the highways and byways, in cities, in towns, in forests.

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