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By: H. Ernesto, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

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Should Clean Water Act penalties not be redirected toward Gulf ecosystem restoration wireless blood pressure monitor buy metoprolol 50mg online, Congress should consider other mechanisms for a dedicated funding stream not subject to annual appropriations blood pressure zetia order discount metoprolol. The Commission recommends that Congress establish a joint state-federal Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council pulse pressure hypovolemia order genuine metoprolol online. The structure of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council should inform the structure of the Gulf Coast Council on the question of the relative representation of the federal and state governments on the council arrhythmia genetic buy cheap metoprolol line. The Gulf Coast Council should implement a restoration strategy for the region that is compatible with existing state restoration goals. This strategy should set short- and long-term goals with criteria for selecting projects for funding. Key criteria should include (1) national significance; (2) contribution to achieving ecosystem resilience; and (3) the extent to which national policies such as related to flood control, oil and gas development, agriculture, and navigation directly contributed to the environmental problem. Chapter Nine 281 281 Experience in major restoration endeavors, including those in the Gulf, has shown that, absent binding goals to drive the process, restoration projects are insufficiently funded, focused, or coordinated. Establishing a region-wide council to coordinate agency activities represents a necessary first step, but without authority to set priorities and resolve conflicts, such a council will be hampered in its ability to achieve environmental goals. The Commission recommends that a region-wide council for the Gulf be given authority to set priorities that will govern the expenditure of funds and resolve any conflicts regarding eligibility of projects. The council should further define specific categories of projects that could meet each of the three criteria listed above. Projects could be categorized in a number of ways-for example, by habitat (key estuaries, sea grass, wetlands, coral reefs); by goal (biological productivity and ecosystem function, improving resilience, restoring fisheries); or by specific project type (river diversion, beach nourishment). The Commission believes that having a comprehensive, binding strategy to guide the restoration effort is critical to success. By elaborating on the goals set by the governing entity and by providing specific milestones and restoration objectives, such a strategy would focus the overall effort and help ensure that projects are not duplicative. The strategy could also include a map that ties projects to specific places and provide a useful mechanism for public involvement. Congress should also ensure that the priorities and decisions of the Gulf Coast Council are informed by input from a Citizens Advisory Council that represents diverse stakeholders. An approach that draws heavily on information and advice from scientists will result in project selection and funding allocations that are more likely to lead to an effective region-wide restoration strategy. It will also advance transparency in decision-making and enhance credibility with the public. The Commission accordingly recommends the establishment of a Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Science and Technology Program that would address these issues in three ways: 1) by creating a scientific research and analysis program, supported by the restoration fund, that is designed to support the design of scientifically sound restoration projects; 2) by creating a science panel to evaluate individual projects for technical effectiveness and consistency with the comprehensive strategy; and 3) by supporting adaptive management plans based on monitoring of outcomes scaled both to the strategy itself and to the individual projects or categories of projects included in it. The Need for Better Tools to Balance Economic and Environmental Interests in the Gulf Federal agencies charged with managing activities within the U. Exclusive Economic Zone have tended to work largely in isolation from one another. The Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force reported in the summer of 2010; its recommendations were subsequently included in a Presidential Executive Order, issued on July 15, 2010, that created a new National Ocean Council to coordinate federal marine policy. More broadly, scientific advice grounded in peer-reviewed empirical research inform strategy and decisionmaking in ocean management, including for energy, shipping, national defense, sustainable fisheries, and conservation. This would include improved monitoring and increased use of sophisticated tools like coastal and marine spatial planning. The Commission recommends that as a part of management and restoration efforts in the marine environment greater attention should be given to new tools for managing ocean resources, including monitoring systems and spatial planning. Marine scientists have emerged from the Deepwater Horizon incident with more precise questions to investigate and a better sense of monitoring needs in the Gulf of Mexico, which because of its multiple uses and economic value should be a national priority. To that end, the National Ocean Council should work with the responsible federal agencies, industry and the scientific community to expand the Gulf of Mexico Integrated Ocean Observing System, including the installation and maintenance of an in situ network of instruments deployed on selected production platforms. Coastal and marine spatial planning has the potential to improve overall efficiency and reduce conflicts among ocean users. Congress should fund grants for the development of regional planning bodies at the amount requested by the President in the fiscal year 2011 budget submitted to Congress. Ocean management should also include more strategically sited Marine Protected Areas, including but not limited to National Marine Sanctuaries, which can be used as "mitigation banks" to help offset harm to the marine environment. Given the economic and cultural importance of fishing in the Gulf region-and the importance of Gulf seafood to the rest of the country-scientifically valid measures, such as catch share programs, should be adopted to prevent overfishing and ensure the continuity of robust fisheries.


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In our first Extern hint prehypertension 20s 100mg metoprolol for sale, the head symbol was not prehypertension blood pressure diet generic metoprolol 12.5 mg free shipping, since x = y desugars to not (eq x y); and arrhythmia future cure buy metoprolol us, in the second example pulse pressure less than 20 purchase 100 mg metoprolol, the head symbol was P. We may simply leave out the pattern to the left of the, incorporating the corresponding logic into the Ltac script. X] apply (proj1 (H X)) Be forewarned that a Hint Extern of this kind will be applied at every node of a proof tree, so an expensive Ltac script may slow proof search significantly. Our rewrite hints have taken the form Hint Rewrite lemma, which by default adds them to the default hint database core; but alternate hint databases may also be specified just as with. Note that, while Hint Rewrite uses a default database, autorewrite requires that a database be named. There are a few ways in which autorewrite can lead to trouble when insufficient care is taken in choosing hints. First, the set of hints may define a nonterminating rewrite system, in which case invocations to autorewrite may not terminate. This "non-monotonicity" of rewrite hints contrasts with the situation for auto, where new hints may slow down proof search but can never "break" old proofs. The key difference is that auto either solves a goal or makes no changes to it, while autorewrite may change goals without solving them. The situation for eauto is slightly more complicated, as changes to hint databases may change the proof found for a particular goal, and that proof may influence the settings of unification variables that appear elsewhere in the proof state. The autorewrite tactic also works with quantified equalities that include additional premises, but we must be careful to avoid similar incorrect rewritings. The inappropriate rule fired the same three times as before, even though we know we will not be able to prove the premises. Our final, successful, attempt uses an extra argument to Hint Rewrite that specifies a tactic to apply to generated premises. Such a hint is only used when the tactic succeeds for all premises, possibly leaving further subgoals for some premises. We may still use autorewrite to apply f g when the generated premise is among our assumptions. It can also be useful to apply the autorewrite with db in * form, which does rewriting in hypotheses, as well as in the conclusion. Many proofs can be automated in pleasantly modular ways with deft combinations of auto and autorewrite. This chapter aims to give a bottom-up presentation of the features of Ltac, focusing in particular on the Ltac match construct, which supports a novel approach to backtracking search. First, though, we will run through some useful automation tactics that are built into Coq. The congruence tactic applies the rules of equality and congruence closure, plus properties of constructors of inductive types. The omega tactic provides a complete decision procedure for a theory that is called quantifier-free linear arithmetic or Presburger arithmetic, depending on whom you ask. That is, omega proves any goal that follows from looking only at parts of that goal that can be interpreted as propositional formulas whose atomic formulas are basic comparison operations on natural numbers or integers, with operands built from constants, variables, addition, and subtraction (with multiplication by a constant available as a shorthand for addition or subtraction). The ring tactic solves goals by appealing to the axioms of rings or semi-rings (as in algebra), depending on the type involved. Coq developments may declare new types to be parts of rings and semi-rings by proving the associated axioms. There is a similar tactic field for simplifying values in fields by conversion to fractions over rings. The setoid facility makes it possible to register new equivalence relations to be understood by tactics like rewrite. For instance, Prop is registered as a setoid with the equivalence relation "if and only if. The real promise of Coq, though, is in the coding of problem-specific tactics with Ltac. In the rest of this chapter, we attempt to give a thorough introduction to the important features and design patterns. One common use for match tactics is identification of subjects for case analysis, as we see in this tactic definition. Theorem hmm: (a b c: bool), if a then if b then True else True else if c then True else True.

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It is not a question that can be answered with recommendations for the next weeks and months but will require the United States and its allies to undertake a basic reassessment of what their interests are and what they can realistically hope to achieve hypertension brochure buy cheap metoprolol on-line. The project brought together twelve experts who have challenged the assumption of immediate disarmament and made innovative proposals on a politically-sensitive issue blood pressure is lowest in generic 25mg metoprolol visa. Each has contributed critical ideas and then repeatedly engaged in collaborative reviews to refine the text narrow pulse pressure uk buy 100mg metoprolol mastercard. We are grateful for their creativity hypertension natural remedies discount 100 mg metoprolol, their knowledge, and their willingness to compromise, which made the process not only intellectually exhilarating but also a genuine pleasure. The study group is indebted to several experts and staff members who helped to advise and facilitate our endeavor. In its conception and during its deliberations, the study group benefited from the advice of several experts. James Acton, Christine Ahn, Jim Clapper, Joe Cirincione, Du Hyeogn Cha, Hahm Chaibong, Seong Whun Cheon, Gen. In Bum Chun, Yungwoo Chun, Toby Dalton, Anjali Dayal, Abe Denmark, Henri Feron, Katsu Furukawa, Esther Im, Van Jackson, Duyeon Kim, Jaechun Kim, Kim Sung-han, Bruce Klingner, Hans Kristensen, ii Acknowledgements Matt Korda, Scott LaFoy, Keith Luse, Vince Manzo, Adena Peckler, Jeong-ho Roh, Laura Rosenberger, Scott Snyder, Sugio Takahashi, Wi Sunglac, Jon Wolfsthal, Juan Zarate as well as several government officials in the United States, South Korea, Japan, and European nations provided data, advice, or shared their perspective on these issues. Olivia Enos, Catherine Killough, and Dan Wertz shared their expertise with the group during its Washington meeting. The next generations will inherit a very different North Korea challenge-one that is open-ended and complex rather than directed teleologically at a discrete objective. The fairness and effectiveness of our policies will be determined by our ability to represent the views and interests of the coming generations. The staff at the Federation of American Scientists were indispensable for managing the group and producing the report. Noah Williams helped handle the necessary arrangements between our two and Rhianna Kreger leant her expert eye to copyediting the report text. Lastly, the study group is grateful to Emma Belcher, Angela Schlater, and the MacArthur Foundation for their support of an unorthodox and challenging study. None of those mentioned here, nor their organizations, share any responsibility for the content of the report. On deterrence and defense, see Manzo and Warden 2017; Warden and Panda 2019; Bell and Macdonald 2018; Shifrinson 2018; Denmark 2017. The tests marked the failure of a decades-long international effort to prevent North Korea from acquiring nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them. A growing consensus of experts warn that North Korea is unlikely to eliminate its nuclear arsenal in the foreseeable future. However, an exclusive pursuit of disarmament will come at the cost efforts to manage other critical interests, including the risks of conventional war, ballistic missile proliferation, contagion of infectious disease, and the continued suffering and repression of the North Korean people. If security, economic, and humanitarian trends continue unchanged, Pyongyang will expand its abilities to aggress against the United States and its allies and to fund its activities through economic development at home and illicit activity abroad over the next two decades. The pursuit of immediate disarmament has not only distracted from a range of pressing challenges; it has also exacerbated them. Allied deterrence and diplomatic policy has generated incentives for Pyongyang to expand, diversify, and conceal its nuclear arsenal. The challenge of negotiations and a series of missteps have caused strains between Washington, Seoul, and Tokyo. The composition of the group reflects a conviction that a sustainable and realistic strategy must draw on the expertise of new voices from a broader range of disciplines coordinating across national boundaries-and cannot be met by replicating outdated assumptions and methods. In the pages that follow, the study group issues recommendations to the United States and its allies-most directly South Korea and Japan, but also to countries in Europe, Southeast Asia, and Oceania who hold broadly shared objectives even as they prioritize issues of specific national concern. In the best of circumstances, in which international inspectors receive complete cooperation from the regime, verified disarmament could take more than a decade. Even given unrestricted access, it is extremely unlikely that inspectors will ever be able to certify conclusively that North Korea has eliminated all significant quantities of fissile material, delivery vehicles, and production capacity. International Study Group on North Korea Policy 2 the study group asserts that the United States and its allies need a new strategy toward a nuclear-armed North Korea-one that not only actively manages the risks posed by the regime, but will also shape its transformation over time to provide a sustainable foundation for security in the region and the welfare of the North Korean people. Subject to the requirements of stability, confronting an evolving threat will require significant adjustments to allied deterrence posture. Nuclear and conventional arms-control and confidence-building mechanisms are critical both to managing stability and sustainably transforming the security relationship.

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