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This problem involves people who have access to broadband network(s) symptoms 0f pneumonia buy discount accupril 10mg line, but are unable or unwilling to obtain service medications such as seasonale are designed to discount accupril 10mg overnight delivery. Addressing lack of demand is important because low adoption rates will leave networks underutilized medicine jar paul mccartney buy accupril 10mg without a prescription. First medicine for pink eye discount accupril line, from a network externalities standpoint, fewer users reduce the economic and social utility of the networks. Where relatively few people can communicate online, the network externalities are reduced since there is a smaller number of potential customers for businesses to serve. This further means that there may be fewer local businesses and consumers offering broadband-enabled services and applications, such as video streaming services (for example, Hulu+), voice and video communications (for example, Skype), and download services for a variety of applications such as software and e-books. Second, low adoption and use will undermine the business case of any network-even those built with public funds. Fewer users mean that networks are correspondingly higher cost or that their costs are spread over a smaller user base, making them relatively more expensive to build and operate. Thus it is important for the overall goal of improving broadband 40 Broadband Strategies Handbook development for governments to focus on developing policies that not only facilitate and encourage the building of broadband networks, but also ensure that as many people as possible can and do use them. Barriers to adoption vary and will likely not be the same in all countries, but some broad categories are identifiable. The factors seen as impediments to adoption in some countries may be less of a factor in other countries, due to different social and cultural histories and experiences as well as different socioeconomic conditions (Hernandez, Leza, and Ballot-Lena 2010, 4). Policy Approaches to Promoting Broadband Development 41 cost to be a larger issue. Therefore, each country must analyze and address the demand-reducing factors on a case-by-case basis and tailor solutions to the individual problems. Developing Country-Specific Solutions No "one-size-fits-all" approach will guarantee greater broadband deployment and adoption in every country. Political and economic conditions vary, and each country is endowed with different technological resources. Some countries have a relatively well-developed wireline telephone network that could support broadband deployment, while others have widely deployed cable television networks that might be able to provide a measure of facilities-based competition from the start. In yet other countries, various regulatory, political, economic, or other barriers to entry may prevent potential competitors from offering broadband services or building broadband networks. This variance makes it unwise to propose a uniform solution to promote broadband development. In some cases, the challenge will be to create incentives so that widespread networks can be used to offer broadband services. In other countries, the main challenge may be to find ways to educate potential users about the benefits of broadband and train them to use broadband applications and services. As a result, each country will have its own unique circumstances that will drive policy and investment decisions. However, the key objective for governments is to pursue policies that will create an enabling environment that will foster broadband development. Important lessons can be learned from those countries that have pursued broadband development policies (box 2. Many of the policies and programs that have been developed support private sector investments and call for specific, limited, and welljustified public funding interventions only in exceptional circumstances. In particular, governments that are trying to promote the growth of underdeveloped markets should avoid policies and regulations that may reduce private sector investment. Government funding or policy should not have the effect of "crowding out" private sector investment. For example, governments can encourage private investments in many cases without direct subsidies, such as by developing passive infrastructure-ducting, towers, and cable conduits- which can significantly cut costs and create minimal market distortions 42 Broadband Strategies Handbook Box 2. Public investments should be considered only when no or insufficient private investments are expected for a significant period. Furthermore, to maintain a level playing field for competition even with public investments, governments should seek to avoid favoring one company (or type of company, for example, telephony vs. For example, if and when governments intervene to increase network availability, it may be necessary to ensure that subsidized networks are open access, meaning that network operators offer capacity or access to all market participants in a nondiscriminatory way. Nonetheless, there may be cases where a dominant provider may need to be appropriately regulated to avoid market concentration or other adverse impacts on overall market competition.

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Surveys of rural communities in countries as different as Argentina symptoms of the flu discount 10mg accupril visa, India medications related to the lymphatic system buy generic accupril 10mg online, Nicaragua treatment of diabetes purchase 10mg accupril otc, and the Philippines show that households spend about 5 percent of monetary income on energy medications diabetic neuropathy accupril 10 mg sale, fairly consistently across countries and with even higher proportions for the lower-income households. In high-income countries the proportion is smaller, although the amount is higher in absolute terms. In Finland in 2006, households on average spent 3 percent of income on telecommunications. Combining rural infrastructure projects of different sectors (for example, telecommunications and electricity) can reduce total government costs (for example, demand surveys, road shows, supervision) and supply costs (especially operation and maintenance). Inuit are aborigines who live in the Arctic of Canada, Greenland, and Alaska, formerly referred to as Eskimos. Industry Canada, "Broadband Canada Connecting Rural Canadians: Other Federal and Provincial Programs,". Some categories of providers might be exempted for competition policy and other reasons. For example, new entrants should not be expected to help to finance the incumbent with which they are trying to compete. It is part of a broader effort to ensure that aid is well spent and that the benefits go to the poor. The International Development Association is the arm of the World Bank Group that provides long-term financing for development at low interest rates to low-income countries. Regulatel and the World Bank, "New Models for Universal Access in Latin America, Summary of Main Report,". United Kingdom, Department for Business, Innovation, and Skills and Department for Culture, Media, and Sport. It looks at high-speed connectivity from a hierarchical perspective, moving from international, to national, to metropolitan, and finally to local access deployment solutions. The chapter describes the various wireline and wireless technologies for deploying broadband infrastructure, including examples of various deployments throughout the world, and discusses some of the issues associated with implementing these technologies. The focus is on the physical networks and associated protocols for routing traffic rather than the end user services and applications that are accessed over the networks, which are discussed in chapter 6. Overview of Broadband Networks As policy makers consider plans and strategies for developing broadband networks, it is important to recognize that such networks have many components. All of these parts must work together for the network to function 195 effectively and efficiently. This handbook categorizes these component parts into four hierarchical levels, which together constitute the broadband supply chain: international connectivity, the national backbone network, metropolitan access links, and the local access network (figure 5. Besides physical connectivity, networks require traffic routing intelligence to ensure that information is correctly sent and received. Note: Generalized typical infrastructure implementation and topology, excluding technologies not widely used. This requires network intelligence to exchange and route international Internet traffic. In a wireless network, these links are used to bring traffic from cell sites back to a switching center (known as backhaul). However, they are also related to international traffic in that the exchange may be a peering point for an overseas network.

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At the state level drug purchase and distribution is controlled on a state-wide basis with each district requesting the type and quantities of medicines and biologicals it requires considering the requests of their veterinarians and field services medicine cards buy 10 mg accupril. Each state makes a purchase through a tendering system considering the climatic conditions prevalent in the state medicine 3601 purchase accupril 10mg without prescription, the disease patterns expected medicine wheel teachings discount accupril american express, the pharmacological properties of the products and feedback from field officers medications when pregnant cheap 10mg accupril otc. In some states districts are also allowed to make direct purchases if the state can not meet their needs. Typically, third generation cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones were the first drugs of choice to treat infectious diseases; oxytetracyclines and procaine penicillins were much less commonly available. Alternative medicines are provided through local pharmacies (drug shops) which dispense on receipt of a prescription signed by a veterinary officer; charges are made for the drugs dispensed. A license to operate is issued for five years following inspection which is repeated every six months. The operators of the pharmacies must be registered pharmacists; they usually also dispense human medicines. Veterinary para-professionals do not have the authority to administer, dispense or prescribe medicines unless under veterinary supervision. With the high numbers of veterinary paraprofessionals and the private sector gopal mitras this requirement is under pressure and there are concerns about the validity of the actual veterinary supervision. The international concerns over the high usage of antimicrobials and the development of resistance globally are recognised. On visits to feed manufacturers no evidence was found of antimicrobials being included in animal feed but it understood that antimicrobials are widely used at high risk times. Antimicrobial resistance is being identified and a number of projects have been or are being undertaken. Some residue testing programme is performed but only for selected animal products for export. A comprehensive residue testing programme is performed for all animal products for export and some for domestic consumption. A comprehensive residue testing programme is performed for all animal products for export and domestic consumption. The residue testing programme is subject to routine quality assurance and regular evaluation. Laboratories and test methodologies have been defined and staff training provided. There is only a very limited programme for the testing of residues in animal products. A further focus is to be on broiler meat and this programme is said to be going to start in mid-2018. New information on residues is being generated by a number of research projects being undertaken by several veterinary universities and colleges and other institutions that are developing their capacity to measure levels of veterinary drug, pesticide/insecticide residues and toxins as well as other important contaminants in food. There is a need for greater collaboration between the academic institutions, central government and state food regulatory authorities to collect and utilise the findings of all the available research to prepare baseline information on the national prevalence of residue contamination of foods of animal origin. Some milk producers/processors met by the mission were unaware of the residue testing programme and currently had no programmes in place; others had infrequent programmes testing for pesticides and residues. Residues tested include pesticides, heavy metals, hormones and antimicrobial agents. In one laboratory visited in Kerala trial residue sampling and testing was being undertaken mainly for export. However, although positive samples had been identified no further action was taken. Samples taken include muscle, blood, skin with fat, organs, feed, raw milk, honey, water etc. The laboratories undertaking residue testing for exports are assessed by importing countries. The quality standards of Indian feeds are generally considered high and up to international levels.

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