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By: Y. Derek, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.
Clinical Director, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine
Increased pulmonary blood flow leads to three effects: (1) the degree of cyanosis and the volume of pulmonary blood flow are inversely related treatment for vertigo buy cheap antivert 25mg on-line, and the degree of cyanosis lessens as pulmonary blood flow increases because of the larger quantities of fully saturated pulmonary venous return mixing with the relatively fixed systemic venous return; (2) congestive cardiac failure develops because of left ventricular volume overload; and (3) the pulse pressure widens because the blood leaves the common trunk during diastole to enter the pulmonary arteries medicine names buy genuine antivert on-line. Although the truncal valve is usually tricuspid medicine identifier cheap antivert 25 mg amex, it becomes regurgitant in some patients medicine lodge ks buy antivert 25mg with visa. Therefore, the additional volume load of regurgitation is incurred by the ventricles. Some truncal valves have four or more cusps; these are both stenotic and regurgitant, adding pressure overload to the already volume-overloaded ventricles. Approximately 40% of truncus patients show deletion of a portion of chromosome 22 and other laboratory findings of DiGeorge syndrome, such as hypocalcemia and reduced T lymphocytes. In the neonatal period, cyanosis is the major symptom because the elevated pulmonary vascular resistance limits the pulmonary blood flow. As pulmonary vascular resistance falls, cyanosis lessens, but congestive cardiac failure develops, usually after several 206 Pediatric cardiology weeks of age. Patients with common trunk and congestive cardiac failure mimic those with ventricular septal defect at this time because cyanosis is mild or absent. Dyspnea on exertion, easy fatigability, and frequent respiratory infections are common symptoms. Patients whose pulmonary blood flow is limited, owing either to the development of pulmonary vascular disease or to the presence of small pulmonary arteries arising from the truncus, show predominant symptoms of cyanosis rather than congestive cardiac failure, unless significant regurgitation through the truncal valve coexists. Physical examination Cyanosis may or may not be clinically evident but is easily detected with pulse oximetry. Manifestations of a wide pulse pressure may appear if increased pulmonary blood flow or significant truncal valve regurgitation exists. The major auscultatory finding is a loud systolic murmur along the left sternal border. An apical mid-diastolic rumble present in most patients indicates large blood flow across the mitral valve from increased pulmonary blood flow. Common arterial trunk shows three distinctive auscultatory findings: (1) the second heart sound is single since only a single semilunar valve is present; (2) a high-pitched early diastolic decrescendo murmur is present if truncal valve regurgitation coexists; and (3) an apical systolic ejection click that is usually heard indicates the presence of a dilated great vessel, the common trunk. The click, especially if heard at an early age, suggests that the truncal valve is stenotic to some extent. The left ventricular enlargement is related to left ventricular volume overload; the right ventricular hypertrophy is related to the elevated right ventricular systolic pressure. If pulmonary vascular disease develops and reduces pulmonary blood flow, the left ventricular enlargement may disappear. Truncal regurgitation and truncal stenosis modify these findings by augmenting the ventricular volume and by increasing ventricular pressures, respectively. The prominent "ascending aorta" that is usually seen represents the enlarged common trunk. Because the branch pulmonary arteries arise from the truncus arteriosus, a main pulmonary artery 6 Congenital heart disease with a right-to-left shunt in children 207 Figure 6. Most patients show cardiomegaly proportional to the volume of pulmonary blood flow and the amount of truncal regurgitation. Left atrial enlargement is present in patients with increased pulmonary blood flow. A right aortic arch is found in one-fourth of patients; this finding, when combined with that of increased pulmonary vascular markings and cyanosis, is virtually diagnostic of truncus arteriosus (Figure 6. Summary of clinical findings Persistent truncus arteriosus is suspected in a cyanotic patient who has a murmur suggesting ventricular septal defect and two characteristic features: a single second heart sound and a systolic ejection click. The volume of pulmonary blood flow is reflected by the degree of cyanosis and the amount of left atrial enlargement. The degree of cardiomegaly on chest X-ray or left ventricular hypertrophy on electrocardiogram is not the sole reflection of pulmonary blood flow, since coexistent truncal insufficiency can also cause these particular findings. Echocardiogram Cross-sectional echocardiography in views parallel to the long axis of the left ventricular outflow tract shows a large great vessel (the common trunk) "overriding" a large ventricular septal defect, similar to images seen in tetralogy of Fallot. A separate pulmonary artery cannot be demonstrated arising from the heart; the pulmonary arteries arise from the common trunk and their pattern of origin is seen by echocardiography. The ductus arteriosus is usually absent unless coexisting interruption of the aortic arch is present. The truncal valve may be trileaflet, with apparent movement similar to that of a normal aortic valve, or it may be deformed, usually as a quadricuspid or multicuspid valve, with both stenosis and regurgitation.
Although often described as having a bilobed nucleus medications in carry on generic 25 mg antivert with amex, eosinophils with three or four lobes are not uncommon medications like abilify order line antivert. Conditions that produce hypersegmentation in neutrophils also affect the eosinophil granulocyte medications with pseudoephedrine cheap antivert 25mg on-line. The distinctive feature of eosinophils is the closely packed treatment quinsy 25mg antivert visa, uniform, spherical granules that stain a brilliant red or orange-red. The granules are membrane-bound and show an internal structure called a crystalloid, or internus. They show a higher content of myeloperoxidase than do the azurophil granules of neutrophils and lack lysozyme and phagocytin. Eosinophils respond chemotactically to bacterial products, complement components, and substances released by mast cells (histamine and eosinophilic chemotactic factor of 72 anaphylaxis). Eosinophils have a special affinity for antigen-antibody complexes, which tend to bind complement and induce cell lysis. Factors such as histaminase released by eosinophils may dampen allergic responses by degrading histamine and histamine-like substances released from mast cells and basophils. Eosinophils also have a major role in controlling parasitic infections (ascariosis, trichinosis, and schistosomiasis): eosinophils selectively interact with the larvae of some parasites and damage them by oxidative mechanisms. The primary function of eosinophils is to dampen or terminate allergic reactions and parasitic infections. Antigens that bind to specific sites on the basophil cell membrane cause degranulation with release of agents that cause smooth muscle spasm, mucous secretion, hives, itching, and rhinitis. Basophils play a role in immediate types of hypersensitivity reactions, anaphylactic reactions (hay fever), and some forms of asthma. Nuclear lobes are less distinct than in the neutrophil or eosinophil, and nuclei with more than two or three lobes are rare. Filaments between lobes tend to be short and broad and rarely form the threadlike structures seen in neutrophils. The chromatin is relatively homogeneous and stains less deeply than in the other granulocyte types. The cytoplasm of basophils contains prominent, rather coarse granules that stain a deep violet with the standard blood stains and metachromatically with toluidine blue or thionin. Well-preserved granules are spherical and uniform but, being soluble in water or glycerin, frequently appear irregular in size and shape in fixed preparations. The granules are scattered unevenly throughout the cytoplasm, often overlie and obscure the nucleus and are neither as numerous nor as densely packed as the granules of eosinophil leukocytes. Classification Lymphocytes comprise a family of cells, each differing in function, life span, background, and size. Except in living cells or in electron micrographs, nucleoli usually are not visible. While lymphocytes are classified as agranular leukocytes, a few nonspecific azurophil granules may be present and represent lysosomes. B-lymphocytes (B-cells) play a central role in humoral immunity and represent cells that have been conditioned to transform into plasma cells and secrete antibody when stimulated by foreign antigens. The organ responsible for conditioning B-cells in mammals appears to be the bone marrow. In birds, B-cells are processed in the bursa of Fabricius, a lymphoreticular, appendix-like diverticulum of the cloaca. T-lymphocytes (T-cells) have been processed by the thymus, where they acquire distinctive T-cell markers and become immunologically competent. However, immunologic capacities are not fully developed until the cells are exported to peripheral lymphatic organs, especially the spleen.
Their basal cell membranes show numerous infoldings with associated mitochondria and are thought to be active in transport medicine mart order antivert 25mg visa. The lateral cell membranes of adjacent cells show some interdigitations and 10 medications doctors wont take order genuine antivert on-line, near the apex treatment urinary retention buy antivert without prescription, are united by tight junctions medicine plies 25mg antivert sale. Two types of cytoplasmic processes arise from the apices of the cells: cylindrical sheaths invest the tips of the rod and cone outer segments, and elongated microvilli extend toward photoreceptor cells. The cytoplasm is characterized by abundant mitochondria near the base of the cell and by many lipofuscin and melanin granules. Pigment epithelial cells may show numerous residual bodies that contain remnants of phagocytized membrane material shed by rod outer segments. Pigment epithelium absorbs light after it has passed through the neural retina, thereby preventing reflection within the eye, and the apical tight junctions prevent undesirable substances from entering the intercellular spaces of the neural retina. The pigment epithelium also stores vitamin A, a precursor of rhodopsin, needed by the outer rod membranes. A single layer of cuboidal cells, the anterior lens cells, lies immediately beneath the capsule and forms the epithelium of the lens, which is restricted to the anterior surface. The apices of the anterior lens cells face inward, toward the lens; the basal surfaces rest on a basal lamina. Anterior lens cells contain ion pumps that maintain the proper hydration of the lens. Near the equator of the lens, the cells increase in height and gradually differentiate into lens fibers that make up the bulk of the lens, referred to as the lens substance. The lens grows throughout life by addition of new fibers to the periphery of the lens substance. Nearer the center, the lens substance consists of condensed, concentrically arranged fibers that give it a more homogeneous appearance; this area is called the nucleus of the lens. At the equator of the lens, the anterior lens cells elongate and push into the lens to lie beneath the epithelium anteriorly and the capsule posteriorly. As the cells increase in length, they lose their nuclei and their basal attachment to the capsule and become lens fibers that show a homogeneous, finely granular cytoplasm with few organelles. The lateral membranes of the lens fibers (cells) in the cortex show large protrusions that interdigitate with concavities in adjacent fibers, in a ball and socket manner. The ball and socket joints maintain the relative positions of the fibers as the lens changes shape during focusing. Vascular Supply of the Retina the outer nuclear and plexiform layers and the layer of rod and cone inner segments lack blood vessels. These parts of the retina are nourished by capillaries of the choriocapillary layer of the choroid. Nutrients cross the pigmented epithelium to enter the intercellular spaces of the outer neural retina. The inner layers of the retina are supplied by retinal vessels arising from the central retinal artery, which enters the eye in the optic nerve. Capillary networks from this source lie in the nerve fiber layer and in the inner plexiform layer. The lens is held in place by a system of fibers called zonule fibers that make up the suspensory ligament of the lens. Zonule fibers arise from the ciliary epithelium that covers the ciliary processes and attach to the lens capsule just anterior and posterior to the equator of the lens. Zonule fibers consist of small bundles of fine filaments, approximately 12 nm in diameter, which may correspond to the microfibril (glycoprotein) component of elastic fibers. If the ciliary muscle contracts, the ciliary body and choroid are pulled forward and centrally, releasing tension on the zonule fibers, and the lens "sags" to become thicker and more convex. When the ciliary muscle relaxes, the zonule fibers are placed under tension, and the lens becomes thinner and less convex to focus on far objects. The interior surface of each lid and the anterior surface of each eye (except for the cornea) are covered by a mucous membrane called the conjunctiva. The palpebral conjunctiva lines the interior of the lid; the bulbar conjunctiva covers the anterior surface of the eye.
Often medications with aspirin generic antivert 25 mg mastercard, the data will begin to make sense only after being organized and put into different forms medications kidney damage buy antivert visa, such as tables or graphs bad medicine generic 25mg antivert otc, that reveal patterns that at first were not obvious medicine qhs discount 25 mg antivert free shipping. In your study, you can create a graph comparing blood pressure readings from both your experimental group and your control group to see if there is a significant difference between the blood pressure readings of those who exercised and those who did not. Most Hypotheses Need to Be Refined Remember that a hypothesis is basically a guess as to what causes a particular phenomenon. The original hypothesis is often refined after the initial results are obtained, usually because the answer to the question is not clear and leads to more questions. When this happens, an alternative hypothesis is proposed, a new experiment is designed, and the new hypothesis is tested. An Experiment Must Be Repeatable One research study does not prove or disprove a hypothesis. Ideally, multiple experiments are conducted over many years to thoroughly test a hypothesis. Supporters and skeptics alike must be able to replicate an experiment and arrive at similar conclusions or the hypothesis becomes invalid. Have you ever wondered why the measurements used in scientific textbooks are always in the metric system? Scientists use the metric system because it is a universal system and thus allows repeatability in any research facility worldwide. Unfortunately, media reports on the findings of a research study that has just been published rarely include a thorough review of the other studies conducted on that topic. Thus, you should never accept one report in a newspaper or magazine as absolute fact on any topic. A Theory May Be Developed Following Extensive Research If the results of multiple experiments consistently support a hypothesis, then scientists may advance a theory. A theory represents a scientific consensus (agreement) as to why a particular phenomenon occurs. Although theories are based on data drawn from repeated experiments, they can still be challenged and changed as the knowledge within a scientific discipline evolves. For example, at the beginning of this chapter, we said that the prevailing theory held that beriberi was an infectious disease. Experiments were conducted over several decades before their consistent results finally confirmed that the disease was due to thiamin deficiency. We continue to apply the scientific method to test hypotheses and challenge theories today. RecaP the steps in the scientific method are (1) observing a phenomenon, (2) creating a hypothesis, (3) designing and conducting an experiment, and (4) collecting and analyzing data that support or refute the hypothesis. Different Types of Research Studies Tell Us Different Stories Establishing nutrition guidelines and understanding the role of nutrition in health involve constant experimentation. Depending upon how the research study is designed, we can gather information that tells us different stories. Epidemiological Studies Epidemiological studies are also referred to as observational studies. They involve assessing nutritional habits, disease trends, or other health phenomena of large populations and determining the factors that may influence these phenomena. However, these studies can only indicate relationships between factors, not specifically a cause-and-effect relationship. These results do not theory A scientific consensus, based on data drawn from repeated experiments, as to why a phenomenon occurs. Chapter 1 the Role of Nutrition in Our Health 25 indicate that regular physical activity reduces blood pressure or that inactivity causes high blood pressure. All these results can tell us is that there is a relationship between higher physical activity and lower blood pressure in older adults. Model Systems Humans are not very good experimental models because it is difficult to control for all of the variables that affect their lives. Humans also have long life spans, so it would take a long time to determine the effects of certain nutritional studies. In many cases, animal studies provide preliminary information that can assist us in designing and implementing human studies. For instance, it is possible to study nutritional deficiencies in animals by causing a deficiency and studying its adverse health effects over the life span of the animal; this type of experiment is not acceptable to perform with humans. Animals with relatively short reproduction times can be studied when researchers need to look at the effects of specific drugs or treatments over many generations.
Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias medications in mexico buy antivert with paypal, such as atrial flutter or fibrillation treatment trichomoniasis effective antivert 25 mg, may develop secondary to atrial dilation and require treatment medications with codeine buy genuine antivert line, as they often worsen the cardiac status treatment centers for depression buy antivert 25mg amex. Except for treatment of incessant tachyarrhythmias which cause cardiomyopathy, treatment of secondary arrhythmias is controversial. Aggressive drug therapy of secondary rhythm abnormalities may increase mortality, perhaps because of their proarrhythmic effect on the abnormal myocardium or by worsening of myocardial function, because most of these drugs are negative inotropes. Implantation of automatic defibrillators may slightly prolong survival in some patients but may not improve the quality of life. The overall prognosis of primary myocardial disease is unknown and variable, since a number of diseases cause this symptom complex. Without specific etiologic diagnosis, it is difficult to give a precise prognosis. Some conditions, such as idiopathic myocardial hypertrophy, progress and lead to death, whereas others, such as myocarditis, improve but may cause residual cardiac abnormalities. Cardiac transplantation (see Chapter 11) is reserved for patients who are severely ill and have a poor prognosis for recovery because of a deteriorating clinical course. Transplantation is often a difficult choice in a severely ill child near death but who (rarely) might recover good cardiac function without transplantation. Recipients must have suitable pulmonary vascular resistance determined by pretransplantation catheterization; otherwise, the right ventricle of the donor heart fails acutely, and the patient dies. Donor organs for children are scarce so many succumb to their disease before a suitable organ is available. Side effects of antirejection medication can be considerable and are a major factor in post-transplant mortality. Children who have been bedridden for months or years with severe cardiac failure often become asymptomatic and return to normal activity within days of successful cardiac transplantation. Because rejection cannot be controlled completely, surveillance for its effects, particularly myocardial dysfunction and a unique form of coronary artery occlusive disease, is necessary over the long term. This classification has limited use clinically because considerable overlap exists between acute and subacute types. Streptococcus viridans is the most common causative agent; Streptococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus occur less frequently. Fungal endocarditis occurs more commonly in immunocompromised patients and in those with an indwelling line or a prosthetic valve. Infective endocarditis usually occurs in cardiac conditions with a large pressure difference. A high-velocity jet results and creates an endocardial lesion susceptible to blood-borne bacteria. The cardiac malformations most often associated with endocarditis are ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus, aortic stenosis, and tetralogy of Fallot. It can involve the mitral or aortic valves in patients with rheumatic heart disease. The lesion of endocarditis is a vegetation consisting of fibrin, leukocytes, platelets, and bacteria. Many clinical manifestations are related to destructive aspects of the infection or to embolization of portions of the vegetation. Endocarditis, particularly from staphylococcus, may cause valvar damage, including perforation of aortic cusps or ruptured chordae tendinae of the mitral valve. Embolization may occur into either the pulmonary or the systemic circulations and cause infarction, abscess, or inflammation of various tissues. Emboli to the lungs, kidneys, spleen, or brain are reported most frequently because of their major clinical or laboratory findings. Efforts should be made to prevent the development of bacterial endocarditis in children with cardiac anomalies (see Chapter 12).
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