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By: I. Volkar, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

Vice Chair, Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University

These rates were similar to the shares of youth who reported only victimization experiences for each type of bullying (19 percent and 22 percent symptoms quadriceps tendonitis buy 25 mg meclizine visa, respectively medicine vile order 25mg meclizine mastercard, for physical and psychological bullying victimizations) and more than twice the shares who reported only perpetration (7 percent and 10 percent medications like tramadol generic meclizine 25 mg with amex, respectively treatment uterine fibroids purchase meclizine master card, for physical and psychological bullying perpetration). Using data in the table below, we also calculated what proportion of bullying victims also perpetration and what proportion of perpetrators were also victimized. For example, we divided the percentage who both were victimized and perpetrated by the total percentage of victims (which equals the sum of victim-bully overlap and only victimization percentages), to show the portion of victims who also perpetrated. Lastly, we turn to gender variation in overlapping reports of bullying victimization and perpetration, which were statistically significant for all types of bullying. As shown in table 34 and figure 7, for all forms of bullying, female youth were significantly more likely to report only 44 the survey was not designed to disentangle offensive from defensive acts of bullying, so the primary focus here is on the overlap in victimization and perpetration regardless of who the primary "bully" may have been. With regard to victim/perpetrator overlap in bullying, the most notable differences were that females were twice as likely as males to report overlap behavior with regard to cyber bullying (7 percent, compared to 3 percent for males), while males were twice as likely as females to report overlap behavior with regard to physical bullying (28 percent, compared to 15 percent for females). Bullying Victimization and Perpetration (%) Cyber bullying Only victimization Only perpetration Both victimization and perpetration Physical bullying Only victimization Only perpetration Both victimization and perpetration Psychological bullying Only victimization Only perpetration Both victimization and perpetration Total (N=5,647) 12. Overlap in Bullying Victimization and Perpetration Experiences How female youth (N=2,904) experience bullying: How male youth (N=2,705) experience bullying: 71 this document is a research report submitted to the U. Specifically, are there differences in bullying victimization and/or perpetration rates based on sexual orientation or middle school/high school status Variation in Bullying Experiences by Sexual Orientation Tables 35 and 36 show the prevalence of bullying victimization and perpetration for youth based on whether they identified as heterosexual/straight (94 percent, 5,218 youth) or as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (6 percent, 316 youth), with a chi-squared statistic documenting the level of significance across categories. Prevalence of Bullying Victimization by Sexual Orientation (%) Cyber bullying Physical bullying Psychological bullying Total (N=5,647) 17. Prevalence of Bullying Perpetration by Sexual Orientation (%) Cyber bullying Physical bullying Psychological bullying Total (N=5,647) 7. Across all categories of bullying, high school students reported significantly higher prevalence rates of bullying victimization and perpetration than did middle school students. Prevalence of Bullying Victimization by High School or Middle School Status (%) Cyber bullying Physical bullying Psychological bullying Total (N=5,647) 17. Prevalence of Bullying Perpetration by High School or Middle School Status (%) Cyber bullying Physical bullying Psychological bullying Total (N=5,647) 7. Surveyed youth were asked, in general, whether any of the bullying victimization experiences they reported had occurred on school grounds, how often they had occurred at school, and whether they had happened during the school day. Figure 8 shows the prevalence rates for each of these questions regarding bullying victimization at school. As shown, one out of four youth said they had experienced bullying on school grounds (25 percent) and nearly the same share said it had happened during the school day (23 percent). Further, fifteen percent of youth said they had experienced at least one type of bullying victimization (cyber, physical, and/or psychological) at school once a month or more during the prior year. With regard to victimization rates for all types of bullying, youth in 10th grade reported the highest rate, followed closely by those in 11th grade. With regard to perpetration rates for all types of bullying, youth in 11th grade reported the highest rate, followed closely by those in 10th grade. Youth in 9th grade reported rates in between those of 10th/11th graders (at the high end) and 7th/8th/12th graders (at the low end). Thus, we did not find support for the presence of higher levels of bullying experiences in transitional grade years. Prevalence of Bullying Victimization on School Grounds among Teens (%) (N=5,647) Note: Valid, nonmissing data on measures in this figure were present for 84 percent of respondents. Of the surveyed youth, 2,887 youth said they were victims of at least one type of bullying, including 1,297 male victims and 1,566 female victims. Overall, 17 percent of bullying victims sought help after being victimized, 10 percent sought help after one day or less, and 6 percent sought help after the first incident. For each measure of help-seeking behavior, females were about twice as likely as males to have sought help; all differences were statistically significant. Prevalence of Help-Seeking Behavior among Teens (%) Sought help Sought help within one day of incident Sought help after first incident 2 49.

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The purchaser perspective estimates the cost of covering a service or set of services for beneficiaries treatment trends cheap meclizine 25mg with visa, and the provider perspective seeks to estimate the cost of delivering the service medicine cabinet with lights order 25mg meclizine. The provider perspective gives a more complete picture of total costs symptoms lyme disease discount meclizine master card, and therefore is used most often in costing exercises that are intended to inform health financing policy decisions treatment mrsa buy meclizine 25 mg fast delivery. Health services costing also can be performed from a patient or societal perspective. A patient perspective is concerned with patient out-of-pocket spending on healthcare services. If it is a priority to expand coverage to reduce out-of-pocket spending, it may be useful to understand costs from the patient perspective. Assign a monetary value to the resources used by the provider, department/specialty, service, or patient (for instance, salary paid per month per full-time equivalent). The cost items refer to which types of costs will be included in the costing exercise. Cost items are typically divided into recurrent cost items and capital cost items (table 1). Most countries include both capital and recurrent costs in their costing exercises, even if the former are treated differently than the latter in health system budgets and purchasing arrangements. Categories of Cost Items Sample Categories of Cost Items Recurrent Costs Personnel Drugs/Medical Supplies Utilities Other Recurrent Costs Capital Costs Building Medical Equipment Nonmedical Equipment Total building depreciation costs. The cost of all drugs and medical consumables used in direct and ancillary (paraclinical) patient care. The cost of all other recurrent inputs that cannot be classified as personnel, drugs/medical supplies, or utility costs. Different methodological approaches may be appropriate for economic evaluation and/ or priority-setting, financial planning and resource requirements estimation, budgeting, and efficiency analyses. Economists, by contrast, view cost as the value to society of resources utilized to produce a healthcare good or service if they had been put to their next highestvalued use (opportunity costs or economic costs). Measuring the opportunity costs of all resources involved in producing health services is not a feasible exercise, and cost accounting is typically considered a reasonable alternative. Economic costing methods also often focus on statistical analysis of marginal costs to understand the change in cost as a result of a change in activity. Microcosting includes activity-based accounting of all inputs consumed for an output/service, whereas gross costing accounts for aggregate costs and divides the total by the volume of services/outputs. The second distinction in methods is between bottom-up and top-down approaches, which relate to how resources are allocated to the units being costed. The key difference is that the bottom-up approach relies on detailed measurement of input quantities at the service or patient level while the top-down approach relies on average costing. Bottom-up costing documents the specific resources used to deliver a narrowly defined service or to treat a type of patient. The top-down approach, by contrast, first documents total facility or program costs or expenditures; it then allocates the total down to departments and divides by the service/patient quantity to arrive at the unit cost (figure 1). The main advantages of the top-down costing approach are that it is more complete and it uses readily available data sources. Top-down costing is easier to implement and requires less time and fewer financial resources for data collection. Total costs are distributed among all health services in a facility, so any costing errors in one part of the facility will be counterbalanced by errors in other parts. The main disadvantage of the top-down approach is that the cost estimates may be viewed as less accurate because they are averages constructed from aggregate data. Whereas the criteria used to allocate total costs are based on resource use, the choice of allocation bases Top-Down vs. Total Clinical department costs are divided by department units of service to arrive at cost per discharge, bed-day, or outpatient visit. Further, to derive average costs, the quantity of resources used to provide services or treat patients within a department is assumed to be equal across all patients.

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The logistics in moving our entire briefing apparatus to New York City was extremely difficult symptoms pulmonary embolism meclizine 25mg amex, but overcome by the excellence demonstrated by our administrative services department led by Pam Dunston medicine 19th century discount 25mg meclizine with amex. Our capable research and writing staff treatment diabetes type 2 cheap 25mg meclizine otc, in particular Marik Xavier-Brier symptoms early pregnancy generic meclizine 25mg fast delivery, compiled the large amount of evidence on the topic to produce this first class report. They were not only cordial but 167 168 Police Use of Force leant a hand whenever necessary. They are an excellent example of an institution of higher education integrating with its community and the nation. I take a special moment here to give my everlasting thanks to Amy Royce for her exceptional work on this particular project and every other project in my office. She has spent hundreds of hours reviewing, editing, coordinating, organizing, and researching this project from the beginning. Just as each emergency differs from the next, so does the individual involved, especially in regards to people with autism. Police are trained to respond to a crisis situation with a certain protocol, but this protocol may not always be the best way to interact with people with autism. Because police are usually the first to respond to an emergency, it is critical that these officers have a working knowledge of autism, and the wide variety of behaviors people with autism can exhibit in emergency situations. Teaching first responders the signs of autism is an important first step toward preventing unfortunate situations. If a first responder is able to identify that a child or adult may have autism, he or she can then respond in a way that best supports the individual. Be alert to signs of increased frustration and try to eliminate the source if possible as behavior may escalate. General training guidelines*: Law enforcement agencies should proactively train their sworn workforce, especially trainers, patrol supervisors, and school resource officers, to recognize the behavioral symptoms and characteristics of a child or adult who has autism, and learn basic response techniques. A training program should be designed to allow officers to better protect and serve the public and make the best use of your valuable time, and avoid mistakes that can lead to lawsuits and negative media scrutiny, loss of confidence from the community, morale problems, and lifelong trauma for all involved. A good autism recognition and response workshop is designed to inform law enforcement professionals about the risks associated with autism, and offers suggestions and options about how to address those risks. I strongly support our findings and recommendations and seek to focus on two particular areas. One is the cultural shift that must be made within policing itself and the role that the Department of Justice can play in supporting that shift. The other is the shared interest that law enforcement and communities have in the need to address the mental health crisis we as a country have too long ignored. Many in communities of color have been victims of racial profiling and excessive uses of force, view police with resentment and distrust. Sadly, we have had too many recent incidents, like the mass shooting last October by the white gunman targeting outdoor concertgoers on the Las Vegas strip, or the 2016 ambush in Dallas of police officers where deadly force was clearly justified. There have also been incidents where there has been clear misconduct sometimes with consequences and sometimes not. And there are incidents where it is unclear and increasingly, because of the erosion of trust in police when misconduct has not been addressed, communities are less willing to give officers the benefit of the doubt. Lagria, and our summer law clerk Aime Joo from Harvard Law School for their work on this report and statement. Commission on Civil Rights, Police Use of Force: An Examination of Modern Policing Practices, 2018 [hereinafter Commission Report], Findings: Community Trust, Finding 6. There is a troubling and false narrative pushed by some conservatives that excessive policing and the resulting excessive use of force is somehow justified due to "black crime," "black-on-black crime," or black neighborhoods being inherently more violent than other neighborhoods. Most importantly, "the "black-on-black" crime narrative as an explanation for police excessive use of force disregards the structural and historical issues that formed these neighborhoods, as well as the social and economic factors that currently sustain them. Legitimacy is the extent to which the community believes that police actions are `appropriate, proper, and just. As a result, legitimacy is important not only for its own sake, but also because success in achieving key goals (such as reducing crime rates) can depend largely on whether the community supports the police. Restoring the legitimacy of police in the eyes of communities is also important to the ability of law enforcement to recruit the best and the brightest to join their ranks to serve their communities. As we found in our investigation, there is a growing consensus that modern police should not envision themselves as "warriors" who transiently insert themselves into neighborhoods to do what needs to be done "at all costs" then depart, but as "guardians" who stay and serve the people. It is crucial that police are not simply interceding to solve problems "for the community," but are working together "with the community" to reach collective goals.

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A separate staging system based on tumor weight (less than or greater than 200 g) has also been proposed medications like zovirax and valtrex trusted 25mg meclizine. Clinical examination and radiographic imaging are required to assess the size of the primary tumor and the extent of disease treatment 7th march bournemouth cheap meclizine 25mg on-line, both local and distant medicine rising appalachia lyrics order meclizine overnight delivery. Biochemical studies should be performed to evaluate the functional status of the tumor medications not covered by medicaid purchase meclizine mastercard. Resection of the primary tumor and examination for lymph node involvement and extent of disease (including vascular invasion) should be performed. Disease free and overall survival rates appear to correlate strongly with stage of adrenal cortical carcinoma. Clinicopathologic study of 30 cases with emphasis on epidemiologic and prognostic factors. Clincial and outcome characteristics of children with adrenocortical tumors: a report from the international pediatric adrenocortical tumor registry. Adrenal 517 In order to view this proof accurately, the Overprint Preview Option must be set to Always in Acrobat Professional or Adobe Reader. Primary carcinoma of the eyelid can be categorized into four staging groups: (1) localized eyelid disease, (2) resectable adjacent structure infiltration, (3) regional lymph node infiltration, enucleation, exenteration, or nonresectable tumor, and (4) metastatic spread. The staging system presented here is to be used for eyelid tumors of all histologic types. However, it was also decided to recommend collection of the prognostic and site specific factors recommended for all cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas by the nonmelanoma skin cancer task force (see Chap. The eyelid is composed of anterior and posterior lamellae, which divide along the mucocutaneous lid margin. From anterior to posterior, the eyelid is composed of skin, orbicularis muscle, tarsus and conjunctiva. There is a rich supply of sebaceous, eccrine, apocrine, Carcinoma of the Eyelid 523 In order to view this proof accurately, the Overprint Preview Option must be set to Always in Acrobat Professional or Adobe Reader. Job Name: - /381449t and neuroendocrine glandular elements diffused within the eyelid, caruncle and periorbital tissues. Sebaceous glands are concentrated in the tarsus, the eyelash margin, and within smaller pilo-sebaceous units that cover the eyelid and caruncle. Glandular elements and skin are the precursor cell-types for carcinoma of the eyelid. Staging of eyelid carcinoma begins with a comprehensive ophthalmic, orbital, and periorbital clinical examination. This approach includes a slit lamp or equivalent biomicroscopy evaluation, neuro-ophthalmic examination for evidence of perineural invasion, and regional assessment of the head and neck to include lymphatic drainage basins. The requirement for imaging modalities including computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasonography is highly dependent upon the histopathology type and clinical findings. The surgical nature of the histopathology specimen should be noted including incisional biopsy, excisional biopsy, wide local excision, radical excision including exenteration. Pathologic classification is based on the specific tumor type, its differentiation (grade), and the extent of removal. In excisional specimens, greatest tumor dimension and evaluation of the surgical specimen margins are mandatory. Carcinoma of the eyelid may extend directly into adjacent structures through mechanisms of direct infiltration, perineural or perivascular spread, and mucosal invasion. Sites of local invasion include orbital soft tissue and bone, the globe, face, nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, orbital apex, base of the skull, and the central nervous system. The eyelids and ocular adnexa are supplied with lymphatics that drain into the pre-auricular, parotid, and infra-auricular (cervical, submandibular, and supraclavicular lymph node basins). With exception of a rare infiltrative basal cell carcinoma, the remaining eyelid carcinomas have progressive capacity for lymph node metastasis. The risk benefit ratio for lymph node surgical evaluation is based upon tumor size, histopathologic type, and tumor grade. A clinically positive N1 lymph node should be biopsied for confirmation and patient care planning. However, complete lymph node dissection carries its own morbidity and surgical risk. The volume of radioactive isotope is reduced, to match the reduced thickness of the eyelid tissues.

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