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By: U. Hamil, MD

Associate Professor, University of Minnesota Medical School

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Understanding the role that inter-individual variability plays in regulating diversity in response to air pollutants will define novel biomarkers of air pollutant-induced oxidative stress and identify populations that are susceptible to the effects of air pollution. We hypothesized that different types of airborne particulate matter would induce similar patterns of alternative regulation in oxidative stress-responsive gene expression in different donors. Understanding the mechanisms responsible for inter-individual variability is critical for identifying susceptible populations and developing novel strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of air pollution on human health. We hypothesized that air pollutant exposure of human alveolar-like epithelial cells (H441) would induce oxidative stress in adjacent, but physically separated, human pulmonary vasculature cells leading to vascular damage. Ultimately, data derived from this model can be used to identify therapeutic targets, biomarkers of both susceptibility and exposure effects, and can encourage the continued development of similar biomimetic models resulting in a reduction of non-essential animal testing. One reason may be that traditional animal models are not ideal for predicting mechanisms of toxicity in humans. Similarly, mouse and human TrpV1 and TrpV3 responded similarly to prototypical soluble chemical agonists. The World Health Organization estimates that 8 million people die from air pollution every year. In addition to reducing the air pollution abundance and limiting the bad effects it is necessary to understand how inhaled chemicals affect tissues. Part of developing this understanding involves characterizing the relationship between air pollutants and their adverse effects, such as inflammation and oxidative stress, at the cellular level. While nearly every study to date has examined airway epithelial cells, the normal function of these cells is influenced by their interactions with other airway cell types in what is referred to as the "airway epithelial microenvironment". We have developed an in vitro coculture model that allows us to determine whether the presence of airway fibroblasts, a key cell type in the airway microenvironment, alters the way that epithelial cells respond to air pollution exposure. In general, our results suggest that fibroblasts decrease the inflammatory response and oxidative stress response of epithelial cells. This result provides new insight into the cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for exposure effects and may highlight new approaches to limit the impact of air pollution on human health. Our data thus provides evidence for an alternate inflammatory pathway upon exposure to airborne particulate matter in bronchial epithelial tissue. AhR was measured on live, anesthetized mice using the Flexivent animal physiology apparatus. Additionally, cell-cell interactions in the co-culture appear to have a protective effect compared to the microglial monoculture but not the endothelial monoculture. A strong seasonal pattern was observed in both oxidative potential as well as cytokine production outcomes, with the latter having a more pronounced pattern at both sampling locations that included summer peaks. Susceptible individuals working in or living near high density animal operations may be at risk for adverse health effects associated with inhalation exposure to the ambient pollutants associated with these airsheds. The ultra-fine fraction of particulate matter, particles of with a diameter of 100 nm or less, is particularly associated with dementia risk. However, this impairment does not appear to coincide with changes in amyloid pathology. By contrast, amphibian data are limited, and data relevant to reptiles are absent altogether. While none of the organosulfates altered cell viability, several were found to have biological activity that varied between hippocampal and cortical cultures. Risk assessment for potential endocrine disruption requires a landscape-based approach that allows investigations from river reach to continental scales. Although the various source waters had complex mixtures of chemicals, the measured and predicted environmental concentrations of select steroidal estrogens resulted in 17-estradiol equivalency quotients ranging from <0. A mobile inhalation lab (AirCare 1), located in close proximity to Claim 28, was used for mice exposures of different concentrations.

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Cadmium an environmental nephrotoxicant accumulates in the proximal tubule cells leading to overt renal damage diabetes symptoms reading buy 2mg repaglinide amex. Under cell culture conditions diabetes tipo 2 buy cheap repaglinide on line, these cells can be expanded and they retain their phenotype and their potential for self-renewal as well as the capacity to differentiate diabetes diet zone repaglinide 2mg visa. The goal of this study was to determine the response of this progenitor population to the environmental toxicant cadmium and determine their ability to regenerate and differentiate managing diabetes quote buy discount repaglinide 1 mg on line. Our system uses this link to model urothelial carcinoma due to heavy metal cadmium (Cd) exposure to examine potential biomarkers. Activation of oxidative stress mechanism is commonly associated with toxicity from environmental metals yet delineation of effects of low-dose metal exposures is complicated by positive and negative interactions with dietary factors, infection and other factors. These results demonstrate that Cd, Pb and Cd-Pb induces oxidative and metabolic disturbance which might lead to potential risk of cellular dysfunctions. A review article from Health Canada provided the basis for literature prior to 2010, and PubMed and Web of Science were utilized to search from 2010 to February, 2018. Review articles, occupational, inhalation, or dermal exposure, neurodevelopmental, in vivo animal, in vitro, in silico, or foreign language studies were excluded. Cadmium (Cd) is a high priority toxicant present in tobacco smoke, paint pigments, Cd-Ni batteries, and fertilizers. Upon exposure, the metal accumulates in multiple tissues including the liver, kidney, testes, and placenta where it induces cellular stress and interferes with hormone production and nutrient homeostasis. In the current study, we sought to assess the disposition and toxicity of Cd2+ following acute exposure. However, evidence of Cdinduced apoptosis was observed in the livers of Bcrp-null mice. At 24 hr, concentrations of Cd were highest in the liver and lowest in the testes with liver and kidney concentrations similar between male and female mice. Soil and dust are the predominant sources of Pb exposure for children in the United States. Although quantitation of the intake of Pb from soil and dust ingestion is problematic, the importance of these sources is emphasized by studies that show that reducing levels of Pb in soil and dust lowers blood Pb levels in children. For blood, the rank order of slopes of regression lines from highest to lowest was 2584 > PbAc > 2587=2710a. For skeleton, the rank order of slopes of regression lines from highest to lowest was PbAc > 2584 > 2587 > 2710a. Continuing studies of matched soil and dust samples collected from individual homes will provide new insights into the relation between sample composition, Pb speciation, and bioavailability. Heavy metals are dangerous environmental bio-accumulative pollutants that affect many organs in human and animals leading to a broad range of physiological, biochemical, and neurological dysfunctions. Chronic long-term, low-dose environmental exposure to lead (Pb) has been extensively studied in large cohorts throughout the world. Clinical cases of occupational Pb exposure have also been reported among miners, smelters and battery workers. Here we report one clinical case administered to the emergency room in Beijing Chaoyang Hospital with life-threatening Pb intoxication. A 27-year-old woman initially complained menstrual pain and was prescribed a powderous Chinese medicine. Two hours after taking 12 grams Pb powder, she suffered from abdominal ache/colic, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and into coma. Clinical presentations included icterus evidently in sclera and skin, weak extremities. In another case, a 42-year-old man worked in a lead and manganese (Mn) smelting factory for 5 years. He was brought to the emergency room with severe nausea, vomiting, colic, and irritability. He presented chronic encephalopathy, anemia look and accompanied with the right shoulder pain. Moreover, co-exposure to Pb and Mn does not seem to alter Mn levels in blood; yet the interactive toxicity between the two metals with regards to clinical manifestations cannot be excluded. The kinetic data fitted better to pseudo second order, and the accuracy was tested by three statistical tools: sum of square error, Chi-square and normalized standard deviation. The results highlight the potential capacity of corncob in the effective removal of lead ions from aqueous solution. This includes industrial sectors and perhaps more impactfully, lead contamination in residential areas which includes schools.

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Means of control Prevent seed production either by hand-pulling or by close cutting while in bloom blood sugar journals discount 2mg repaglinide with visa. Like the White Goosefoot diabetes insipidus urinary incontinence order 1mg repaglinide visa, this plant has accompanied the settler to every part of the world diabetes insipidus uk buy 0.5 mg repaglinide free shipping. Stem eight to twenty inches high diabetes vegetables cheap repaglinide on line, rather stout,- grooved, succulent, with numerous spreading branches, the lowermost often prostrate on the ground, glaucous, often mealy. Leaves oblong to lance-shaped, wavytoothed or partly pinnatifid, the lower ones obtuse at apex and tapering to a slender petiole, the upper ones acute, often entire, sessile or nearly so, pale green above and white-mealy beneath. Flowers in small axillary clusters, usually not so long as the leaves, crowded on. Seed dark brown, flattened, sharp-edged, the utricle having its summit not completely cov- European ered by the Means of calyx. Range: Quebec to tbe Northwest Territory and British Columbia, southward to Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Kansas, Utah, and New Mexico. Habitat: Open woods and thickets, farmyards, roadsides, waste places a frequent tenant of city vacant lots. Leaves smooth, thin, deep green, not mealy, the lower ones sometimes four inches long, ovate, long-pointed, with one to four large, pointed teeth on each side, the base truncate or rounded, petioles rather long and slender; the upper leaves lance-shaped, usually entire. Flowers in large, loosely spreading, terminal and axillary panicles calyx green, its five lobes keeled, rather obtuse, not wholly covering the seed, which is sharp-edged. A succulent, swift-growing weed, which rapidly absorbs the food and moisture needed by the crops among which it intrudes. The stem sometimes attains to six feet, but is usually two to four feet tall, stout, erect, ridged and grooved, much branched, often striped with pink or purple, growing from a short, stout main root with many branching rootlets. Leaves rhombicovate or goosefoot-shaped near the base, but become more narrow and lanceshaped as they ascend the stem until those near the top are often nearly linear; smooth and green above but often covered on the under side with a when young, ones irregularly cut and toothed, with petioles often as long as the blades. Flowers small, green, crowded on spiked panicles in the axils and at the summit of stem and branches calyx secretion, especially mealy the lower; and enfolding the seed, which is lens-shaped, small and black; these seeds have very long vitality, lying dormant in the soil for years and germinating when brought near the surface by cultivation. In gardens and other small areas, it should be hoe-cut or hand-pulled while young. Stem ten to twenty inches high, leafy to the top, slender, often decumbent, sometimes erect, usually loosely branched. Leaves rhombic-ovate, thin, green on both sides, with large, coarse, wavy but sharply pointed teeth, bases broadly wedge-shaped, truncate, or slightly rounded, with petioles shorter than the blades. Panicles in small, branching, divergent, somewhat corymbose clusters, axillary, and shorter than the leaves calyx-lobes not wholly enclosing the seed, which is sharp-edged and very flat. Range: Nova Scotia and Ontario to New Jersey and Ohio also in northwestern United States and British Columbia, where it is; probably native. Smooth Pigweed and ranking with it in weedy Stem one to three feet in length, prostrate or ascending five inches in length, long- or sometimes erect, diffusely branching, grooved, often with reddish stripes. It is stouter, more erect, the leaves broadly halberd-shaped and often coarsely and irregularly toothed, particularly the lower ones, the petioles often as long as the blades. Means of control is; causes the stems to stool freely, and the the best remedy cutting new growth hastens to mature fruit, requiring attention a second time; so that prompt uprooting saves trouble in the end. In cultivated crops these plants give little trouble, for there they are usually destroyed as seedlings. Range: Shores of the Great Lakes to the Time British Columbia, southward to Missouri, Texas, Habitat: Dry, sandy soil; grain fields, hoed crops, Northwest Territory and and Arizona. This is another of the plants that often become tumbleweeds when mature, which explains why its range extends from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic Circle. Lower leaves alternate, narrowly linear but rather thick, with the base somewhat dilated, one-nerved, sessile, spreading, a half-inch to two inches long, tipped with a hard, rigid point (cuspidate); the upper, floral leaves, or bracts, are very more than a quarterinch long, with dry, scarious margins. In the axils of these reduced leaves are the solitary flowers, hardly an eighth of an inch long the calyx consists of one delicate sepal, rarely a second one stadifferent, being thinner, ovate, pointed, little; mens one Seed oval, somewhat flattened, with a winged margin, the two persistent styles extended like antennae, completing its likeness to a small bug. Burn over infested ground where plants have matured, in order to destroy seeds on the surface. Seed-time: Earliest flowers mature as early as September, later ones clinging to the plant until nearly springtime. Range: Ontario and Manitoba to Idaho; nearly throughout the in Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado locally Mississippi Valley;; in Eastern States. A most pernicious weed, which was brought to this country in impure flax seed from Russia not many years ago, but its range is already large and is steadily increasing.

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