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Thomas Jefferson and George Washington owned slaves; Albert Einstein and Mohandas Gandhi were imperfect husbands and fathers. Some of the habits of our age will doubtless be considered barbaric by later generations -perhaps for insisting that small children and even infants sleep alone instead of with their parents; or exciting nationalist passions as a means of gaining popular approval and achieving high political office; or allowing bribery and corruption as a way of life; or keeping pets; or eating animals and jailing chimpanzees; or criminalizing the use of euphoriants by adults; or allowing our children to grow up ignorant. He courageously opposed monarchy, aristocracy, racism, slavery, superstition and sexism when all of these constituted the conventional wisdom. He wrote in the Age of Reason: "Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon than the word of God. But condemning much of the Bible while embracing God seemed an impossible position to most of his contemporaries. The Jewish scholar David Levi forbade his co-religionists from even touching, much less reading, the book. Paine was made to suffer so much for his views (including being thrown into prison after the French Revolution for being too consistent in his opposition to tyranny), that he became an embittered old man. Greed, the Industrial Revolution, the free enterprise system, and corruption of government by the monied are adequate to explain nineteenthcentury capitalism. And modern Darwinism makes it abundantly clear that many less ruthless traits, some not always admired by robber barons and Fuhrers - altruism, general intelligence, compassion -may be the key to survival. Who among us is wise enough to know which information and insights we can safely dispense with, and which will be necessary ten or a hundred or a thou* Paine was the author of the revolutionary pamphlet Common Sense. Published on January 10, 1776, it sold over half a million copies in the next few months and stirred many Americans to the cause of independence. Theodore Roosevelt called him a "filthy little atheist"-despite his profound belief in God. He is probably the most illustrious American revolutionary uncommemorated by a monument in Washington, D. Surely we can exert some discretion on which kinds of machines and products it is safe to develop. We must in any case make such decisions, because we do not have the resources to pursue all possible technologies. But censoring knowledge, telling people what they must think, is the aperture to thought police, foolish and incompetent decision-making, and long-term decline. Fervid ideologues and authoritarian regimes find it easy and natural to impose their views and suppress the alternatives. Nazi scientists, such as the Nobel laureate physicist Johannes Stark, distinguished fanciful, imaginary "Jewish science," including relativity and quantum mechanics, from realistic, practical "Aryan science. Muller flew from Berlin to Moscow in a light plane to witness the new Soviet society firsthand. He must have liked what he saw, because-after his discovery that radiation makes mutations (a discovery that would later win him a Nobel Prize) - he moved to Moscow to help establish modern genetics in the Soviet Union. But by the middle 1930s a charlatan named Trofim Lysenko had caught the notice and then the enthusiastic support of Stalin. Lysenko argued that genetics -which he called "Mendelism-WeissmanismMorganism," after some of the founders of the field -had an unacceptable philosophical base, and that philosophically "correct" genetics, genetics that paid proper obeisance to communist dialectical materialism, would yield very different results. In a 1936 address to the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, now presided over by Lysenko, Muller gave a stirring address that included these words: If the outstanding practitioners are going to support theories and opinions that are obviously absurd to everyone who knows even a little about genetics-such views as those recently put forward by President Lysenko and those who think as he does-then the choice before us will resemble the choice between witchcraft and medicine, between astrology and astronomy, between alchemy and chemistry. In a country of arbitrary arrests and police terror, this speech displayed exemplary-many thought foolhardy-integrity and courage.

See Appendix F for suggestions for using pictures to generate conversational skills breast cancer ornaments purchase female viagra 50mg amex. Our students will learn listening comprehension skills through teacher modeling womens health institute discount female viagra online, classroom activities women's health clinic flowood ms generic female viagra 100 mg overnight delivery, and application of what is already "learned women's health clinic orangeville safe female viagra 50 mg. Using commands which require a physical response, rather than an oral response, is a very good way to introduce new sentence structures and vocabulary to the beginning student. This method is an excellent ice-breaker for lower level students who can speak no English at all. They are learning more than listening comprehension skills ­ they are learning speaking skills without speaking. Confidence can be built up quickly because of active response rather than passive listening. From the very first lesson students will hear complete English sentences and can react to them in such a way as to demonstrate an understanding of what is heard. Teachers will be introducing simple sentences and adding new vocabulary as quickly or as slowly as is necessary for students. A comfortably long receptive period is needed to obtain one-hundred per cent successful response. This is such a strong strategy for learning that for a long-term program with many hours available for instruction, for example an entire year, listening comprehension would be all that students would do for at least half the year. They do not have to worry about pronouncing the words correctly or using the correct grammatical pattern. This approach to language teaching will give students the confidence they need to open their ears and try to understand what they are hearing. If students can understand even a portion of what is being said to them and around them, every experience can become a language-learning opportunity. Students make primarily correct responses; this in itself builds and reinforces confidence. For example, a lesson might be designed to help students use the post office (or supermarket, etc. Present about three new words at a time modeling the action or manipulating the objects until the students begin to comprehend. First, the teacher puts a stamp, postcard, and letter on the table and demonstrates the action words pick up, give to , put, and the nouns stamp, postcard, letter; she then requests the following action from students. The teacher continues until responses are easily and quickly completed by most students. Then she places on the table an envelope and a box ­ in addition to the stamp, postcard, and letter already on the table - and demonstrates the action words open, stand up, walk, the prepositional phrases in back of, in front of, and the nouns envelope, box, door, line. The teacher begins by identifying and modeling vocabulary items (using objects or pictures) and demonstrating two or three action words with the vocabulary, stating the command, and modeling the response while students listen and observe ­ for example pencil, door, pick up, stand up, close: I pick up the pencil. The teacher now incorporates students into the process by asking them to do something based on what they have heard. Usually at least one student will understand the command after seeing it modeled once or twice. If a command is not understood, model it again or ask a stronger student who seems to understand. If a student does not understand, model the action or direct the command to another student. After the initial lesson, all successive lessons begin and end with a rapid-paced review of all previously learned material and incorporating it into the new. The teacher has taught (in step 1 above) the words everyone, point to , window, door, teacher. By the end of several sessions later, and before introducing and modeling other vocabulary, the commands will sound something like this (the teacher has taught the action words stand up/sit down, walk to , touch, the vocabulary ceiling, numbers, table, chair, chalkboard, the, 52 preposition to , and the conjunction and): Maria, stand up and walk to the window. Vocabulary is not being assigned to be studied and memorized ­ the teacher is helping students enter new words into an English language program they are constructing in their minds.

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These students represent a wide range of ages menstrual vomiting remedy cheap female viagra master card, attitudes breast cancer awareness socks discount female viagra american express, and interests and no longer conform menstruation migraine headaches 50mg female viagra overnight delivery, if they ever did breast cancer organization purchase genuine female viagra line, to the stereotype of the reentry student -a white, middle-class, middle-aged woman. Bean and Metzner (1985) and Bishop-Clark and Lynch (1992) report several key differences between reentry students and younger students. Although there are wide variations, in general, reentry students tend to be less involved in the social and extracurricular life of the campus, are more likely to treat their professors as peers, are more intrinsically motivated to learn, bring a more practical, problem-solving orientation to learning, and are clearer about their educational goals. Faculty have reported that reentry students often provide some of their most satisfying teaching experiences: these students arc motivated, interested, and excited about learning (Giczkowski, 1992). The suggestions below are designed to help you meet the challenges and opportunities of working with reentry students. General Strategies Help reentry students develop a sense of belonging to the campus. All students thrive when they feel comfortable and connected to the intellectual life of the campus. See "Academic Advising and Mentoring Undergraduates" for advice on how to introduce students to the campus and make them feel a part of campus life. Recognize that some reentry students may feel inadequately prepared for college work. Those reentry students who have never attended college or who did poorly in college the first time around may lack self-confidence or feel nervous about their ability to perform in the classroom. Help these 52 Reentry Students Students feel comfortable in your classroom by offering reassurance and expressing confidence in their abilities, as you would for all your other students. See "Diversity and Complexity in the Classroom" for guidance on avoiding bias and unfairness. If your campus has a program for reentry students, seek advice and assistance from the staff. Helping your students become acquainted will decrease any barriers among the age-groups and increase the chances that students can learn from one another. More so than younger students, reentry students may have competing and multiple demands on their time: family responsibilities, job commitments, social and community obligations, and commuting. Keep in mind that field trips and weekend or evening activities may be especially problematic for these students. Younger students may resent older students, perceiving them to be more motivated, knowledgeable, and collegial with the professor. Older students may unwittingly distance themselves from younger students by acting like a parent or authority figure. Watch for such tendencies and do your best to minimize the opportunities for tensions to surface. All students benefit from active learning strategies where they can learn by discussing, writing, or doing, but reentry students, in particular, are less likely to tolerate passive lecturing. Older students can often provide real-life examples that illustrate theories and general principles students are reading about. Capitalize on the resources of experience within your class by assigning collaborative learning activities that permit students to work together in small groups. See "Encouraging Student Participation in Discussion" and "Collaborative Learning" for ideas on group work. Reentry students are used to functioning autonomously as independent, self-directed adults. One business professor explains that with traditional-age students he introduces a new concept or idea by first discussing the theory and then presenting some applications. With older students, in contrast, he begins with the applications and then moves to the theory. The crucial question for instructors is how best to promote learning in a class of academically diverse students. Very bright students may become bored if they fail to find your class intellectually challenging. General Strategies Determine entry-level knowledge required for students to succeed in your course. Make those expectations explicit in your course description and syllabus, and underscore them during the lirst class meeting.

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This is why the body handles them carefully menstruation in islam cheap female viagra 50 mg amex, and why nutrition-wise cooks do breast cancer radiation buy 100mg female viagra overnight delivery, too women's health center tampa florida purchase female viagra 100mg line. The strategies of cooking vegetables at moderate temperatures for short times and using small amounts of water help to preserve the vitamins women's health uterus problems purchase female viagra with a visa. The Minerals In the body, some minerals are put together in orderly arrays in such structures as bones and teeth. Minerals are also found in the fluids of the body, which influences fluid properties. Others are being studied to determine whether they play significant roles in the human body. Still other minerals are environmental contaminants that displace the nutrient minerals from their workplaces in the body, disrupting body functions. Because minerals are inorganic, they are indestructible and need not be handled with the special care that vitamins require. They can also be lost during food-refining processes or during cooking when they leach into water that is discarded. Some minerals are essential nutrients required in small amounts by the body for health. The water-soluble vitamins are the subject of Chapter 10 and the fat-soluble vitamins, of Chapter 11. The major minerals are calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, and sulfate. The trace minerals are iron, iodine, zinc, chromium, selenium, fluoride, molybdenum, copper, and manganese. It participates in many metabolic reactions and supplies the medium for transporting vital materials to cells and carrying waste products away from them. Without exaggeration, nutrients provide the physical and metabolic basis for nearly all that we are and all that we do. The next section introduces the science of nutrition with emphasis on the research methods scientists have used in uncovering the wonders of nutrition. Its foundation depends on several other sciences, including biology, biochemistry, and physiology. And it is currently entering a tremendous growth spurt as scientists apply knowledge gained from sequencing the human genome. The integration of nutrition, genomics, and molecular biology has opened a whole new world of study called nutritional genomics-the science of how nutrients affect the activities of genes and how genes affect the interactions between diet and disease. A personal account of an experience or event is an anecdote and is not accepted as reliable scientific information. Conducting Research Consumers may depend on personal experience or reports from friends to gather information on nutrition, but researchers use the scientific method to guide their work (see Figure 1-3 on p. Some examples of various types of research designs are presented in Figure 1-4 (p. In attempting to discover whether a nutrient relieves symptoms or cures a disease, researchers deliberately manipulate one variable (for example, the amount of vitamin C in the diet) and measure any observed changes (perhaps the number of colds). Controls In studies examining the effectiveness of vitamin C, researchers typically divide the subjects into two groups. One group (the experimental group) receives a vitamin C supplement, and the other (the control group) does not. Researchers observe both groups to determine whether one group has fewer or shorter colds than the other. The following discussion describes some of the pitfalls inherent in an experiment of this kind and ways to avoid them. In sorting subjects into two groups, researchers must ensure that each person has an equal chance of being assigned to either the experimental group or the control group. This is accomplished by randomization; that is, the subjects are chosen randomly from the same population by flipping a coin or some other method involving chance.

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