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The site and the editions contained in it will be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license that will enable the digitized documents and editions to be accessed and used freely blood pressure 200 100 aldactone 25mg with visa. Making digital editions usable hypertension workup buy 100mg aldactone free shipping, accessible blood pressure chart for 35 year old man purchase aldactone 100mg visa, readily annotated blood pressure test order aldactone visa, and free of restrictions will help to ensure sustainability for non-commercialized projects. When scholarship is owned by commercial interests, we risk losing our ability to participate in our own discourses. However, everything changes when digital technologies render all communications as copies. As an example, consider the legal notice for the yih ynline, which reads as follows: you my not. Aside from the obvious vagaries of terms such as systematic or multiple, readers and writers are apparently forbidden to use ny portion in an online work, in a commercial work, or in the case of Merriam-Webster, in any work whatsoever. An added irony is that a signicant proportion of these dictionaries has been compiled from a long and protable tradition of stealing, pilfering, and fair use. If one compares, for example, the denitions Available for free at Connexions <cnx. See Clearly, the copyrighted denitions that we may not freely use (if we were to obey the legal license in its strictest sense) have been appropriated from the public domain and potentially from fair use or fair the issue here is not whether these publishers will allow or ignore quotations of excerpts (there is every reason to assume one could quote from the dictionaries in an online publication without fearing repercussions): rather, any author or editor of digital texts who needs to publish words from texts should be concerned that these licenses appear at all, claiming ownership of words that should be in the public domain, however insignicant a threat to scholarship they might seem in practice. At the least we might be concerned about workow, having to make a special request for each derivative work. And while it is highly unlikely that Gale would deny any scholar the right to create a derivative work based on these resources, clearly the ease of copying and publishing online has resulted in more restrictive user agreements than books ever inspired. The agreements for accessing commercial databases engender a certain caution about actually using the large volumes of material that are available by subscription. Databases represent important and powerful sources of volumes of information, and in terms of literary studies, enable for the rst time the possibility for many researchers of conducting what Franco Moretti has termed distant reading of literary texts. For example, I have been told by a librarian at my institution that printing or downloading a nonsubstantial portion of a database (an article, a chapter, a results list) is permissible, but if repeated over time with the purpose of duplicating and archiving a substantial part you are probably morally infringing. The vendor assumes that researchers acting in a normal scholarly way in relation to e-resources will not infringe. For example, harvesting or using robots or spiders to download/copy would denitely not be normal research, and that in any case As a researcher you are not inconvenienced since the database is available online. These restrictions create an imperative for digital scholars to build new databases of early modern materials with an open access license. Does public access to the texts actually mean that users could download the set of 25,000 texts in its entirety Public access is one thing, but full access might well be limited by page views, expiring sessions, and export limitations to a certain number of records, pages, 15 or documents at a time, as various online resources have shown. However, the Canadian Copyright Act [C-42] does not refer to systematic downloading or to database rights, and though the library cautions that every user is responsible to be aware of copyright, there is no information available about how much downloading is considered systematic, and which International Copyright law forbids it. The above is not meant to be a criticism of our librarians: they are protecting the interests of their patrons, and rightly so (though perhaps, due to pressure from vendor agreements, leaning more to limiting 12 But this analysis is 12 Franco Moretti, Conjectures on World Literature, New Left Review 1 (JanuaryFebruary 2000). It is also important to recognize a potential impediment to conducting digital research and publication on individual projects, specically, that user licenses have shifted expectations and rights that we have come to expect as readers and writers. Knopf has noted, regarding so-called use rights, sf s uy ookD s need neither further permission nor further pyment to red itD or to quote or opy short or insustntil exerpts from itD for ny resonD or even longer portionsD if suh opying mounts to fir delingF s n resell my opy of the ookD lend itD rent itD put it on reserve in the lirryD opy hunks of it for interlirry lonD ndD generlly get my money9s worth from it nd shre it with others without further worryF sf my lw (rm uys opyD everyone n shre itF ine the time of qutenergD this is how the world hs gotten smrterF xowD if someone puts tht ook into eletroni formtD ll of sudden everyone gets exited nd worried nd wnts to rete new rights nd limit old usesF. While many important projects already mentioned have begun this process, there is still much for literary scholars to do, especially in terms of re-imagining what an edition is or ought to do in a digital environment. A scholarly edition need no longer be imagined as a single text; it might be something closer to an archive or a system of archives. Assuming that the texts truly are released into the public domain, a potentially useful source for page images is Google Books; however, while out-of-copyright books are available to freely search, link to , or download, the image quality is low and editorial/curatorial selection and bibliographical data have not been priorities: there are no lters, for example, that limit search results to items catalogued in the Available for free at Connexions <cnx. Furthering the general uglication of e-books, subsequent use or distribution requires that the Google watermark remain on every page. The tremendous good that is the result of Google Books for early modern works is that it has released these images of public domain texts for the public to freely use. The Google Books project, like the work of Wikimedia in asserting public domain rights, will benet all scholars and 20 readers, insofar as their unrestricted availability on the Internet establishes a precedent for public access. However, as Robert Darnton has argued, we are facing with Google Books a fundamental change in the 21 digital world by consolidating power in the hands of one company. One key to sustainability for non-commercialized digital projects might have to be a willingness by textual scholars (including those who do not consider themselves digital humanists) to negotiate the rights to study and analyze, to quote from, and to re-distribute digital documentswhether as faithful replications of works now out of copyright or as quotations from recent digital texts, recordings and movies.

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