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By: G. Roland, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.
Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine
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The treatment for carbon monoxide poisoning is very rapid inhalation of fresh air together with carbon dioxide if this can be provided. Also called cardiac muscle cardiac neurosis cardiac notch cardiac orifice cardiac output cardiac pacemaker cardiac patient cardiac reflex cardiac surgery cardiac tamponade cardiomyopathy cardiotoxic cardiomyopathy / k dimaI pi/ noun a disease of the heart muscle cardiomyoplasty / k di maI pl sti/ noun an operation to improve the functioning of the heart, by using the latissimus dorsi as a stimulant cardiomyotomy / k dimaI tmi/ noun an operation to treat cardiac achalasia by splitting the ring of muscles where the oesophagus joins the stomach. It involves clearing the airways and then alternately pressing on the chest and breathing into the mouth. Also called floccitacarpal bones carpal tunnel release carpal tunnel syndrome carphology fore vowels) carpal / k pl/ adjective referring to the carpal tion the bottom of a boat. Also called xanthaemia carotene / k rti n/ noun an orange or red pigment in carrots, egg yolk and some oils, which is converted by the liver into vitamin A carotid /k rtId/, carotid artery /k rtId tri/ noun either of the two large arteries in the neck which supply blood to the head cariogenic carminative carneous mole carotenaemia carotene carotid carpi / k pi/ plural of carpus carpo- /k p/ prefix referring to the wrist carpometacarpal joint / k pmet k pl d Int/ noun one of the joints between the carpals and metacarpals. The ca- bacteria of a disease in his or her body and who can transmit the disease to others without showing any signs of being infected with it Ten per cent of the population are believed to be unwitting carriers of the bacteria. Ordinary catgut will dissolve in five to ten days; hardened catgut takes up to three or four weeks. A catheter introduced through the femoral vein is placed across the aortic valve and into the left ventricle. It is made up of a jelly-like substance (cytoplasm) which surrounds a nucleus and contains many other small structures which are different according to the type of cell. Cells reproduce by division (mitosis) and their process of feeding and removing waste products is metabolism. Symbol c centigrade / sentI reId/ noun same as Celcensus center -centesis centicentigrade sius cell which surrounds the nucleus and from which the axon and dendrites begin cell division / sel dI vI n/ noun the way in which a cell reproduces itself. Symbol cl centimetre / sentImi t/, centimeter noun a unit of measurement of length equal to one hundredth of a metre. Symbol cm central / sentrl/ adjective referring to the centre central canal / sentrl k n l/ noun a thin tube in the centre of the spinal cord containing cerebrospinal fluid central line / sentrl laIn/ noun a catheter inserted through the neck, used to monitor central venous pressure in conditions such as shock where fluid balance is severely upset central nervous system / sentrl n vs sIstm/ noun the brain and spinal cord which link together all the nerves central sulcus / sentrl s lks/ noun one of the grooves which divide a cerebral hemisphere into lobes central temperature / sentrl temprIt/ noun the temperature of the brain, thorax and abdomen, which is constant central vein / sentrl veIn/ noun a vein in the liver central venous pressure / sentrl vi ns pre/ noun blood pressure in the right atrium of the heart, which can be measured by means of a catheter centre / sent/ noun 1. The cerebellum is the part of the brain where voluntary movements are coordinated and is associated with the sense of balance. Also called brain haemcerebral haemorrhage cervical plexus blocking of or bleeding from a blood vessel in the brain resulting in temporary or permanent paralysis or death. Also called stroke cerebrovascular disease / serbr v skjl dI zi z/ noun a disease of the blood vessels in the brain cerebrum /s ri brm/ noun the largest part of the brain, formed of two sections, the cerebral hemispheres, which run along the length of the head. Also called telencephalon certificate /s tIfIkt/ noun an official paper which states something certify / s tIfaI/ verb to make an official statement in writing about something He was certified dead on arrival at hospital. Also called earwax ceruminous gland /s ru mIns l nd/ noun a gland which secretes earwax. Also called cercervical cervical canal vicouterine canal cerebrospinal fluid / serbrspaInl flu Id/ noun fluid which surrounds the brain and the spinal cord. Its function is to cushion the brain and spinal cord and it is continually formed and absorbed to maintain the correct pressure. Children are mainly affected and if untreated the disease can cause fatal heart block in early adult life.
The risk that consanguineous parents will produce a child with a severe or lethal abnormality is 6% for first-cousin marriages and 1% for second-cousin marriages cholesterol medication effects on liver order genuine atorlip-5 line. Expanded carrier screening panels are available containing several hundred mutations that may be useful for consanguinseous couples before conception cholesterol medication lovastatin buy atorlip-5 with amex. A chromosome translocation is a transfer of chromosomal material between two (or more) nonhomologous chromosomes total cholesterol hdl ratio diabetes order cheap atorlip-5 on-line. A Robertsonian translocation represents a special variety of chromosome translocation in which the long arms of two acrocentric chromosomes (13 cholesterol levels glucose purchase atorlip-5 overnight delivery, 14, 15, 21, or 22) fuse at their centromeres. The short arms are usually lost, but this does not produce an abnormality because the genetic material on the short arms of acrocentric chromosomes occurs in multiple copies throughout the genome. A phenotypically normal person with a Robertsonian translocation has only 45 chromosomes inasmuch as the long arms of two acrocentric chromosomes are fused into one. Uniparental disomy is an inheritance pattern in which a child receives two identical chromosomes from one parent and none from the other. The most likely explanation is an abnormality in meiosis whereby one gamete receives an extra copy of a homologous chromosome owing to an error in separation. This gamete with two copies from one parent then unites with the gamete of the other parent. If the second gamete contains that particular chromosome, a trisomic zygote results. During embryonic development this trisomy may be lost, resulting in a normal karyotype. The symbol in front indicates the change: t stands for reciprocal translocation, del for deletion, dup for duplication, and inv for inversion. In this case a genetic male with a normal number of chromosomes has a reciprocal translocation between the short arm of chromosome 4 at band 21 and the long arm of chromosome 8 at band 22. Monozygotic twins can be monochorionic monoamniotic, monochorionic diamniotic, or dichorionic diamniotic. Of the four most common types of sex chromosomal abnormalities, which is identifiable at birth Only infants with Turner syndrome have physical features easily identifiable at birth. Describe the similarities and differences between Turner syndrome and Noonan syndrome. When the lymphocytes of an affected male are grown in a folate-deficient medium and the chromosomes examined, a substantial number of X chromosomes demonstrate a break near the distal end of the long arm. However, in carriers the sequence expands to between 50 and 200 times (called a premutation), and in fully affected persons it expands to between 200 and 600 copies. The repeat expansion is most sensitively and accurately determined by Southern blot analysis. Male as well as female subjects can be affected, although it is an X-linked disorder. What are some potential manifestations in women who are carriers of the Fragile X premutation When initially diagnosing a neonate with aniridia, it may not be obvious at birth whether this will be isolated or syndromic, and genetic testing for these two disorders is useful to determine the prognosis and the potential for associated problems. What types of congenital heart disease are classically associated with DiGeorge syndrome Conotruncal defects such as tetralogy of Fallot, interrupted aortic arch, truncus arteriosus, and ventricular septal defects are associated with DiGeorge syndrome. Cleft lip, cleft palate, hypothyroidism, hypocalcemia owing to hypoparathyroidism, immunodeficiency with thymus hypoplasia and altered T cell function, failure to thrive, and developmental delay are also associated with DiGeorge syndrome. Fragile X syndrome, myotonic dystrophy, Huntington disease, spinocerebellar ataxia, and spinal bulbar muscular atrophy (Kennedy disease). If you suspect a baby has congenital myotonic dystrophy, which parent would you examine for symptoms, and what would you look for
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In the eye the pus should be wiped away before the conjunctiva scrapings are obtained low carb cholesterol lowering foods 5 mg atorlip-5 with visa. Nondisseminated gonococcal neonatal infections such as ophthalmia neonatorum should be treated with ceftriaxone cholesterol medications and alzheimer's discount 5mg atorlip-5 overnight delivery, at a dose of 25 to 50 mg/kg administered intravenously or intramuscularly given once cholesterol levels mmol/l discount 5 mg atorlip-5 fast delivery, not to exceed 125 mg cholesterol values normal discount atorlip-5. Infants with chlamydial conjunctivitis are treated with oral erythromycin (50 mg/kg/day divided into four equal doses) for 14 days. Because the efficacy of erythromycin is only 80%, a second course may be required, and follow-up of infants is recommended. Limited data suggest that azithromycin at an oral dose of 20 mg/kg given once a day for 3 days may be effective. Herpes conjunctivitis is rare and is almost always accompanied by other systemic manifestations of neonatal herpes. The treatment for neonatal herpes conjunctivitis is parenteral acyclovir plus topical therapy with 1% trifluridine solution, 0. The visual loss associated with trachoma is caused by irreversible corneal damage resulting from chronic folliculitis owing to repeated chronic infections. Because of their immature immune systems, newborns lack the requisite lymphoid tissue in their conjunctiva to mount such an inflammatory response. Even older children do not develop folliculitis until the infection has been present for at least 1 to 2 months; newborn conjunctivitis caused by C. Does the use of antibiotic eye prophylaxis at birth decrease the incidence of neonatal conjunctivitis resulting from C. Topical silver nitrate, tetracycline, and erythromycin given at birth are equally effective in preventing gonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum, but none of these agents significantly decreases the incidence of chlamydial conjunctivitis. The only way to prevent Chlamydia infections in the newborn is by treating infected mothers before delivery. Most of the infections in adults are asymptomatic but can cause severe reproductive complications in women; chronic salpingitis caused by C. This is in contrast with gonococcal infections, in which most infected individuals are symptomatic and therefore present acutely for care. Between 10% and 30% of women with chlamydial infections who undergo induced abortions develop late endometritis. What is the risk of chlamydial infection in infants born to mothers whose endocervical culture result is positive for C. Chlamydia infection can be transmitted from an infected mother to her newborn during delivery, resulting in conjunctivitis, pneumonia, or both. An infant born to a mother with chlamydial infection of the cervix is at 60% to 70% risk of acquiring the infection during passage through the birth canal. Of exposed infants, 20% to 50% develop conjunctivitis at 5 to 14 days of age and 10% to 20% develop pneumonia between 4 and 12 weeks of life (conjunctivitis is not a prerequisite to develop pneumonia). The remaining infants develop an apparently asymptomatic colonization of the nasopharynx, rectum, or vagina. These infants can remain colonized for up to 3 years, although most clear the infection even without treatment by 1 year of age. There is no evidence to suggest that infants with chlamydial infections should be isolated. Note that successful treatment of the mother during pregnancy with oral erythromycin or azithromycin prevents most cases of vertical transmission. Perinatal morbidity and mortality associated with chlamydial infection: a meta-analysis study. Chlamydia culture of the conjunctiva (for conjunctivitis) or nasopharynx (for pneumonia) remains the gold standard for diagnosis. However, cultures have many disadvantages; specimens require special handling, which can make transport to the laboratory challenging and generally require 3 to 7 days for processing, which may delay treatment. Serologic diagnosis of chlamydial infections are difficult to interpret and only done in a few clinical laboratories 109. Mothers with positive endocervical cultures should be treated during pregnancy to prevent vertical transmission. Chlamydia infection in both male and female genital tracts can be asymptomatic, which is why routine screening in pregnancy is warranted.
Sixty per cent become amenorrhoeic and 20% develop oligomenorrhoea at the end of 1 year cholesterol pathway order atorlip-5 cheap. New technique of tubal sterilization using sclerosing agents foods lower cholesterol blood sugar cheap 5 mg atorlip-5 visa, cautery or intratubal plugs is not universally accepted and not legalized in India cholesterol derivatives purchase atorlip-5 5mg on line, because of high failure rate cholesterol medication for triglycerides 5 mg atorlip-5 for sale, irreversibility of the procedures and complications. Tubal cannulation and breaking up of flimsy adhesions of the cornual end, removal of polyp and balloonoplasty is possible through hysteroscope. It is not necessary to excise the entire septum, as the fibrous tissue retracts and shrinks after cutting. Scarred uterus and enlarged uterus more than 12 weeks size form relative contraindications. On light contact with the endometrial surface, and systematic examination of all the uterine walls and the fundus, it enables assessment of the normality of the endometrial tissue lining, and helps to diagnose any early neoplastic change. Complications of Hysteroscopy the following complications are reported during hysteroscopic surgery. Cardiopulmonary disorders-anaesthesia risks, fluid over blood and pulmonary oedema. Distension Media in Hysteroscopy Several distension media are in current usage for hysteroscopy. The choice of medium depends on its availability, safety, effectiveness and cost as well as whether cautery or laser is used. The media in common usage include carbon dioxide gas delivered through the hysteroflator at a maximum rate of 70 mL/min and pressure less than 100 mmHg. This gives a clear panoramic view of the interior of the uterine cavity, but flattens soft pedunculated polypi against the uterine lining as against those seen as floating objects when liquid media are used. More sophisticated pressure systems are available for use during prolonged hysteroscopic operative procedures such as myomectomy, septum cutting or endometrial ablation where continuous flow of fluid is essential. In such cases, the distension medium must be nonionic (not normal saline) to prevent spread of electrical energy; also, the medium should not get admixed with blood as this would interfere with proper visualization of the ongoing operative procedure. Hyskon is a concentrated dextran solution (32% dextrose), not miscible with blood and with good optical qualities. Excess glycine can lead to problems of fluid overload and electrolyte disturbances. Hence, it cannot be overemphasized that strict monitoring of the amount of glycine used, its input and output must be accurately documented. This can be avoided by introducing the telescope under direct vision and performing surgery under laparoscopic guidance. Perforation is suspected when the distending medium escapes into the peritoneal cavity and uterine walls collapse with poor vision and fall in the intrauterine pressure. The perforation is managed by observation, laparoscopic coagulation of the bleeder or laparotomy. The injury is not diagnosed at the time of surgery unless perforation also occurs. The bleeding normally occurs as the medium is released and intrauterine pressure drops. The bleeding can be controlled by inserting the Foley catheter, distending its balloon with 30 mL saline and leaving it in the uterine cavity for 24 h for haemostasis. While allowing proper view and surgical procedures, the various distending media can increase the procedure morbidity. Fluid overload occurs in 4% cases, and leads to pulmonary oedema if deficit of fluid is more than 1000 mL and electrolyte imbalance occurs. Saline and dextrose cause hyponatraemia, hypokalaemia, haemolysis and encephalopathy.