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While using e-learning for the communication with instructors or students identified as minor purpose for adopting e-learning cholesterol test tesco buy 160mg tricor mastercard. Students may prefer to use informal communication media like social media (WhatsApp cholesterol ratio test buy tricor 160mg line, Facebook or Instagram) which is more ease to access and use cholesterol levels variability discount tricor 160mg line. In such universities cholesterol vs eggs cheap tricor online, students are assessed in the classes using the traditional assessment techniques as the available online monitoring and assessment techniques are perceived less secured. Moreover, the results has identified a significant figures on the opinion of the academic staff on the drivers, challenges of the e-learning systems adopted in their universities as well as their satisfaction. Three main drivers for adopting e-learning were identifying which includes "convenience and lifestyle", "location and time independence", and "e-learning is a vehicle for community outreach". The top challenges for instructors are relating to the network and technology infrastructures stability and reliability include the network Access/usage problems, system errors and bugs and network/software crashes during classes. The results indicate that academic staffs are ready in term of knowledge and skills to participate in e-learning. This confirmed the results that most of the respondents were agreed on that they are facing a challenge with the "Inconsistent of the platforms, tools, and software". These findings provide the decision makers and planners with some points of improvement for their e-learning system and environment. Finally, the results show that an average of 70% of the e-learning users from the different universities is satisfied with their e-learning systems. The results reflect what has been observed during distributing questionnaires, the classes were provided with advance technology like smart boards and others educational technology adopted to support the e-learning. The aforementioned findings revealed that the e-learning in the universities in Kingdom of Bahrain are suffering from several problems. The drivers for adopting e-learning are not strategic and not aligned with the university objectives. Besides, there are many technical problems and challenges with their systems starting with e-learning infrastructure to Internet access. Based on Figure (8) and Table (8) which summarizes the outcome of the assessments of learning category; the following analyses were adopted. Moreover, courses in these universities are designed to support diverse learning styles and learner capabilities. The objectives of the learning have the ability to guide the design and the implementation of the courses. In addition, the students are provided with mechanisms in order to interact with colleagues or with the academic stuff. That is reflecting high level of development and maintenance of e-learning resources. Both universities are significantly doing well in providing a reliable, robust and integrated infrastructure. The evidence have shown that these university perform mostly largely to fully adequate in most of the processes. So they are sustainable and responsive to institutional and learner needs as well as are capable to deliver the desired outcome. However, in the other learning areas such as development, support, evaluation and organization, they are providing an ad hoc, unsustainable and unresponsive capability to the learner needs as their capabilities at lower dimensions are not supported by that at the higher dimensions. In most of the dimensions of the learning areas, these universities are not well established and adequate. In general, the current maturity level of e-learning in Kingdom of Bahrain shown to be gone through definition stage to management stage in addition to some characteristics of optimization in few universities. Universities at Kingdom of Bahrain are well performing the learning processes that are mostly related to the pedagogical aspects of e-learning, to that surrounding the creation and maintenance of e-learning resources and ending to that associated with institutional planning and management. In each of these learning areas, some universities already have exceeded the ad-hoc process to more advanced and well defined process for development and support of e-learning. In general, they are paying less attention to the importance of the feedback on the quality and effectiveness of their learning experience and the regular review of the e-learning different aspects of students and teaching staff. Moreover, e-learning initiatives in such universities are not guided by the institutional strategies and operational plans as well as the institutional policies and strategies of learning and teaching are not address in the e-learning. Thus, e-learning are misaligned with the overall institutional strategies, goals and objectives. This result is aligned with the current situation of the adopted e-learning in theses universities.
Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders It is treated with diet therapy cholesterol medication heart attack purchase 160 mg tricor mastercard, exercise cholesterol in butter purchase 160 mg tricor fast delivery, biguanides and sulphonylureas like glypizide and gliclazide cholesterol guidelines generic 160mg tricor free shipping. Intravenous Glucose Tolerance Test Preparation: Patient is given 3 days of unrestricted diet containing at least 150 gm of carbohydrate and has normal physical activity cholesterol definition and function buy generic tricor 160 mg online. Two baseline samples and samples at 1, 3, 5, and 10 minutes after the test are taken. Glucose is present in urine and there is confusion with the diagnosis of diabetes in the following conditions. Renal Glycosuria the most common cause of glycosuria is a low renal threshold for glucose, which commonly occurs temporarily in pregnancy and is a much more frequent cause of glycosuria than diabetes in young people. Renal glycosuria is a benign condition and is not accompanied by the classical symptoms of diabetes. Alimentary (Lag Storage) Glycosuria In some individuals, an unusually rapid and transitory rise of blood glucose occurs following a meal. The concentration of glucose exceeds the normal renal threshold and it is present in the urine. It may occur in normal people or after gastric surgery (due to rapid gastric emptying leading to an increased rate of absorption into the blood stream), and also in patients with hyperthyroidism or hepatic disease. The peak blood glucose concentration is abnormally high and the value two hours after oral glucose is normal. Primary therapeutic goal is weight loss in obese individuals; Reduction in weight eliminates the need for oral hypoglycaemic drugs or insulin, especially if normal body weight is achieved. Consistency in composition and timing of meals is important particularly for patients using fixed insulin regimens or oral hypoglycaemic drugs. Total calories should be kept ideally between 1000 and 1200 kcal/day; For obese individuals, 20 kcal/kg ideal body weight For normal adults (sedentary), 30 kcal/kg ideal body weight For normal adults (manual worker) and growing children, 40 kcal/kg ideal body weight. Nibbling of foodstuff rather than gorging is recommended to slow the rate of carbohydrate absorption. Complex high-fiber carbohydrates (bran, whole grain cereals, breaks, legumes, vegetables and whole fruit) are recommended. Exercise Isotonic exercises like brisk walking, swimming or cycling are recommended. Vigorous exercise in those patients who have neither decreased their insulin nor increased their carbohydrate intake, might result in hypoglycemia. Feet and joints should be monitored after exercise especially if there is evidence of peripheral neuropathy. If autonomic neuropathy is present, heart rate will not increase during exercise; there is also increased risk of cardiac arrhythmias and postexercise orthostatic hypotension. Exercise regimen should start with warm up stretching, for 10 minutes, aerobic exercise for 30 to 45 minutes, and cool down stretching for 5 to 10 minutes. When there is a persistent increase in blood sugar > 250 mg/dl, despite diet control and mild exercise regimens, vigorous exercise may be best avoided till blood sugar begins to fall. Mild exercise One hour standing-120 kcal/hr Lying down-70 kcal/hr Sitting-80 kcal/hr Walking (2. Vigorous exercise Tennis-350 kcal/hr Cycling (10 mph)-600 kcal/hr Running (10 mph)-800 kcal/hr. Meal plan: Total calories have to be consumed as three major meals and three snacks in between major meals (breakfast 30%, midmorning snacks 10%, lunch 20%, evening snacks, 10% dinner 20% and bedtime snacks 10%). Start with 1000 k cal/day for a 1 year old and increase by about 100 kcal/year thereafter up to adolescence. In adolescence, boys may need up to 3000 kcal/day for covering regular athletic activity when needed. Alcohol inhibits hepatic gluconeogenesis, potentiates hypoglycaemic action of oral drugs. Artificial sweeteners like sorbitol and fructose are rich in energy and are not very useful.
Likewise cholesterol medication other than statins purchase tricor 160mg mastercard, it helps the teachers prepare students for the environment of the real world cholesterol levels europe usa order online tricor. The students must learn to be tech-informed or tech-savvy so as to be successful citizens in their future lives as all the nations in the world become more and more technology dependent cholesterol check up machine order 160mg tricor otc. According to our findings from the remarks of the participants cholesterol test order order tricor line, the students do a lot of tasks with their mobile devices like downloading books, saving information, copying and saving texts, drawing pictures, charts and maps, listening lessons, recording sounds, easy access to all kinds of dictionaries, and share them with their classmates, thus creating both an individual and a collaborative learning environment and enhancing learning process. Particularly books, textbooks and workbooks are not available at every school library at every part of the country and every part of the world. As students can have easy access to digital textbooks through mobile devices, the implementing and using technology in the classroom prove inevitable. Almost all the teachers, parents and students communicate with each other through mobile tools. In our study, some of the teachers are not so willing to communicate with their students through social networking sites like Facebook, WhatsApp, Messengers ect. In fact, these facilities enhance the effectiveness of communication between teachers and students. As the digital communication tools develop teacher-student interactions, this sort of communication is preferred by the teachers, parents and students. As a conclusion, the school principals, teachers, parents and students should force the school management to implement and integrate technology into classrooms so that the students can prepare themselves for their future careers, keep pace with the other students who have technology in their schools, have the chance to interact with their classmates, access to up-to-date information, become more active and engaged in the course, and utilize multiple types of resources online. The teachers should learn how to use technology effectively to be useful to the students, provide students a collaborative environment and teach them collaboration, with the technology in the classroom; teacher should be encourager, coach and advisor. The teachers should encourage students to have mobile technology in classroom and at home, as it can bridge the gap between classroom and home learning. An ethnographic-case study of beliefs, context factors, and practices of teachers integrating technology. Collaborative Learning: Higher Education, Interdependence, and the Authority of Knowledge (2nd ed. The Effectiveness of Education Technology for Enhancing Reading Achievement: A Meta-Analysis. Learning in a digital age: Insights into the issues: the skills students need for technological fluency [Online document]. A Study of Teacher Perceptions of Instructional Technology Integration in the Classroom, Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, Spr/Summ 2008, Las vegas, Nevada. Instructional design models for well-structured and illstructured problem-solving learning outcomes. Technology and teaching: A conversation among faculty regarding the pros and cons of technology. His research interests include Educational Management, Supervision, Planning, Economy and Language Teacher Education. Dr Kayalar is the corresponding author and can be contacted at: fethikayalar@hotmail. Using of digital instruction for environmental subject can encourage students in learning and raise their awareness and attitude on environmental issues. The research samples consisted of 40 students in grade 6 collected by purposive sampling technique. The instruments used in this research were the digital instruction for environment for global warming alleviation and satisfied evaluated questionnaire. The frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test were used to analyze the data. Use of technology and technological tools has become common in the learning process. The efficient and effective use of technology and interaction affect learning outcome and learning achievement. Increasingly, instructors use educational technology as instruction tools in learning in order to stimulate interaction among students and between instructor and students. The students have good attitude toward learning and feel happy in learning (Sher, 2009: 116; Ariratana, 2010: 26; Jittisak and Jinwan, 2015: 121).
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