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By: T. Pavel, M.A., M.D.

Medical Instructor, University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville

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In vitro experim ents m ay be u seful in scree ning for do se dep ende ncies, and provide m ore acc urate descriptio ns of the en zym e kinetic s or other proc esses un derlying d ose de pend encie s observe d in the w hole anim al. In vitro studies usually indicate identical metabo lic pathways an d me tabolism rates com parable to those obtaine d from who le anim al studies b ut require few er anim als to perform and ca n be co mp leted in less time with few er re sou rces. In addition, a few representative organ and tissue samples should be taken, such as liver, kidney, fat, and suspected target orga ns. Sam pling tim es shou ld depe nd on the substan ce be ing tested and the route of ad min istration. In general, a n eq ual num ber of blood sa m ples should be taken in each ph ase of the co ncentration-versus -tim e cu rve. Similar coverage could be obtained with only 7 time points by using a "powers of 3" series: 3, 9, and 30 (27) m inutes, 1, 3, 9, and 24 (27) hours. Oral dosing studies usually extend to at least 72 hours, or 5 plasma half-lives, ensuring the excretion of 95% of the absorbed dose. The sampling schedule for an oral dosing expe rime nt m ight be: 15 min utes, 30 m inutes, 1, 2, 4, 8, 24, 48, and 7 2 hours. Su ch a sa mp ling sche me wou ld provide data coverage for evaluation of absorption, elimination, enterohepatic recirculation and excretion processes. This technique allows a small number of animals (5 - 10) to be used for screening purposes with a minimal investment in manual labor. The num ber of anim als used in m etabolism and ph arm acok inetic studie s should b e large e nough to reliably estimate population variability. In the case of rats and mice, tissue and/or blood sample size is usually the limiting factor: ana lysis of the sub stance ma y require 1 ml o r mo re blood, bu t it is difficult to obtain m ultiple blood samples of this size from one animal. As a consequence, a larger number of animals is required (3 - 4 per time point, 7 - 9 time points) when small rodents are used. Such an approach has the advantage of allowing limited sam pling of critical tissues. The use of humans and large animals generally permits collection of multiple (serial) blood samples. For outcrossing populations like humans and large animals, individual differences in the rates of biotransform ation are likely to be greater tha n those o f inbred rode nt popu lations; und er these c ircum stance s, more samples/sex/group may be needed to reliably estimate variability. Individ ual m eta bolism cag es a re re com m ended for collec ting urine an d feces in o ral d osin g stu dies. Excreta should be collected for at least 5 elimination half-lives of the test substance. In Vitro studies In Vitro measurem ents employing enzymes, subcellular organelles, isolated cells and perfused organs may be used to augme nt the dose response information available from less extensive metabolic and pharmacokinetic studies. Such systems can be used to measure binding, adduct and conjugate formation, transport across cell mem branes, enzyme activity, enzyme substrate specificity, and other singular objectives. Biochem ical measurements that can be made using in vitro systems include: Intrinsic clearances of enzymes in an organ or tissue, kinetic constants for an enzyme, binding constants, and the affinity of the test compound and its metabolites for the target macromolecules. The activity of a hepatic drug-metabolizing enzyme in vivo ma y be ap proxim ated by kinetic c on sta nts th at a re ca lc ula the d fro m in vitro studies; w hen a first-orde r approxim ation is use d, the ratio of V max to K m is eq ual to th e intrins ic clea rance of the drug. An alysis of D ata D ata fro m all m e ta bo lism a nd ph arm a co kin etic stu die s sh ou ld be an aly ze d with th e sa m e pharm acok inetic m odel an d results sho uld be e xpresse d in the sa me units. Con centration units are ac cepta ble if the orga n or sam ple size is re ported, but p ercent o f dose/orga n is usually a m ore m eaning ful unit. In genera l, all sam ples should be ana lyzed for m eta bolites that cum ulative ly re presen t m ore than 1% of the do se. Som e of these param eters, such a s half-lives an d elim ination rate s, are easily c om puted from one an other; the half-life is m ore eas ily v isua lize d than the rate con stant. High accuracy is not usually required since these parameters can be optim ized to fit the d ata w hen the y are use d in m ore com plex m odels. Tiss ue-bloo d recyc ling rates (k 1j) and residence tim es c an be c om puted from partition co effic ients if estim ate s of u ptake rate s are ava ilab le.

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Rugged terrain and dense shrubs provide escape cover and den sites for black bears medicine 3 times a day discount thyroxine 25mcg with mastercard. Black bears also seek den sites under fallen trees medications voltaren generic 25 mcg thyroxine amex, in hollow trees or caves treatment zinc toxicity buy 25 mcg thyroxine with amex, or in previously occupied dens treatment pink eye buy cheap thyroxine. When possible, black bears will choose streams with dense bankside shrubbery as travel corridors to and from food sources. The severity of black bear predation makes solving the problem very important to the individuals who suffer the losses. Tooth marks on the back of the neck are not usually found on coyote and dog kills. After an animal is killed, black bears will typically open the body cavity and remove the internal organs. If an animal is killed in the open, the bear may drag it into the woods or brush and cover the remains with leaves, grass, soil and forest debris. The bear will periodically return to this cache site to feed on the decomposing carcass. Ninety percent of all incidents were likely associated with habituated, foodconditioned bears. In order to trap and move a bear in Tennessee one must first obtain a big game depredation control permit. Shooting black bears and chasing with dogs is an effective control method, however, bears are considered a big game species in Tennessee and therefore have established hunting seasons in the fall. An electric fence is more effective at preventing a bear from entering a livestock foraging area or night camping site. Pyrotechnic devices may be an effective control measure and purchased from animal control supply companies. Fire Ants Like many other ants, imported fire ant colonies live in mounds of soil that may be more than 18 inches high. Periodically, winged reproductive male and female ants leave colonies on mating flights. There may be hundreds of thousands of worker ants (sterile female ants capable of stinging) in a mature colony. Worker ants from multiple-queen colonies are not territorial and move freely from mound to mound. The single-queen form may build 40 to 80 colonies per acre, while the multiple-queen form can build 200 to 800 or more mounds per acre. Most of the quarantined counties in Tennessee have single-queen imported fire ant colonies. Fire ants disperse naturally through mating flights, or mass movement of 316 colonies. Shipments of hay, nursery stock, soil and other items from an infested area may relocate entire colonies or nests. Most people react with a pustule at each sting site, but a small percentage of people have a more severe reaction requiring immediate medical attention. In addition to the medical concern, fire ants change our behavior and reduce our recreational activities if populations are unmanageable. Other impacts in the urban environment include reduced property values, shorting of electrical equipment and damaged lawns and areas along walkways. They affect agriculture by: reducing hay yield because of raised cutter bars or dulled and broken equipment due to contact with the mounds, clipping germinating seedlings, tunneling through tuberous or ground crops, tending sucking pest insects and protecting them from natural enemies, deterring hand labor and damaging irrigation equipment. Imported fire ant foragers can rapidly recruit other ants to food and moisture resources. Newborn livestock and wildlife, birds hatching from eggs, and confined animals are particularly vulnerable to attack by imported fire ants. During the hot summer months, the frequency of livestock injury and deaths increases rapidly because the ants are starved for food and moisture.

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