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By: L. Grok, M.A., Ph.D.

Vice Chair, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine

Improved Lipoprotein Profile Although higher probability of weight loss is a major benefit of a ketogenic diet medicine buddha mantra discount dulcolax 5 mg visa, there are also profound changes in lipoprotein metabolism (Volek et al 7r medications buy dulcolax from india. The reduced conversion of carbohydrate to fat in the liver (lipogenesis) plus the low insulin state enabling accelerated fat oxidation are major factors contributing to the improvements in processing of lipoproteins commonly observed medicine you cant take with grapefruit order dulcolax mastercard. The most consistent response is a sharp decrease in plasma triglycerides medications 122 purchase 5mg dulcolax free shipping, most dramatically in those with preexisting hypertriglyceridemia. A ketogenic diet also demonstrates a striking reduction in the postprandial lipemic response to a high-fat meal (Volek et al. For example, there are few placebocontrolled randomized control trials, few studies of very low carbohydrate intake, and even fewer studies that allowed adequate time to adapt to a low-carbohydrate diet. Carbohydrate loading has not shown improved performance in all studies, despite significantly increased muscle glycogen levels (Burke et al. The most obvious fact that has been downplayed in prior research has been the profound effect of carbohydrate intake on inhibition of fat utilization, and the perspective that fat is a preferred fuel. Brief History More than 70 years ago (Christensen and Hansen, 1939) described that consumption of a high-carbohydrate diet, compared to a high-fat diet, for 1 week prior to a submaximal event was associated with enhanced performance. Nearly 3 decades later, Bergstrom and Hultman (1966, 1967) discovered that muscle glycogen depletion was associated with fatigue, and that a high-carbohydrate diet maintained muscle glycogen and performance. This set the stage for the next 40+ years, during which time the supremacy of carbohydrate has become deeply embedded in the minds of most scientists, coaches, and athletes (Hargreaves et al. There has been a strong confirmation bias to support high-carbohydrate diets, reinforced by a burgeoning sports beverage industry profiting from this paradigm. It needs to be acknowledged that a lot of great work has been done by many researchers detailing how carbohydrate affects exercise metabolism and performance, but there has been a surprising lack of recognition, or willful neglect, Fat as a Premium Fuel Conventional wisdom has been that carbohydrate is the preferred source of fuel for exercise, but this perspective is rapidly changing considering the many benefits associated with emphasizing fatty acids and ketones as primary fuels, and relegating blood sugar and glycogen to secondary status. Ten hypothetical reasons a high capacity to utilize lipid-based fuels might be beneficial for athletes are listed here: 1. Fat is stored in adipose tissue in greater quantities than carbohydrates by at least an order of magnitude (>20,000 kcal in even the thinnest athlete vs. A key element contributing to deteriorating cognitive and physical performance during physically demanding exercise is reduced carbohydrate availability coupled with an inability to effectively utilize the thousands of calories stored as fat. Paradoxically, deteriorating performance associated with glycogen depletion occurs in the presence of an abundance of fuel stored as body fat that the athlete cannot access efficiently, unless they have previously keto-adapted for several weeks. A molecule of palmitic acid has over twice as many carbons as a molecule of glucose, and over twice the energy per unit weight. Fat is also more efficient, since it is not stored along with a lot of extra water weight like glycogen. Finally, ketones have been shown to have greater efficiency in providing cellular energy and work output. Relying on body fat for energy significantly decreases the need to fuel during exercise. It also alleviates the gastrointestinal problems associated with fueling during exercise that are common among endurance athletes. When oxidized inside the mitochondria, ketones generate less reactive oxygen species relative to glucose or other fuels, in essence making them a cleaner burning fuel (Maalouf et al. Deriving greater amounts of energy from fat at higher exercise intensities translates into less reliance on limited glycogen stores, glycolysis, and generation of hydrogen ions. Making fat the primary fuel often results in greater ease of fat loss and improved body composition, which translates into improved efficiency and power-toweight ratio. Hypothetically this would be advantageous for endurance as well as many strength/power athletes. When ketone concentrations increase to the 1­5 mmol/L range, the brain will begin to preferentially oxidize ketones (Cahill et al. In a non-keto-adapted athlete, continuous exercise often results in profound mental confusion. A brain adapted to extracting the majority of its energy requirements from ketones is resistant to this energy crisis, since ketones are derived from fatty acids and actually increase in concentration as exercise duration increases. A keto-adapted brain is able to tolerate extraordinarily low levels of blood sugar without any signs or symptoms hypoglycemia (Cahill and Aoki, 1980; Drenick et al. One of the most common perceived benefits following keto-adaptation is enhanced recovery from exercise. This is frequently demonstrated by an expedited return to training and competition following physically demanding events and long training sessions. This area of research has not been investigated thoroughly, but we speculate that less oxidative stress and the anti-inflammatory effects of a ketogenic diet may contribute to the perceived improvement in recovery by many athletes.

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This causes the bones to release more calcium into the blood medicine cat herbs buy cheap dulcolax 5mg online, the intestines to absorb more from food and the kidneys to conserve calcium treatment plantar fasciitis 5mg dulcolax with visa. If the blood calcium rises medications quiz order dulcolax discount, the glands reduce their output of hormones treatment joint pain purchase dulcolax with visa, reversing the above process. Thyroid hormone production is controlled by the Pituitary Gland, situated at the base of the brain. Hypothyroidism: In this case the thyroid gland is under-active and there is under-protection of thyroid hormones. The cause may be surgery to remove a part of the thyroid gland and radioactive iodine treatment. The main symptoms of the disease are weight gain, fatigue or weakness, decreased appetite, change in menstrual periods, infertility, constipation, muscle aches, cramps, puffiness around the eyes, brittle nails, dry, itchy skin, hair loss, intolerance to cold and hoarse speech. Hyperthyroidism: Results when the thyroid gland is making too much thyroid hormone. The most common cause of hyperthyroidism is the autoimmune condition known as Graves disease, where antibodies target the gland and cause it to speed up hormone production. The common symptoms are weight loss, fatigue, nervousness, rapid heart beat, increased sweating, drowsiness and sluggishness, intolerance to heat, diarrhoea, bulging eyes, trembling hands, increased appetite, wasting of skeletal and heart muscles and high level of cholesterol, changes in menstrual periods and tremors. Hyper-parathyroidism: the four pea-sized glands are embedded in the thyroid gland in the neck and produce parathyroid hormone, which controls the level of calcium in the body. In this case, there is over-production of parathyroid hormone, which raises the level of calcium from the bones. To normalize the high calcium level, the kidneys excrete large amount of calcium in the urine. The main cause of this problem may be tumour in the parathyroid gland and enlargement of this gland. The symptoms of this disease are generalised aches and pains, depression, kidney stones and osteoporosis (weakening of bones). Hypo-parathyroidism: In this case, there is low level of parathyroid hormone, which results in hypocalcaemia (low level of calcium in the blood). Conventional medical treatment for the thyroid disease is done by giving drugs, which have side effects and give only temporary relief and suppress the problem. Drugs can only stabilize the situation temporarily and these do not address root of the problem, but only the symptoms. Without addressing the real cause, it will break out again as a other disease and so on. When we give our body what it needs (natural treatment), the whole body begins to normalize and all organs begin to run like they were designed. When they do that, even genetically weak organs begin to move towards normal function. A naturopath will go deep into the problems, including digestive problems, prolonged stress and anxiety, muscle and joint problems in the neck and upper back which my interfere with circulation and nerve supply to the gland. Naturopathic measures may include: Dietary adjustment and nutritional support for the thyroid gland. Hydrotherapy such as compresses and bathing to improve circulation and ease painful joints. Acupressure on the thyroid gland and other related parts will stimulate the system and root out the problem. Relaxation and stress management techniques will help release neck, back and chest restriction. In the case of hypo-thyroidism, which is due to deficiency of iodine, iodine rich foods like singhara, lotus stem, chaulai, pineapple, seafoods, garlic, onion and strawberries are very beneficial. Iodine may be properly called thyroid mineral, which is the life line of thyroid gland. Carrots contain carotenoids, which has Vitamin A, is good for goiter and thyroid metabolism problem. Rice bran is a food source of B Vitamins which are often used forstress and anxietywhich weaken the thyroid problem. Take Vitamin B, magnesium and sprouts ofalfalfaandwheat grass juicewhich are beneficial in this problem. Selenium supports thyroid hormone production and function as part of many enzymes which have antioxidant effects and also supports cardiovascular health.


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