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By: R. Ismael, MD

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C Death from the hematopoietic syndrome usually results from infection and hemorrhage due to radiation-induced loss of white cells and platelets. E A person exposed to 3 Gy of -rays should be carefully watched for symptoms of infection and hemorrhage resulting from loss of white blood cells and platelets, with the critical period being 2-4 weeks following irradiation. Prophylactic administration of antibiotics should be initiated immediately following the accident, rather than waiting for overt signs of infection. A bone marrow transplant would likely be of no value at this dose, so tissue typing is not necessary, since use of antibiotics and transfusion of blood components, as necessary, would substantially enhance the probability for survival without the use of a transplant. If the dose received was less than 2 Gy, it would be reasonable to be monitored from home, but following a dose of 3 Gy a person should be hospitalized in reverse air flow isolation with supportive care, including antibiotic administration immediately. Medical Management of the Acute Radiation Syndrome: Recommendations of the Strategic National Stockpile Radiation Working Group, Ann Intern Med, 140:1037-1051, 2004. D Death from the gastrointestinal syndrome could occur within one week following irradiation, but is unlikely following a whole body dose of 5 Gy. However, a person irradiated with this dose who did not receive appropriate medical care has a greater than 50% chance of dying within a 1-2 month period from bone marrow syndrome. Following a whole body dose of 5 Gy, infections are likely due to loss of white blood cells and lack of treatment with antibiotics. Epilation and bleeding would occur during the period before the person dies from hematopoietic syndrome. D A drop in the level of white cells and platelets may be observed following a whole body dose of approximately 1 Gy, although it has been detected at doses as low as 0. D A whole body dose that results in severe diarrhea within 4 days of irradiation is likely to be lethal (probably 8 Sv or higher). E A person who dies one year following total body irradiation would not die from any of the conventional whole-body radiation syndromes. These syndromes cause death at about 1-2 days (cerebrovascular), 1-2 weeks (gastrointestinal) or 1-2 months (hematopoietic), respectively, following irradiation. However, the treatment dose may have been high enough to cause lung fibrosis, which may result in death, within one year after irradiation. B Immunosupression observed within 24 hours after irradiation would be the consequence of the rapid death of lymphocytes due to radiation-induced apoptosis. A much longer period than 24 hours would be required for the death of progenitor cells and a loss of granulocytes. B the use of low dose rate irradiation in preparation for a bone marrow transplant results in substantial sparing of the lung with respect to the development of radiation fibrosis. In contrast, there is more modest sparing of either serous acinar cells in the parotid glands, basal cells in the skin, the oral mucosa, or lymphocytes. A the chronological sequence over which the components of peripheral blood decline after irradiation are lymphocytes, granulocytes, platelets and erythrocytes. B Increasing the radiation dose decreases the latent period for cataract formation. In contrast, the neutron dose to induce a cataract is relatively unaffected by the magnitude of the individual doses. The threshold dose for the induction of a radiation-induced cataract following an acute X-ray dose is 2 Gy or less. A radiation-induced cataract is one of the few examples of a radiation injury which does have distinct pathognomonic characteristics that identify it as having been induced by ionizing radiation; radiation-induced cataracts typically begin in the posterior portion of the lens, unlike the case of age-related cataracts. Radiation cataractogenesis: A review of recent studies, Radiat Res, 172:1-9, 2009. A Only about 1% of children develop severe restrictive pulmonary disease, although the majority develop some symptoms.

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Based on a detailed understanding of the visual system, the bedside neuro-ophthalmologic evaluation will frequently disclose the localization of a lesion with great precision. In fact, the evaluation of a patient with a neuro-ophthalmologic disorder very often demonstrates how the most important tools in clinical neurology are a good history and a careful examination. The central portion of the contralateral field is represented at the occipital pole. A lesion that affects the occipital lobe but spares the pole, as occurs with a posterior cerebral artery stroke, therefore produces a contralateral hemianopia with macular sparing. The 6 extraocular muscles of each eye are innervated by the third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves, which are controlled by gaze centers in the brainstem. Eye movement abnormalities can be characterized as supranuclear (referring to disruption of the neural inputs to the nuclei of cranial nerves 3, 4, and 6), nuclear (in these cranial nerve nuclei), or infranuclear (in these cranial nerves). Abnormalities that create ocular misalignment produce the symptom of binocular diplopia, which is present only when both eyes are open. Disorders of the optic nerve often produce reduced acuity and impaired color vision (dyschromatopsia) on the affected side, and a relative afferent pupillary defect is observed with the swinging flashlight test. The optic disc may appear swollen or pale, but will appear normal when the nerve is acutely compromised by a retro-orbital lesion. In addition, swollen optic nerves, especially when associated with headache, enlargement of the physiologic monocular blind spot, and peripheral visual field constriction, can be the sign of elevated intracranial pressure. Disorders of the optic chiasm produce a visual field defect in the temporal field of each eye, owing to compromise of the crossing fibers from the nasal half of each retina. Disorders of the optic tract produce a contralateral homonymous visual field deficit that respects the vertical meridian. The field deficit associated with a lesion of the optic tract may be incongruous, meaning that the pattern of the deficit differs in each eye. Disorders of the lateral geniculate nucleus and optic radiations also produce contralateral homonymous field deficits. Lesions that affect the temporal radiations produce a contralateral superior deficit, while parietal lesions cause a contralateral inferior deficit. The frontal eye fields help initiate saccades, which are rapid coordinated movements of the eyes to a target. The superior colliculi also contribute to saccades, particularly for sudden reflexive eye movements to a new stimulus. Acute lesions in the frontal lobe produce an ipsilateral gaze preference, whereas a seizure in the frontal lobe can cause contralateral gaze deviation. An acute destructive vestibular lesion, such as vestibular neuritis, produces vertigo, nystagmus with the fast-phase away from the side of the lesion, and an abnormal "catch-up" saccade when the patient is asked to maintain visual fixation while 147 the head is thrust horizontally in the direction of the lesion. Disturbances of the cerebellum, particularly the flocculonodular lobe, impair the accuracy of saccades and pursuit and produce gaze-holding nystagmus. An isolated third nerve palsy, which often has a compressive or microvasculopathic etiology, often causes ptosis, pupillary dilation, and impaired adduction and elevation of the eye. A fourth nerve palsy causes vertical double vision that is worse with gaze in the contralateral direction and is worse with head tilt in the ipsilateral direction. A lesion of the nucleus of the sixth nerve causes an ipsilateral gaze palsy, affecting both abduction of the ipsilateral eye and adduction of the contralateral eye. A lesion of the medial longitudinal fasciculus causes internuclear ophthalmoplegia, with impaired adduction of the ipsilateral eye with attempted horizontal saccades. Unilateral or bilateral sixth nerve lesions can also be caused by elevated intracranial pressure, a "false localizing sign. The cases in this section illustrate the richness of the history and examination in determining the cause of neuro-ophthalmic disorders. Ophthalmologic evaluation revealed cataracts, but his vision was unchanged following cataract surgery. The patient described difficulty reaching for objects accurately and distinguishing objects from their background (for example, identifying his cat sitting on his couch).

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To reflect multidisciplinary approaches and the biopsychosocial model of acute and chronic pain management, the following sections are organized by five major approaches to pain management: medication, restorative therapies, interventional procedures, behavioral health approaches, and complementary and integrative health. It can be more challenging to manage patients on long-term opioid therapy in the perioperative period compared with patients who are opioid naive. Considerations for managing these patients include the use of multimodal approaches as well as preoperative consultation and planning. In addition, behavioral interventions show promise for use in the pre- and perioperative periods for the management of postsurgical pain. Individualized, Multimodal, Multidisciplinary Pain Management Medications (Opioid and Non-opioid) Restorative Therapies Interventional Procedures Behavioral Health Approaches Complementary & Integrative Health Figure 7: Medication Is One of Five Treatment Approaches to Pain Management 2. Different medications can complement one another, and their effects can be synergistic when used in combination. This list is not inclusive or exhaustive; rather, it provides examples of common non-opioid medications. As a general rule, caution should be taken, particularly for over-the-counter medicine, to ensure that patients are aware of the individual side effects and risks of these medications. Over-the-counter analgesic medications can be present in or components of common cold and cough medicine; clinicians must ensure that patients are aware of and discuss all their medications with their doctor or pharmacist. Risks of acetaminophen include dose-dependent liver toxicity, especially when the drug is taken at high doses, with alcohol, or by those with liver disease. Anticonvulsants are medications originally developed to treat seizures, but they are also commonly used to treat different pain syndromes, including postherpetic neuralgia, peripheral neuropathy, and migraine. Some of these agents can effectively treat the neuropathic components of pain syndromes. Anticonvulsants, which include gabapentinoids such as gabapentin and pregabalin, may cause significant sedation and have recently been associated with a possible risk of misuse. As with other medications, they have risks and adverse effects, including dry mouth, dizziness, sedation, memory impairment, orthostatic hypotension, urinary retention, and cardiac conduction abnormalities. There have been some reports of withdrawal reactions when these medications are suddenly stopped. Overall, the analgesic actions of antidepressants occur even in patients who are not clinically depressed, and their analgesic effect typically occurs sooner and at lower doses than those required for the treatment of depression. Carisoprodol is metabolized to meprobamate, which is both sedating and possibly addictive, so the use of carisoprodol is not recommended, particularly because alternatives are available. Benzodiazepines do not have independent analgesic effects but may have indirect pain-relieving effects. Second, co-prescription of benzodiazepines and opioids is associated with enhanced risks of overdose, respiratory depression, and death. For more severe cases of co-morbid anxiety disorders, psychiatric consultation for medication regimens is advised. It should be noted that gabapentinoids have been useful in treating anxiety in patients with pain. Opioids are a controlled substance group of broad-spectrum analgesics that provide pain relief for a variety of conditions. Administration of opioid medication can include short- or long-acting formulations104 and different delivery modalities, such as oral, buccal, sublingual, spray, intravenous, intramuscular, intrathecal, suppository, transdermal patches,105 and lozenge formulation. Opioids bind to opioid receptors in the brain, spinal cord, and other sites, activating analgesic and reward pathways. Illicit fentanyl-related overdoses are now a leading cause of deaths from overdose in the United States, often because of its use in combination with alcohol or illicitly obtained heroin, cocaine, diverted prescription opioids, and other drugs such as benzodiazepines. Common prescription opioid medications that can be considered for management of acute and chronic pain include hydromorphone, hydrocodone, codeine, oxycodone, methadone, and morphine. In some states, there is a significant challenge, however, for prescribing clinicians to get authorization for using buprenorphine for chronic pain management (see Section 2.

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