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By: C. Sibur-Narad, M.A., M.D.

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If individual has genotype Xtfin Yh-Y anxiety symptoms upset stomach buy cymbalta without prescription, the testis will be formed from pri mary gonad medulla anxiety 19th century cheap 30mg cymbalta fast delivery. At 10th week of development the sex o f embryo may be determined by two criteria: sex chromosome set and histological structure o f sex glands anxiety symptoms upper back pain buy 60mg cymbalta visa. A hormonal gonad function is producing sex hormone in their intermediate tissues (teca cell in ovarium and Leidig cell in testis) anxiety hierarchy cymbalta 30 mg free shipping. Both ovarium and testis produce main sex hormones: testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, but in different ratio. The typical for ovarium and testis features o f sex steroid biosynthesis form hormonal sex. Testosterone, liberating into embryo blood, binds with androgen receptors in a target cell o f potential reproductive system. Then complex testosterone-receptor passes to a nucleus, where it changes an activity of genes responsible for tissue growth and development. Testosterone stimulates de velopment of tissues, which give rise only for male reproductive system. Until differentia tion period, both male and female embryo has a rests o f pronephros urethra, which are a precursors o f sexual organs o f both sexes. After 12* week o f development in case o f having satisfactory concentration o f testosterone, there is musculinisation o f external sex organs in a male embryo. There is atrophy o f vagina appendix, formation of scrotum suture (scrotum formation), enlargement corpus cavernosa o f penis and formation o f cavemose part o f urethra. In puberty, the definite level o f estrogens provides formation o f female sexual characteristics -feminization (female body constitution, mammal glands forma tion, hymen, vagina and uterus enlargement). Androgens provide male skeleton type, good muscular development, development o f larynx cartilages, voice muta 72 Pic. The human sex formation: 1 - physical determinants o f sex, 2 - interme diate determinant, 3 - social-psycological determinants (by G. The syn chronization o f ovarial cycle (follicule developm en t, o v u latio n, corpus luteum fo rm atio n) and p itu itary hormone regulation setting also occurs in puberty. In a foreign literature, it was described 146 true hermaphrodies, in national only 20. The sec ondary sexual characteristics may be formed as in female pattern as in male pattern. It is necessary to distinguish transsexualism, fetishism, transvestism and other abnormalities o f human sexual behavior from hermafroditism. Transvestism - is a case when an individual picks up a clothes o f controversial sex for getting pleasure and satisfaction. In case o f fetishism and transvestism, the other kinds of psychological treatment are per formed. The main purpose o f contemporary reproductive strategy is removing harmful factors breaking normal gametes formation, fertilization and early stages o f de velopment. It was stated that pre-natal human mortality rate is highest at first week after fertilization; 16% o f gametes are not able to fertilization at all; 42% o f embtyo dies right after fertilization. It is believed that early pre-natal human mortality rate is closely related with changes in ovicell occurred before leaving follicule, i. The contemporary reproductive strategy must to include such important element as prevention of hereditary defects. It includes firstly pre-natal diagnostic o f hereditary defects on early development stages among pregnant women o f so called "risk group". If embryo has exposed hereditary defect, the pregnancy may be interrupted on early stages. Today we can use biomedical science achievements such as chromosome mapping, bio chemical testing and very sensitive ultrasonic devices, to do so. These methods are artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, embryo placement to uterine tubes, ovicell and embryo donorship, "substitutive motherhood". The birth o f Louise Brown, first child, which was bom as result o f artificial insemination, gives a hope to all sterile couples all over the world. If there is a high risk to have a child with hereditary defects, it is possible to perform in vitro fertilization with predinplantational embryo diagnos tics, such as cytogenetic and biochemical diagnostics. Following placement o f only healthy embryo to uterine tubes guarantee a healthy offspring development.

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Even the conditions in which human embryos are kept in culture are based largely on those established for mouse embryos anxiety symptoms 3dp5dt buy cheap cymbalta 30mg online. High rates of aneuploidy 36 are found in cultured human embryos relative to other species anxiety for no reason order cheap cymbalta on line. This aneuploidy is often mosaic-that is anxiety symptoms when not feeling anxious buy cymbalta online pills, it varies among cells in the embryo (Taylor et al anxiety symptoms pain in chest 60mg cymbalta mastercard. There is also concern that epigenetic 37 abnormalities might occur in human embryos in vitro (Lazaraviciute et al. Research on early-stage human embryos in culture should enable scientists to better understand the cellular and molecular pathways that control early human embryo development and the conditions under which human embryos in culture can develop successfully. Having a chromosome number that is not an exact multiple of the usual haploid number. However, it is clear that a number of important differences exist between the development of mouse and rodent embryos and those of humans and most other mammals (see the figure below). Significant research remains necessary to understand what these differences are, how they arise, and why they are significant. Genome editing in human cells and early embryos in the laboratory provides an important tool to help address these questions. A mouse blastocyst takes 3-4 days to develop, whereas a human blastocyst takes 5-6 days. The blastocyst has about 100 cells, is about 1/10th of a millimeter in diameter, and contains only three cell types; there is an outer layer called trophectoderm that encloses an inner cell mass consisting of primitive endoderm and epiblast cells. Mice, humans and all mammalian embryos spend their first few days of development making mostly the cell types needed to survive in the uterus, the placenta and the yolk sac, which are derived from trophectoderm and primitive endoderm respectively (Cockburn and Rossant, 2010). The epiblast cells are the pluripotent cells that give rise to the entire embryo including its germ cells (Gardner and Rossant, 1979). Comparison of blastocyst and early postimplantation development between mouse and human. Whereas the blastocysts of the two species (left-hand figures) look very similar, later stages at the time of implantation (right-hand figures) show significant differences, particularly in the extraembryonic tissues. There is only limited invasion of the maternal uterus by mouse trophoblast cells until much later in placental development. In addition to the differences summarized in the figure above, there are clearly other differences in the control of development of the early embryos of the two species. In a mouse embryo, the signaling pathways and downstream gene regulatory pathways that drive the formation of the three cell types of the blastocyst are fairly well understood (Frum and Ralston, 2015). Information from the molecular analysis of events in the early mouse embryo has helped in understanding the underlying principles of the establishment of cellular pluripotency. Scientists can use these cells to generate cells to study or treat disease, greatly reducing the need to use cells derived from embryos. In contrast to understanding of mouse development, much less is known about the cellular and molecular events of blastocyst formation in human embryos. Some experiments on the timing of cell-lineage restriction have been performed, but not with as much precision as in mice because of the restricted number of embryos that are available for research. Compounding the challenges of studying development in human embryos has been the absence of appropriate methods. The early postimplantation stages of mouse and human development differ morphologically and perhaps in other ways not currently understood. Current data suggest that cell-lineage restriction occurs later in a human embryo than in a mouse embryo, probably not until after the blastocyst is fully developed. New technologies for analyzing gene expression in small amounts of tissue, and even from single cells, are helping scientists to gain insights into the molecular pathways controlling lineage development. From these data it is already apparent that there are both similarities and significant differences between humans and mice in the developmental profiles of gene expression, including in some of the key genetic drivers known for mouse preimplantation development. It is possible to speculate about which of these genes are required to drive human preimplantation development, but it is not yet known how critical they are. These stem cell types are valuable for understanding molecular mechanisms of differentiation, as well as the properties of these cell lineages, which are relevant to placental and yolk sac biology in health and disease. However, attempts to derive equivalent extraembryonic stem cell types from human blastocysts have not yet been successful (Hayakawa et al. Such cell lines would be of great value, especially given the considerable evolutionary divergence seen in placental types among mammals. This divergence includes substantial differences in the types of cells comprising the human placenta compared to mice and other mammals.

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