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By: L. Ningal, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Associate Professor, University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine

The reality is that nations are helped by foreign business pulse pressure 2012 discount enalapril 10 mg otc, supplying them with the materials arteria umbilical buy enalapril 5mg with mastercard, equipment blood pressure categories 10 mg enalapril free shipping, and technology to acquire a chemical weapons capability hypertension unspecified 4019 buy enalapril. The group received rudimentary instruction, probably from Soviet instructors, on measures to defend against Japanese chemical warfare. In December 1954, Zhang Aiping was ordered by Mao Zedong to prepare an assault on Yijiangshan island. Among the major responsibilities are: Directing the use of collective protection against chemical weapons, carrying out of survey and reconnaissance for nuclear radiation and chemical analysis, testing for agents and infection, the neutralization of poisons and infection, providing an organized and assured obscurant smoke, as well as directing the coordinated use of flame throwers with advancing troops in combat. Probably in the interest of simplicity for its intended-chiefly juvenile-audience, nerve agents were not mentioned by name. They were listed along with cyanide under the heading of systemic or blood agents, referring to them as being "odorless and colorless liquids, very poisonous, not very easy to detect, demanding that special caution be taken. For example, in the mid-1960s, the Model 64 respirator mask was an indigenous product. An additional model 87 was introduced, along with one specifically crafted for rocket propellants, the model 75. It is also designed for tank crews and use in aircraft by connecting directly with the oxygen system. For battle front troops, mercifully, a gas-permeable suit layered with activated charcoal has been made available since its introduction in 1982. This "Jet Exhaust Decontamination Vehicle" vents with a flow rate of 400 meters/second, with vapor immediately out of the nozzle reaching temperatures of over 500јC, and reducing to 200јC upon reaching the intended surface. Onboard computerized control can adjust the rate of fuel (diesel) burn, heating, etc. Apparently, the secondary operator changes the intake to allow supply of smoke-generating fuel into the turbine. A cylinder holds tablets, presumably for a carbamate, and beneath it is a spring-loaded atropine injector. Although the main purpose of this kit is, again, for nerve agent first aid, it is also recommended for decontaminating other agents, such as mustard and Lewisite. In 1958, the disciplines of military toxicology, pharmacology, and biochemistry were combined into a Pharmacological and Toxicology Research Institute headed by Yang Tenghan, also referred to as the Chemical Defense Medical Science Research Institute, (and later changed in 1987 to the Toxicology and Pharmacology research Institute). Nationwide conferences that dealt with military chemical defense were held in 1961, 1974, and 1979. In the beginning of the 1960s, owing to "strategic demands," a Chemical Defense Testing Unit (Fanghua Jianyan Fendui) was formed, shortened to "Fangyandui," and later called the Chemical Defense Medical Science Specialized Unit (Fanghua Yixue Zhuanye Fendui). Its duties were to assist in evaluating conditions on the borders or within the country, to quickly ascertain threats and provide medical, testing, and other support for chemical defense medicine. Depending upon their anticipated requirements, each military region formed its own version of this type of organization. Qualitative improvements were made in the general treatment of mustard casualties, ways to counteract incapacitating agents, treatment for poisoning from cyanide compounds, as well as prophylactic defense and antidotes for nerve agents. In addition to packets made for skin decontamination, a testing kit was also designed for alerting one to the presence of contaminated food and water provisions. By 1963, the realization that the irreversibility of enzyme by nerve agents due to aging also led to renewed efforts at finding better acetylcholinesterase reactivators. During the 1960s and 1970s, instruction in chemical defense medicine was provided to students from Vietnam, North Korea, and Albania, with specialists sent to help these and other countries establish their own testing laboratories. From 1971 to 1989, the General Logistics and Sanitation Departments cultivated 81 specialists in the area of chemical defense medicine. In 1989, 19 Masters degrees were awarded in hygiene and chemical defense medicine. Chinese Research in Defense Against Nerve Agents For protection against nerve agent exposure, three main types of compounds are commonly used, both before and after the fact. Because soman, for example, can age enzymes in a matter of minutes, carbamate prophylaxis is especially important. Anticholinergic compounds are those that block acetylcholine, restoring some normalcy following nerve agent poisoning. Atropine is the drug of choice for military chemical defense, although other similar compounds could be used, depending on the level of perceived risk. Chinese development of antidotes for nerve agents may be broken down into three stages: 1) the initial treatment regimen typed No.

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