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By: K. Ivan, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor, University of Virginia School of Medicine

The second effect of chromium ion on the ZnSe absorption spectra is the shift of the short-wavelength absorption edge of ZnSe (470 nm) to longer wavelengths erectile dysfunction causes mayo buy kamagra soft now. Previous studies showed that the strength of this band scales with the Cr2+ ion concentration erectile dysfunction drugs used kamagra soft 100mg with visa. The amount of the short-wavelength absorption edge shift is also related to the dopant concentration erectile dysfunction young adults cheap 100 mg kamagra soft amex. There are two more transitions near the band gap edge of ZnSe erectile dysfunction treatment injection cheap kamagra soft 100mg with amex, one at 610 nm and another at 680 nm which are hardly visible in the room-temperature absorption spectra shown in Figure 3. The origin of these transitions is not clear and more detailed information can be found in Reference 79. The importance of this band lies in the fact that its short wavelength side also overlaps with the lasing wavelength range of Cr2+:ZnSe, causing unwanted absorption losses [79]. We used the measured absorption spectra of Cr2+:ZnSe samples with different chromium concentrations to investigate this effect in detail. Comparison of the measured absorption spectra of the Cr2+:ZnSe samples with those of the undoped ZnSe allows the estimation of the passive losses at the lasing wavelengths (around 2500 nm, see Figure 3. Our measurements showed that, despite slight variations from sample to sample, passive losses of Cr2+:ZnSe increase linearly with increasing Cr2+ concentration. This can be clearly seen in the absorption spectra of the three Cr2+:ZnSe samples shown in Figure 3. In the first method, the average absorption coefficient at the center of the cylindrical Cr2+:ZnSe samples was measured as a function of the diffusion time. We also used a second method which allows the determination of the diffusion coefficient with one sample only. Note that this measurement also gives information on the spatial uniformity of the Cr2+:ZnSe samples prepared by thermal diffusion doping. Using this method, best-fit between experiment and theory was obtained for a D value of 5. In particular, we present data that show how the lifetime and the fluorescence efficiency vary with the active ion concentration. We further discuss the models used for the determination of the absorption cross section from cw and pulsed absorption saturation measurements. Since lifetime data are needed in the cw analysis of saturation, we included this discussion on the modeling of saturation after Subsection 3. This suggests that samples with relatively low chromium concentration are more suitable to obtain lasing in the low-wavelength end of the emission band. Experiments aimed at operating a gain-switched Cr2+:ZnSe laser below 2000 nm are further discussed in Subsection 3. We also note in passing that even ultraviolet (355 nm) and visible (532 nm) pump sources can be used to obtain mid infrared emission from Cr2+:ZnSe [105]. The stimulated emission cross section e is an important laser parameter which is related to the strength of the emission band and the amount of optical amplification that can be obtained from the gain medium.

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Recall that this is the weight supported by a single arm and that it neglects the weight of the forearm itself food that causes erectile dysfunction cheap kamagra soft 100mg free shipping. For example erectile dysfunction questionnaire discount 100mg kamagra soft amex, the idea that all muscles exert the same force is an oversimplification; research has shown that the force exerted by muscles cooperating in a single task differs from muscle to muscle erectile dysfunction viagra dosage cheapest generic kamagra soft uk, and it has been argued that the force distribution is such to minimize the effort [22] new erectile dysfunction drugs 2011 purchase kamagra soft overnight. Moreover, the force that can be generated by a 7 Other interesting statistics for muscle: the power density of muscle when doing medium-term repetitive tasks is approximately 40 W/kg muscle. The corresponding efficiency of energy conversion from foodstuffs is approximately 20%. The interested reader is referred to Murray [18] for more details; here we will stick with our simple assumption of a uniform value for f for all muscles. Finally, our treatment of the elbow as a simple hinge with reaction forces acting through the center of rotation is somewhat unrealistic, but a more complete analysis is beyond the scope of this book. Wang and Buchanan [23] measured the moment generated during elbow flexion with the forearm in the neutral position (halfway between pronation and supination, as if the subject were holding the handle of a full coffee mug), obtaining values between 60 and 90 N m, which is about double the predictions of our calculations. This corresponds to a moment of roughly 80 N m, again about double what our computation predicts. This discrepancy may be because we have neglected several smaller muscles that help to stabilize and flex the elbow joint, because of small postural differences between our calculation and the experimental conditions, or because of the assumptions listed in the previous paragraph (including the value for f). However, the value that we have computed is not far different from experimental data and agrees with everyday experience. Returning to our calculation, we can now ask what joint reaction force this weight W will generate at the elbow. Both of these values are significantly larger than the supported weight, and this is typical of most joints in the body where the muscles are working at a "mechanical disadvantage," i. This means that the muscles must generate significant forces to support loads, which invariably translates into large joint reaction forces. What magnitude of bending stress does this force distribution generate in the bones of the forearm This turns out to be a very difficult question to answer; here we present a simplified way to tackle this problem. The reader will recall that if one makes an imaginary cut through a loaded beam so as to separate the beam into two parts, then consideration of equilibrium for each part shows that there must be internal forces and moments acting on this cutting face. The internal moment is known as the bending moment, while the internal forces consist of a normal force and (in three dimensions) two shearing forces. The bending moment and internal forces change with position and can be computed by a static force and moment balance on either of the two parts of the beam for different imaginary cutting plane positions. In the case of the forearm, which we have approximated as being loaded by point forces, the bending moment distribution consists of linear segments (why Inspection of this diagram shows that the maximum bending moment occurs 8 cm from the elbow and has magnitude 2323 N cm. Note that this result does not depend on assumptions about the architecture or shape of the bones in the forearm; rather, it follows directly from a force and moment balance. Problematic in this context are assumptions (2), (3), (5), and, as we will see, (6). The reader is cautioned that the following material is therefore only approximate. The upper portion of the figure shows a generic beam cut at an arbitrary location, with the internal bending moment and force components acting on the dark-shaded portion of the beam superimposed. The middle panel shows the vertical components of forces acting on the forearm, arising from muscles, joint reaction forces at the elbow, and the supported weight. The bottom panel shows the bending moment distribution in the forearm, computed as described in the text. To keep the problem tractable we will simply consider one axial location and treat the bone as an equivalent hollow beam of circular cross-section with inner and outer diameters, Di and Do respectively. Burr and Martin [24] used a combination of microscopy and calliper measurements to assess polar moment of inertia, J, and "diameter" in 86 human radius bones at a cross-section located 37.


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When the total output power is collected on the detector erectile dysfunction doctors minneapolis discount kamagra soft 100 mg mastercard, the obtained intensity noise is typically several tens of dB above the shotnoise limit erectile dysfunction treatment atlanta ga proven 100mg kamagra soft. Even much higher noise can be obtained when collecting only a part of the spatial pattern erectile dysfunction treatment new drugs discount kamagra soft online mastercard, because the noise in the different spatial modes can be highly anticorrelated erectile dysfunction doctor in philadelphia order 100mg kamagra soft fast delivery. One can, however, consider the phases of the different modes, which also must be expected to undergo complicated nonlinear dynamics. A common situation is that a solid-state laser is pumped with a high-power semiconductor laser diode, with the latter exhibiting significant mode partition noise. Even if the total power of the semiconductor laser is fed into the solid-state laser (to avoid the above-mentioned detrimental effect of spatial filtering), the resulting intensity noise of the solid-state laser can be significant, because the degree of pump absorption can significantly vary across the spectrum of the pump diode, so that the absorbed pump power fluctuates more than the total incident pump power. The mode beating periods often is on the order of one tenth of the pulse duration, corresponding to a pulse duration approximately one order of magnitude above the cavity round-trip time. Note that significant mode beating occurs even in situations where one mode carries most of the power. A special aspect of the situation in a Q-switched laser is that there is often too little time for establishing clean single-frequency operation during the build-up phase of the Q-switched pulse, even if one mode has some gain advantages over all others. Possible measures include strong spectral filtering in the cavity, the use of a short cavity (leading to a large mode spacing), injection seeding with an additional single-frequency laser, and feedback-stabilized singlefrequency prelasing [30]. A consequence of this is that even for single-frequency operation the relative optical phase of subsequent pulses is entirely random. The build-up time and thus the pulse energy and temporal position can also be influenced by the noise in the initial period of pulse buildup. Passive Q Switching In the following we briefly discuss some aspects which depend on whether an active or passive Q-switching mechanism is used. In fact, the most fundamental difference results from the fact that the start of the pulse formation process is differently influenced by pump noise. Here, the pulse formation process is triggered by an external event, which is not influenced by the current energy content of the gain medium. Still, the temporal position of the generated pulse depends on the energy stored in the gain medium: the more energy there is, the higher the laser gain in the pulse-build-up phase, and the earlier the pulse maximum will be reached. Therefore, in a situation with a fixed repetition rate of the active Q switch, pump noise can cause bounded fluctuations of the pulse energy, the pulse duration, and the temporal pulse position. In contrast, pulse formation in a passively Q-switched laser (with a saturable absorber in the cavity) is triggered not by an external signal but rather at the time where the energy stored in the gain medium becomes sufficient to generate a positive net gain per cavity round trip. Assuming constant cavity losses and an always fully recovered saturable absorber, this occurs always for the same level of stored energy, independent of the pump power. In principle, the pump power can still have an influence during the pulse buildup time, but this time is often so short that the pump influence is negligible. Therefore, the pulse energy and the pulse duration are then nearly independent of the pump power, and changes of the pump power only affect the pulse repetition rate, as observed, for example, in passively Q-switched microchip lasers [31]. This can cause reduced noise in the pulse energy at the expense of higher timing jitter. Note, however, that this does not fully hold for cases with incomplete absorber recovery between the pulses. In contrast to noise in continuous-wave lasers, pulse parameters - similar to energy, temporal position, duration, etc. A consequence of this is that noise spectra can be specified only up to half the pulse repetition rate, corresponding to the Nyquist frequency. A mathematically more subtle point is that the optical phase (or amplitude) of a mode is actually well defined only over time scales well above the pulse period, as required to spectrally resolve the line. However, this is normally not a problem, as one usually considers the phase noise at lower frequencies. In principle, all kinds of noise of the output of a mode-locked laser are determined by the specification of the amplitude and phase noise of all the lines in the optical spectrum, plus the correlations between these fluctuations.

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