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By: Z. Stejnar, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Program Director, Baylor College of Medicine

On a global level bacteria in urine icd 9 cheap zitrotek 100 mg with visa, given their relatively larger numbers antibiotics for uti sulfa allergy order zitrotek discount, babies born at 34 to 36 weeks are likely to have the greatest public health impact and to be of the most importance in the planning of services antibiotics pregnancy zitrotek 500mg mastercard. We have highlighted the differences in preterm birth rates among countries antibiotics for uti prevention cheap zitrotek 100 mg overnight delivery, but marked disparities are also present within countries. For example, in the United States in 2009, reported preterm birth rates were as high as 17. Disparities within countries need to be better understood in order to identify high-risk groups and improve care. The economic costs of preterm birth are large in terms of the immediate neonatal intensive care and ongoing long-term complex health needs frequently experienced. These costs, in addition, are likely to rise as premature babies increasingly survive at earlier gestational ages in all regions. This survival also will result in the increased need for special education services and associated costs that will place an additional burden on affected families and the communities in which they live (Petrou et al. An increased awareness of the long-term consequences of preterm birth (at all gestational ages) is required to fashion policies to support these survivors and their families as part of a more generalized improvement in quality of care for those with disabilities in any given country. In many middle-income countries, preterm birth is an important cause of disability. Innovation for simpler, low-cost, sensitive and specific tools for assessing gestational age could improve both the coverage and quality of gestational age assessment. Data from hospital-based information systems would also be helpful, but potential selection and other biases must be taken into account. Simpler standardized tools to assess acute and long-term morbidities-associated preterm birth also are critically important to inform program quality improvement to reduce the proportion of survivors with preventable impairment. Actions to improve the data the estimates in this report represent a major step forward in terms of presenting the first-ever national preterm birth estimates. However, action is required to improve the availability and quality of data from many countries and regions and, where data are being collected and analyzed, to improve consistency among countries. These are vital next steps to monitor the progress of policies and programs aimed at reducing the large toll of preterm birth (Table 2. Efforts in every country should be directed to increasing the coverage and systematic recording of all preterm births in a standard reporting format. Standardization of the definition in terms of both the numerator (the number of preterm births) and the denominator (the number of all births) is essential if trends and rankings are to be truly comparable. Collecting data on both live and stillbirths separately will allow further quantification of the true burden, while data focusing on live births only are required for monitoring of neonatal and longer-term outcomes. However, in developed countries with available data, between 5 and 10% of all preterm births are stillbirths, and the figure may be higher in countries with lower levels of medically-induced preterm birth. Distinguishing between live births and stillbirths may vary depending on local policies, the availability of intensive care and perceived viability of babies who are extremely preterm. If estimates for live-born preterm babies were linked to estimates for stillbirths, this would improve tracking among countries and over time. Achieving consensus around the different types of preterm birth and comparable case definitions, whilst challenging, are required where resources allow to further understand the complex syndrome of preterm birth (Goldenberg et al. In many low- and middle-income countries without widescale vital registration, no nationally representative data are available on rates of preterm birth. Substantial investment and attention are required to improve vital registration systems and to account for all birth outcomes (Commission on Information and Accountability, 2011). In the meantime, the Conclusion There are sufficient data to justify action now to reduce this large burden of 15 million preterm births and more than one million neonatal deaths. Innovative solutions to prevent preterm birth and hence reduce preterm birth rates all around the world are urgently needed. This also requires strengthened data systems to adequately track trends in preterm bir th rates and program effectiveness. These efforts must be coupled with ac tio n now to implement improved antenatal, obstetric and newborn care to increase survival and reduce disability amongst those born too soon. Photo: Joshua Roberts/Save the Children Care Before PregnanCy Photo: Lucia Zoro/Save the Children 33 Chapter 3.

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The dream here is used metaphorically to indicate a futureorientedness; the reach for something not yet fully graspable; a space of shared, collective hopes. The former are dreams of change; the latter, in Muslim contexts, are prophetic dreams or dream encounters, for instance, with the Prophet Muhammad. Without wanting to erase such differences, I suggest that the recent eruption of metaphorical dreamtalk offers an opportunity for rethinking the place of actual dreams and miracles in the anthropology of the Middle East. In the end, the line between metaphorical and "actual" dreams is itself rarely stable. Dreams and miracles are always discursively constructed, and they can be variously interpreted. The question of where they come from, what they mean, and what one ought to do with them is always a matter of debate and is often contested. In what follows, I take stock of the literature on dreams and the miraculous in the anthropology of the Middle East. I mostly focus on anthropological works published in English, and Egypt figures more prominently than other Middle Eastern countries. This partly has to do with reasons of familiarity: Egypt is the place where I have done extensive fieldwork with dream interpreters, Sufis, psychologists, and laypeople, resulting in my book Dreams that Matter (2011). Yet, the focus on Egypt also has to do with the disproportionate number of ethnographies that have been produced on Egypt in recent years, whereas Middle Eastern countries such as Algeria, Tunisia, or Iraq are "understudied" by comparison. The reader will also notice that most of my discussion focuses on religious (and particularly Muslim) understandings of dreams and miracles. The reason here is the dearth of anthropological literature on nonreligious renderings of such phenomena, a promising field for future research and one made even more compelling in light of the recent revolutionary evocation of dreams and miracles outside of familiar frameworks of religious traditions. More broadly, my reading of the literature is informed not only by my personal and academic background but also by the historical moment in which this chapter was written. I suggest that the Arab uprisings in 2011, while haunted by failure and counterrevolutions, raise provocative questions about the power of dreams, visions, and the miraculous while also challenging us to think beyond the religious-secular dichotomy. The point in bringing dreams, miracles, politics, and revolution into conversation is not to uncover causal connections or to show that, secretively or unconsciously, all protesters in the Arab world are indebted to traditional or religious worldviews. I do not suggest searching for explanations for the uprisings in anthropological work on Middle dreams and the miraculous 109 Eastern "cultures" (or worse, the "Arab mind"). Rather, I take as a starting point the eruption of metaphorical dreamtalk at a time of revolution and suggest that classical and recent anthropological writings on dreams and the miraculous open up provocative analytical spaces for thinking about the imagination more broadly. Significantly, when I refer to the imagination, I do not simply evoke the human "power or capacity to form internal images or ideas of objects and situations not actually present to the senses [. A related widespread devaluation of the imagination finds expression in utterances such as "you only imagined that" or "it was only a dream. In many dreamcultures, dreams are not produced by the dreamer; they rather come to her. In the context of my fieldwork (and in many texts of the Islamic tradition), the imagination (al-khayal) is a realm that lies between the spiritual and the material, the Divine and the human. My call for an anthropology of the imagination is inspired by creative and critical engagements with the imaginary and the inbetween (Crapanzano 2001, 2003; Pandolfo 1997), anthropological and postcolonial work on alternative modes of rationality (Chakrabarty 2000; Tambiah 1990), theorizations on hauntedness (Gordon 2008), and ethnographies that engage with spirits and ghosts without reducing them to being mental projections (Kwon 2008; Lambek 1981; Mueggler 2001; Palmiй 2002). The uprisings in 2011 suggest that an engagement with different registers of the imagination is not only a philosophical but also a political exercise. I begin by unpacking the terms "dreams" and "miraculous" and comment briefly on the methodological challenges posed by these two objects of study.

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