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Cadets gathered at the Aberdeen Maryland Nostalgia Convention and enjoyed several days of movies, TV shows and the pleasurable company of Erin Gray, Wilma Deering from the 1980s BUCK ROGERS TV series. The convention had a little of everything for nostalgia fans; TV and radio shows, movies, science fiction,comics,pulps and collectibles.
The X-RC cockpit was on display and drew a number convention attendees to the Solar Guard table. Cadet Mike Turco continues to improve the cockpit display and hopes to install a video monitor for viewing early Space Patrol shows. The display sparked several good discussions about the space shows of the early 1950s.
radio re-enactments were presented at the convention: A classic X minus one
show and an unaired episode of Sam Spade taken from an original script. The
shows were presented in the finest tradition of Old Time Radio. complete
with sound effects and commercials. The SG was represented in both shows by
Cadet Mike Turco.
A 24 hour movie room, radio shows and
panel discussions kept the crew busy during the convention
of the highlights for the cadets included:
SG reunion trading card for the event featured a colorize picture of Tonga
and Major Robertson in a classic pose. Next year's card may follow a different
theme ... be sure to mark your calendars for the MANC and SG reunion in September
2008. Till then ...
Spaceman's Luck
Cadet Ed