Eagle Scout with 54 merit badges, including every nature merit badge.
The following are only highlights of a 50+ year career span. Paul's career covers not only comic book writing, but writing 5 syndicated strips; selling 4 screenplays; 4 Broadway options; sketches on TV for such stars as Boris Karloff and his own (Paul's) mini-comedies series; sketches for radio comedian Henry Morgan; 16 children's books, including Big Little Books; over 50 corporate speeches; over 50 industrial films; magazine articles on Latin American Art; and even one article for the National Enquirer (but not on Monica Lewinsky).Comic titles included Turok, Son of Stone, The Lone Ranger and span the genre from:
Superman to Mighty Mouse
from Dr. Solar to Nurse Nancy
from The Mighty Sampson to Nancy
from Tweety and Sylvester to Marvel Tales
from I Love Lucy to Plastic Man
and on and on and on
These highlights will be expanded upon as additional pages are added.
- Scripted the first year and half of the Tom Corbett Newspaper strip from September 9, 1951 to February 8,1953
- Scripted the SPACE DUST filler for the Tom Corbett strip.
- Scripted Issues 378,400,421,4 ,5 ,6,7 of the Dell Tom Corbett comic book and issue #102 March of Comics.
- 1947- First Comic book work: A Date with Judy. It started as a possible writing job for the radio show but Paul's scripting was so visual, he was sent to DC comics, who was publishing the comic book version of the show.
- Work at Hillman, Fawcett, Ziff Davis, Avon, St John and Timely/Atlas (becoming Marvel Comics ).
- At Timely Paul worked on Patsy Walker, Hedy Devine and Jeannie with Al Jaffee. Followed by work for Stan Lee in Journey into Mystery and Marvel Tales as well as several Romance titles.
- Began work on the Lone Ranger after a meeting in Detroit with George Trendle and Fran Striker resulting in exclusive work with Dell and 24 years as the "Man behind the Mask" on the newspaper strip and comic book. The second only to Turok (26 years) for time on a single character.
- Indian Chief and Turok became his book along with other titles at Dell including all 35 issues of I Love Lucy and many of the popular TV programs and Movie adaptations.
- Turok became Paul's longest running assignment lasting 26 years.
- In 1962 he assisted Western editor Matt Murphy in the creation of Doctor Solar writing the first few issues of the title.
- During the 1960's Paul wrote the The Life of Beatles book and the adaptation of the Beatles movie "The Yellow Submarine"
- By the 1980's Paul was working at DC on G.I. Combat and House of Mystery and Marvel's Disney series, Darkwing Duck and others.
- Lone Ranger
- Tom Corbett Space Cadet
- Smokey the Bear
- Robin Malone
- Laugh In with Roy Doty, the artist.
- Original Play at Dartmouth College, DOLLAR DIPLOMACY, the first original play by a student ever produced by The Dartmouth Players, twice optioned for Broadway (but not produced); 3 other Broadway optioned, but unproduced plays.
- Sold 4 unproduced screenplays including, A TIGER NAMED KING for Ringling Brothers.
- Industrial films.
- The Vindicators, an action thriller, is currently being submitted by his agent.
- Enjoys 17th and 18th Century English comedies; acquired contemporary Latin amnerican art, lending works to the Museum of Modern Art, the Hirschhorn, Milwaukee and Berlin museums; active bird watcher with his wife Carol.
- Son Peter, plus grandson Daniel and granddaughter, Mara; daughter Lisa, and thanks to Carol three stepdaughters and four step grandchildren.. one Beta fish, part of an art work.
- Over 4,100+ stories written for 360+ comics resulting in more than 32,000 pages of comics.
- During the 1950's Paul was writing between 1,000 and 2,000 pages per year.
- For each of the 4,000 stories published, there were another 5,000 story ideas rejected.
Paul's Notes:Pictures and notes from The 1998 San Diego International ComicCon.
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