Solar Guard Reunion - Williamsburg Film Festival
March 5 - 8, 2008
Holiday Inn
Williamsburg, Virginia

|.. 2008 Solar Guard Reunion ..|.. Williamsburg Film Festival ..|.. Guest information .. |
|.. Videos .. | .. Premium Give-Away .. |

2008 reunion logo


The 2008 Solar Guard Academy reunion is set for March 5 - 8, 2008 in Williamsburg Virginia. Cadets will meet and greet each other and enjoy some of the classic episodes of the 1950s Space shows while at the festival. Check the Williamsburg Film Festival for the latest information on the guests and hotel reservations.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to contact the Academy if you plan to attend. The 2008 membership package will contain your special name tag, movie information and other items of interest from the event. The package will also contain another trading card inspired from the 1950s shows.


Special Guest

Richard Devon as MolakThis year Richard Devon will be attending the festival and has contacted the Solar Guard Academy with information about his early work on SPACE PATROL. Richard is best known for his western career similar to Jan Merlin's, as a "bad man" you loved. He was "Molak" on SPACE PATROL during pre-syndication of the show at KECA. Richard is wearing the early Space Patrol uniforms as seen in picture on the right (click for a full size picture). There will be several of the early KECA 15 minute Space Patrol episodes shown in the Solar Guard Video room Thursday and Friday nights.

UPDATE (1-30-2008) on guests appearing at the Williasmburg Film Festival and their connection to Science Fiction shows from the past and near present.

Recently completed XRCBE SURE TO ATTEND the Solar Guard video room during the reunion for a chance to win a complete reprint giveaway of the NESTLE ROCKET SHIP COCKPIT (XRC) as featured in the three part Space Patrol story beginning with the October 23, 1954 "Mystery of the Stolen Rocket Ship" show. Cadet Mike Turco will make a printout from Elliot Swanson's XRC Cockpit CD for a drawing during the video session. You will be able to build your very own Rocket Ship Cockpit, check your membership package for the session time of the drawing.


A large group of TOM CORBETT SPACE CADET videos were acquired by a fellow dealer/fan that we hope will produce some un circulated shows. In particular, the last 1950 series of 15 minute episodes , the MOON RAY, that followed the Pirates of Ganymede adventure as seen on CBS.

Several 1950s SF thrillers that feature Lyn Osborn (Cadet Happy) in THE COSMIC MAN and Nina Bara in MISSILE TO THE MOON will be available for viewing along with episodes of Captain Midnight, Men Into Space, SF Theater, the 1950 German produced Flash Gordon and Rocky Jones. The full schedule of shows will be included in the membership packages. Be sure to contact Cadet Ed if you will be attending to reserve your membership package.

Premium card teaser graphicPremium Giveaway:

UPDATE ( 2-18-2008) "Premium" give-away for cadets attending the reunion. A new trading card series starts with the Williamsburg Film Festival - Spaceships of the Academy.

Can you guess which will be the first of the series? A new set of pictures have been forwarded to the Academy for use in the Spaceship card series. The first card features a favorite of cadets with information that should be interesting for all fans of the 1950s spaceships.

Dealer's Room:

The Solar Guard Display will once again be in the dealer's room and will serve as a meeting place and blast off point for cadets to travel in the FULL size Space Patrol X-RC Rocket Cockpit made by Cadet Mike Turco. This year the gathering in the dealers room will feature additional viewing time of some of our favorite shows and a time to trade/share any extra Space items with fellow cadets. Bring along any extra item you think other cadets would like. Cadet Ed will bring extras membership "Premiums" from past reunions to share and any other "space opera" item that may be fun to have and trade.

Supper with the cadets

Those cadets who would like to gather for an early supper before the videos start will meet in the hotel lobby at 4:30 on Wednesday,Thursday and Friday. Some of the best memories are made while breaking bread together. If you plan to attend the Film Festival banquet on Saturday night contact Cadet Ed so we can arrange for a reserved table in the banquet hall.

That's the short update, more to follow, so stay tuned . See you at the Reunion and Spaceman's Luck
Cadet Ed

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