Craig Sikes
I never thought I'd see anything about Tom Corbett again. I bought and still
have all 8 of the books and 3 comics. Read the books in the mid to late 50's,
I believe (and, of course, several times since). I also remember watching TC
on TV in the early 50's. I found your information in the TC web pages very
informative and I appreciate the work you did. I always thought the books
came first.
Thanks for the kind words on the site. There are others who are working hard to keep the flame alive..Joe Sarno, Dale Ames and others. Hopefully, more "cadets" will join in with their information so we can maintain the space heroes of the past in the minds of the upcoming generations. Hank Heyman and Geoffrey Tolle will be contributing soon and I look forward to others who have information they can add to the history of "past" heroes of the "future". The Grosset & Dunlap books have the staying power because of the "written" word. Plus they are re-read and kept alive in the minds eye.
I look forward to updates as more info comes to light. It
certainly would be interesting if the old radio and TV episodes were to be
available at some future date.
There are radio shows available and early TV shows are being traded between fans. There were at least two Tom Corbett tapes issued by Wade Williams and Don't Touch That Dial has an on-line resource for classic television shows available on video cassette. There were several Rocky Jones tapes on his list. He's on our links page if you want to go look.
After reading all the info on T.C., I went out and bought the only book by
Robert. Heinlein that I haven't read - Space Cadet. I'm amazed at the parallels!
I suppose it has already been suggested that Heinlein had more to do with the
G & D books than mere influence?
Yes, many times. However, letters from the Heinlein's in the mid seventies made it quite clear they did not have anything to do with the show other than the concept. Magic Dragon also has a nice write up about the parallels as well.
I came across 3 comics about 5 years after I read the books.
Have you read the Tom Corbett revivial comics from Eternity series published in 1990? There were two book series of four books of new material and one series that started to reprint the daily newspaper strips. I hope to add as much information as I have on the Eternity comics in the near future. Is there anyone who can explain why the series folded? Theories, facts or whatever !!!
Allen Harris
During its run "Tom Corbett, Space Cadet" was my favorite show. I built the
control room of a rocket ship in my basement patterned after the Rocket Scout
Polaris (mine was the Sirius). I wanted to become an astronaut and the first man
on the moon. I met Frankie Thomas at Gimbels
Department Store in Philadelphia in 1952. I eventually became an astronomer and
considered applying to the astronauts corps in the mid-60's while an Assistant
Professor of Astronomy at New Mexico State University, but gave up the idea
because of health problems.
Cadet Allen in full dress circa 1952
Allen had the same dream we all had after being exposed to the wonder of space travel. One reason the early heroes, such as Tom Corbett, left us with that challenge was the postive note that was protrayed in the shows. The bad guys were bad and we could count on our heroes to be heroic. We even knew Roger could be counted on in a pinch!!
Frankie Thomas, before he was Tom Corbett, was in a movie serial "Tim Tyler's
Luck." I read in a where are they now book in the 1970's or 1980's that he is an
expert in the card game bridge. I think that Jan Merlin was in the television series "F Troop." Al Markim played Henry Aldridge in the television series by that name.
Ed Bryce was in afternoon soap operas - perhaps "Search for Tomorrow", or the
"Guiding Light." I remember his character on that show had a heart transplant.
Beverly Garland was in many television series including Gunsmoke and was a main character on a sitcom.
Thanks for the update. I hope to have a "Hall of Heroes" page soon with bio's of those pioneers of early space TV. If you have any leads to the actors, directors, writers etc. please report them to the Space Academy for inclulsion in the pages. Frankie Thomas is a Master Bridge player and has continued to write as a mystery author with plots revolving around Bridge. Check out the updated links page to visit Allen at his web page.
Ed Rowles
Just want you to know that the Tom Corbett art is now up and running in
gallery No.3 of my web site. I used some of your copy for the captions.
Also check out some of my new artwork in gallery No.1.
They look great Ed!! The tower of Gaileo, the space port and the campus bring back the memories. Ed has granted permission for use of the art for this site and the artwork will be appearing soon in the Hall of Heroes and other new pages. Drop over to Ed's site and take a long look at the his 1950's Space artwork .
In my search for old spaceship images on the internet I have found a fantastic new web site. Space Art in Children's books 1950's to 1970' s
It is a good site and it has a lot of great artwork from some of the early "space" books.
Have you seen this man???? It's Ward Dean, last known address was Flordia. Ward is standing next to .....anyone want to guess? The TERRA V from Space Patrol. Ward's find was the old Ralston Rocket that was given away in the Space Patrol Name the Planet Contest. I've lost contact with Ward and would like to get in touch with him about his find and where the TERRA V has grounded. I think it would make a great story, don't you?
Till next upload:
Remember to report any interesting news about Cadet Tom, Commander Corry or other heroes to the
Space Academy.
...Spaceman's Luck. Cadet Ed
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