The Academy receives many requests from space opera fans looking for treasures from the early 1950's Science Fiction Shows. The Space Collectible Resource pages will be a focal point for searches for old as well as new collectibles. The pages will try to address the questions ".....where do I find.......?" Expect the format to change as information flows to the Academy. Keep checking and sending in information on old and new material. If you have a resource (s) to share with fellow cadets, please pass them along to the Academy
BOOKS: Tom Corbett Grosset & Dunalp book information,book covers, electronic books, general websites.
VIDEO: Online as well as mail order houses with a supply of hard to find space shows.
AUDIO: Radio shows, CD roms, websites
TOYS:Toy sites, Space Ship Models, General information on New collectibles and information on repro toys.
FOR SALE/TRADE: Individual items for sale or trade. You may post the information on the Solar Guard Bulletin Board or email the Academy. A program to upload requests directly to the page is in the works.
WANTED: A page for cadets who are looking for items to buy.|... Books ...|... Video ...|... Audio ...|... Toys ...|
|.. For Sale/Trade ..|.. Wanted ..|
Comments & suggestions may be sent to the Solar Guard Academy