Space Patrol Bruce David is releasing a number of previously un circulated SP shows from his website- Swapsale. There are 13 volumes available at $12 / volume. The early shows with "Kit Corry" are interesting to watch and see how the special effects as well as the characters progressed over the years. Many of these shows have not seen the light of day since the 1950's. Check out the website. You will be glad you did.
While there you may want to check out some of the Capt Video tapes he has for sale as well. Tom Corbett New Tom Corbett Adventure - THE MERCURIAN INVASION from Wade Williams and Englewood Entertainment:
Click here for more information.
Other sites that carry the new Mercurian Invasion include:
Barnes and Noble's Website websiteOlder video version
Fox Hills Video,60,17732,00.html
Warner Bros,60,17731,00.html
Rocky Jones Space Ranger.From Mike Elmo:
Mike provides a list of video companies he uses for Rocky Jones tapes.
Rated as best quality tapes, good and sharp picture quality
Internet sites:
Via Phone:
Video Yesteryear 1-800-243-0987
Video Resources New York 1-212 724-7055
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