Trades and Sales are between cadets, the Academy is just providing a contact point. You may post your items on the Bulletin Board or email the Academy. A program is being developed for direct posting by cadets. Please advise Cadet Ed when the items are sold or traded.
SPACE OPERA JACKETS Cadet Mike Elmo has developed Space Jackets that any cadet would be proud to wear. The Jackets are being sold through Bruce David's Swap Sale site. Drop by and have a look. You will be glad you did.
TOM CORBETT RADIO SHOWS Twenty One hours of the Tom Corbett radio show from Jan 1952 to June 1952 are available from Cadet Ed ( Each 60 minute cassette is $3.50 -postage is included when 3 or more tapes are ordered. For tape orders of one or two tapes, please add $0.50 with the order. Each of the 21 available tapes have a different cassette cover, created especially for the tape. A catalog with the covers and plots of each story on the cassettes may be viewed
HTML format - Allow a few minutes for download due to the number of graphics. The catalog may be requested in Adobe Acrobat format (pdf), email Cadet Ed at and ask for the PDF Tom Corbett radio catalog .
TRADE: From: Chuck Lassen Tom Corbett Book
I have an extra copy of the Grosset & Dulap book, "Stand By For Mars", which I would like to trade for some other piece ofmemorabilia from any of the old space operas. The book comes complete with a brand new replica dust jacket, printed by acolor laser printer from a scan made from an original cover. Please drop me an e-mail if interested in some horse-trading.
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