PLAY - Project
Enigma -
Action on the Stage
Opens the play with a sad announcement that the sound man for the
play was ill and would not be able to attend.
Cadet Dick Dyszel
lends a hand with the audio

The Polaris Crew
once again ride the spaceways and airways with another Tom Corbett
Space Cadet radio show!!!!
as Roger Manning and Chuck Lassen as Astro.
Arkwright, Dr Dale and Roger Manning. (Mitch Weisberg, Barbara Merlin
and Jan )

Jimmy Lydon
as Capt Strong. Jimmy was also in the Tom Corbett radio show presented
by FRIENDS OF OLD-TIME RADIO in Newark, New Jersey, October 2005.

Ben Cooper (Alfie
Higgins) waits for Narrator Ted Reinhart's cue, while Dick Jones
prepares another "sound effect"
(Alfie) and Mary Orozco (Prof Rowan) wait their cue from Mitch(Commander
Arkwright) and Barbara (Dr Dale).
stage right, Frankie, Jimmy, Jan and Chuck follow along.
Next: After
the Play