Frankie Thomas In one of his favorite pictures as Tom Corbett
Frankie Thomas
"Tom Corbett"


Final Rest
May 16, 2006

Cadet Memories
Rory Coker

Chuck Lassen
Tim Young
Marty Baumann

Frankie in his favorite dress shirt - Hawaiian

Cadet Memories of
Frankie Thomas - Tom Corbett Space Cadet

April 9, 1921 - May 11, 2006

A Childhood Hero, A Friend Today

When I first saw "Tom Corbett, Space Cadet" on TV in 1950, I was fascinated.  I was just the right age (nine) to get into this space saga, and rarely missed an episode.  Frankie Thomas Jr., as Tom Corbett, was a hero and a role model to me and thousands of other kids across the country.  He played the character in a most convincing way, and I almost felt that I knew him way back then.

In recent years, I have come to really know him, and am enriched by the experience.  In reality, he was much like the character he played- he was talented and skilled, with a genuine, heartwarming and friendly, outgoing personality.  He cared about his fans and always had time to talk with each and every one of those he met at many film festivals and conventions.

We had many interesting phone conversations and exchanges of letters and e-mails, during which he would eagerly provide me with details looking behind the scenes of the movies and TV shows he starred in.  It was this information, and the many historical photos he sent me, that led me to write several articles about his work that were published in FilmFax magazine a few years ago.  I had never thought of myself as an author, but Frankie encouraged me to go for it, so I did, and it worked!  He never stopped being a mentor and inspiration to me.

The era of Tom Corbett has finally ended, but Frankie will be fondly remembered by thousands of grown-up kids like me, who were there for those wonderful days "In the Age of the Conquest of Space!"

Spaceman's Luck, Frankie, and Godspeed....

Chuck Lassen