Frankie Thomas In one of his favorite pictures as Tom Corbett
Frankie Thomas
"Tom Corbett"


Final Rest
May 16, 2006

Cadet Memories
Rory Coker

Chuck Lassen
Tim Young
Marty Baumann

Frankie in his favorite dress shirt - Hawaiian

Cadet Memories of
Frankie Thomas - Tom Corbett Space Cadet

April 9, 1921 - May 11, 2006

I was deeply saddened to learn of Frankie's passing. I had met him a couple of times and was always impressed by his warmth and genuine appreciation for his fans.  He was always friendly and outgoing, and justly proud of the role he had played in shaping television's early years.

I last saw him at the '06 Solar Guard Reunion in Williamsburg in March. The highlight of my trip happened Saturday evening while waiting for the Banquet hall to open: I wandered outside and there was Frankie Thomas sitting by himself waiting for a relative to come by.

Gracious and friendly, he invited me to join him and for about 10 minutes he and I sat and had a brief but unforgettable chat. It will forever remain a favorite memory.

When I learned of his passing I stepped outside and quietly looked up at the night sky, thinking, somewhere out there the Polaris now cruises the stars for eternity, with the greatest Cadet of them all standing proudly and at peace on the Control Deck.

Farewell Frankie, keep the rockets roaring and Spaceman's Luck forever.

Tim Young