NEWS 2000
Ib Melchior,
Man of Imagination
Posted 10/31/00
IF one of your
all time favorite SF movies of 1964 was ROBINSON
CRUSOE ON MARS, or you remember the MAN
IN SPACE television show with fond memories then you can
thank Mr. Melchior. Now, thanks to Robert Skotak's book IB
MELCHIOR MAN OF IMAGINATION, you will have another reason
to thank Ib Mechior because his early work in SF began with
Check out the review on the
Solar Guard Library page.
Posted 10/16/00
From Space Opera's media corespondent Jeff Bertwits:
Hello Fellow Cadets!
Remember a couple of years ago, when there were rumors about at Tom
Corbett, Space Cadet movie in development? Well, after quite a bit
of digging, I was finally able to discover where things stand on the
project! If you check out the new Nov./Dec. issue of Cinescape, coming
out in a week or two (it has got the new X-Files team on the cover),
and go to page 22, you'll find a short "Buzz Box" piece on the long-awaited
film. Find out what the producer, Edward Pressman, has to say about
the delay and where things stand with the picture!
Jeff also uncovered some good news for the STARMAN
Also, in the same issue, on
page 12 you'll find a brief piece on the new Starman book series!
Thanks Jeff for the heads up.
Dust cover
art for Starman #1: "ASSAULT ON MARS"
Posted 9/12/00
By all standards the Starman Team's first book, ASSAULT ON MARS, is
a big success. The look and feel of the project reminds everyone of
the early series books and the first novel has received justifiable
praise. Requests for artwork has prompted the Team to provide a beautiful,
enlarged copy of the full-wrap dust jacket, signed by the artist and
suitable for framing.
The image is 9.3" high x 15.4" wide on 11" x 17" paper. The border
at the top is .60", on the sides is .80" and at the bottom is 1.10".
A .40" diameter logo is in the lower left corner centered 1.50" from
the left edge of the image and 1.00" from the bottom edge of the image.
The artist's name is printed on the image in the lower right corner.
Printed in the lower white border, centered left to right just below
the image, are the words:
Dust cover art for Starman
The master for the copies is a professionally-made photograph with
clear detail and fine coloring. Copies will be professionally photocopied
from this master, signed by the artist, and mailed by priority mail
in a mailing tube.
Cost for the artwork is $15 post paid. All proceeds will be dedicated
toward the printing of Starman Book # 2, The
Runaway Asteroid.
If you are interested in the artwork, please send a check for $15,
made out to Jonathan K. Cooper, and mail to Route 2, Box 129A, Hurricane,
WV 22526. And if you haven't checked out the new Starman web site
for a month or so, please click on
It's an entirely new site, much improved, and includes a sample of
the text of The Runaway Asteroid!
New Tom Corbett
Posted 9/01/00

Copyright 2000
Englewood Entertainment
SPACE CADET video will be released from Englewood Entertainment
in September and will include episodes "Asteroid of Death",
Target: Danger" and "Assignment: Mercury". The shows may
be available in DVD format as well. Check the Englewood
site for the exact date.
Thanks to Cadet Jean-Noel for sending the graphic artist of
the video's to the Academy. Cadet Tucker Johnston needed information
about the Space Academy building as well as the color of the
uniforms. I know he had help from Cadet Chuck Lassen and from
the debate on the site a few years ago. Thanks to those who
participated in that exchange (see
Space Forum # 4).
A tip of the space visor to Cadet Tucker. His response to everyone's
help demonstrates a true desire to do a good job.
From Cadet Tucker:
Thanks for your
reply. Got the info on Space Academy just in time to modify
the cover of Corbett, Vol. 2 before it went to the printer.
In trying to put these boxes together, I sometimes have to
make interpretations of color, etc. from the original b&w
photos. I had a photo of Space Academy, but it looked like
a moonscape on it. That's what I originally tinted it like
on the cover of Volume 2. But fortunately I found you guys
on the Internet and could actually find out. As you can see
on the attached cover, it's definitely Earth that the Space
Academy is set on.
Thanks again to your fanbase. I always try to be faithful
in my artwork so fans of a particular film or series aren't
disappointed. (Personally, I'm a fan of Doc Savage and Shadow
and I know when some bozo artist screws it up I'm fit to be
Thanks again for your help.
Tucker Johnston,
JULY 2000
New Starman
Series Book
In Third printing
Posted 7/21/00
is in its third print run. If you haven't gotten a copy yet, I would
recommend you go to the Starman web site and order a copy today
The Starman website has been
revised and summaries of the next four Starman books plus some actual
text from the next Starman book are on-line. I have enjoyed the
first book and have already reserved my copy of book # 2 The
Runaway Asteroid
Thanks Jon, David and Mike for the hard work you are putting into
the series.
Planet Patrol every Sunday
Posted 7/12/00
Bruce David has an original
SF Sunday Comics page each Sunday at
. Bruce has given us a lot to look at in his excellent Space Patrol,
Tom Corbett and Capt Video tapes that he offers on his site... Now
he has added a Sunday Funny for our Enjoyment.
PATROL is one of several strips running on Bruce's Comics site.
Drop by and read the adventures of Dale and Kazz as they ply the
space lanes of the Planet Patrol.
Thanks Bruce, I look forward
to reading the adventures of the "Planet" Patrol each week and Spaceman's
New Series Book Adventure
Posted 7/7/00
The STARMAN Juvenile Book Series is now available. If you
series books, you will be very happy with the STARMAN adventures.
the first book in a proposed series of 23 STARMAN books and
has all of the elements of the 1950's space opera that we loved.
In an age where electronic
games, Internet surfing and computers compete for the leisure time
of young people, the STARMAN series is a welcomed alternative.
It is also a great read for "older" Cadets who remember the TOM
CORBETT, and RICK BRANT stories. It is a project conducted
by fans for fans with a professional result. This type of adventure
book disappeared during the 1960's when NASA's engineer's provided
a less than glamorous looking space vehicle for the conquest of
space :-)
The style and flavor of the
STARMAN series is reminiscence of the book series Robert
Heinlein wrote for Scribner in the 1950's. Heinlein never "talked
down" to his audience in his series of books and neither does the
STARMAN books. The influence's from Rick Brant's author Hal
Goodwin and Tom Corbett's science advisor Willy Ley are also apparent.
The background of the series has a structure and history that has
been plotted for each book.
This is the type of project
all fans should support. Cadet Ed plans to buy two copies. One for
himself and one for his grandson to read and enjoy. For more information
on the series go to the Solar Guard Library
or directly from the STARMAN website :
Cost of the book is $16.50
+ $3.50 postage. All profits made on the first book will go into
a fund that will be used to print Starman #2 and the rest of the
series. To afford even a minimal print run for book #2 the Starman
team will need to sell at least 200 copies of Starman #1. I would
like to see a lot of the cadets of the Solar Guard in that first
200 member copy run.
Aside from the great read,
the first run of 500 copies are numbered and are sure to be collector's
items in the future. So don't wait, contact the Starman Team and
order your book today!! Tell'em Cadet Ed sent you. You will be glad
you did.
MAY 2000
Posted 5/30/00
Frankie Thomas is very active and is releasing two new Sherlock Holmes
books in the coming months - see book review section . Frankie's work on
Tom Corbett was one our favorites (of course), but it is not the only
arena Frankie worked in. Cadet Ed and young cadet Nathan (grandson)
were watching Frankie in one of his four Nancy Drew movies when Nathan's
mom walked and said… "watching TOM CORBETT?". Nathan's mom identified
Frankie from the "classic" pose he made famous on Tom Corbett - thumbs
looped into belt, feet wide apart and eye's gazing off into the distance.
Three generations know that famous stand :-) There it was in the Nancy
Drew series and ID'd by someone who was born 15 years AFTER the show
went off the air!!
Frankie also did early movie serials including Tim Tyler's Luck. Cadet
Chuck Lassen has several pages relating to Frankie's Tim Tyler serial
on his Space Academy South Site :
The future cadet of the Academy was learning his "stuff". Great fun
for his fans, thanks Chuck.
First Episode ?
Posted 5/30/00
Beth Flood ( Sister of Lyn Osborn, Cadet Happy) has provided documentation
that may be the best source for pegging the first broadcast of the
Space Patrol show:
From Beth:
I just realized that the letter from my brother could be documentation
of the date for the first Space Patrol TV show. The letter was written
on Sun, Mar 5, 1950, the postmark on the envelope is Mar 5, 1950,
at 7PM, and "this coming Thursday" would be 4 days later, on Mar
9, 1950. What do you think?
The letter indicated that Lyn would be in the first show this "coming"
Thursday - March 9th. Unless someone can find a different date for
the first show, it sounds like Thursday March 9th 1950 was the premiere
of the SPACE PATROL. There is more information about Lyn's early
work that will be presented in Jean-Noel's book on Space Patrol.
So stay tuned and thanks Beth for the vital link to the show.
APRIL 2000
Posted 4/3/00
Jan Merlin and Frankie Thomas celebrate a birthday this month. Drop
by the Bullentin Board and wish them a happy birthday.
Both Jan and Frankie are published authors. Jan is working on another
book and Frankie is readying his SHERLOCK
HOLMES AND THE PANAMANIAN GIRLS for publication. So check
out the Solar Guard's book update for times and places for the book
releases. Once again... HAPPY BIRTHDAY Polaris Crew
MARCH 2000
Posted 3/29/00
From Jeff
For folks who are interested, there's a new review posted at the Science
Fiction Weekly Web site of Englewood Entertainment's most recent Space
Patrol tape ('Amazons of Cydonia'). Check it out at: Cool
Science Fiction Stuff
Enjoy...and, if you have
a moment or two, let me know what you think!
All the best, and Spaceman's
Luck --
Posted 3/29/00
Memories of the 1950's abound on Kevin Danzey's site dedicated to
Arthur C. Pierce a cinematographer, film editor, special effects
technician, screenwriter, producer and director. He worked on both
drive-in "B" movies and many low budget science fiction, fantasy
and adventure films from the 1950's to 1970's. The Cosmicman Website
is off line at the present time, but stay tuned and take a walk
down memory lane when it returns to the internet.
Posted 3/28/00
Modeler's Resource (Apr/May #33) is now on the stands with
Jack McKirgan's restoration of the original Terra V spaceship. The
two page spreads highlights Jack's work on the Terra V.... great
job Jack. Additional pictures of the restoration can be found on
the Solar Guard Site at
Posted 3/28/00
From Jan Merlin:
A friend of Pete's( Jan's Son) draws cartoon strips, one of which
would interest all the cadets.. go to:
, click onto "ant archives"..and choose to see all of the Star
Ant series of of the characters is named Adventure
Guy, which is actually a depiction of Pete...very funny space
best to all...roger and out..
Posted 3/27/00
Check out Gary Hugh's Rocketman website at
. Rocketman was a favorite early Saturday Morning "kids" show I
watched on local TV. A great serial/series that was adapted for
many local stations as kids "filler" material used in the early
50's TV. A great site, check it out. Cadet Ed
Posted 3/14/00
Space Patrol's 50th Anniversary is
being celebrated with downloads, new pages and a few extra's from
March 13th to the 24th. Downloads will include a special 50th Anniversary
Screen Saver and a high resolution graphic of Commander Corry and
the crew of the Terra V. See the page for details and join in our
salute to Space Patrol.
Posted 3/12/00
Jan Merlin has a new book out, his fourth in recent years, which
takes place in New York City. Go to the new
Solar Guard Library for more information. Keep 'em flying Jan.
Posted 3/2/00
A preview look at a new book for both Fans of Spaceship models and
the fantastic fantasy ships of the 20th century is in the works.
Jack Hagerty and Jon Rogers are working on the final draft of the
out the preview pages on the Solar Guard Library page. They
are looking for your input and help in locating a suitable publisher.
If you can help them please contact the Academy
or post your thoughts or recommendations on the
Solar Guard BB.
Spaceman's Luck
Posted 3/1/00
From Jeff Berkwits:
Thought you might enjoy hearing about a new Science Fiction
Supersite called which is streaming science fiction
serials and movies (along with other science fiction and science
fact info). Fans of vintage SF--like us--should be especially excited,
because one of their first presentations is "Flash Gordon Conquers
The Universe" (They've also got "Night of the Living Dead" and "Warped,"
an original SF sketch comedy series).
Here's a link to the Galaxy
TV page: Welcome
to Galaxy Pictures .
What's especially neat
about the Flash Gordon serial is that they're streaming a new chapter
each week, so it's really like the old-time serials - you gotta
wait a week to find out what happens!
And in mid-April, if all
goes as planned, they'll start streaming a Rocky Jones serial, too!
Check it out, and let me know what you think!
Thanks Jeff for the tip. The
site is impressive but you do need a fast connection and some patience.
Downloading will take over an hour on a 56K modem.
Posted 2/22/00
Cadet Chuck forwarded this to the Academy. Cadet Gene is being recognized
as an authority in Space Ray Gun collecting.
Go Gene.....
Read about it at:
Art Batanides
Rod Brown Space Ranger Actor dies
Posted 2/21/00
From Jeff Berkwits:
This item appeared in the January 14, 2000 issue of (the
online version of the entertainment industry newspaper Variety). I
thought it might be of interest...
Art Batanides, TV and film
actor throughout the past four decades, died Monday of natural causes
at his home in Los Angeles. He was 77.Batanides is perhaps best remembered
as Mr. Kirkland in the “Police Academy” films and for numerous guest
appearances on “Happy Days.”In 1953, Batanides landed his first big
TV role, on “Rod Brown of the Rocket Rangers.” He also appeared on
numerous “Mission: Impossible” and “Star Trek” episodes.
He is survived by his wife,
Anna, and three children. A private memorial is scheduled for Saturday
at his home.— Jill Feiwell
Thanks Jeff for the information.
Or how to make your own Space Helmet with everyday material
Posted 1/13/00
Gene Metcalf has added the "HOW TO" section of the August 1953
WOMEN'S DAY magazine with the instructions on how to build
your own helmets at:
Many fine creations from Space Patrol to Capt Video and listed. Speaking
of Capt Video, is that our Cadet Chuck Lassen at the end of the page
holding his Capt Video creation? Chuck has an interesting story about
the helmet that you can read on the Solar Guard Space
Forum # 3 (June 25, 1997). What we didn't do for our hobby
when we were kids :-)
Space Patrol Week
Posted 1/13/00
Happy New Year to all Cadets in the New Century. I hope this finds
all cadets in good health and fine spirits for the new century. Due
to a number of events, new upgrade to the Academy computer, the holidays
and a New Grandson to play with :-) the proposed Space Patrol Week
is being postponed till March.
Several Cadets did remind
me that MARCH was the month that Space Patrol first appeared
on local TV in California and it is only fitting to have the Anniversary
week during that month.
It will give the Academy more
time to put together a special download package including a Space
Patrol Screen Saver, so stay tuned for SPACE PATROL WEEK in March.
Cadet Ed
Fellow Cadets in the news
Posted 1/12/00
- Cadet Jeff Berkwits
has the lead story in the current SCI FI Channel Magazine
on sale now. The story spotlights the upcoming Heavy Metal sequel,
titled Heavy Metal: FAKK2 along with his usual two columns - Future
Shock and SCI FIdelity. Congratulations Jeff on a job well
- Peter Merlin ( Son of
Jan Merlin) is featured on NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center
Page at:
click on : X-Press-The Dryden Newspaper
then click on: X-38
Scroll down to first entry under People & Places and
click to read about the X-Hunters. Research at its best.
Good article.
- Cadet Chuck Lassen
may have some pictures of his "other" hobby published in the March
edition of "Classic Toy Trains"- on sale near the end of
January. When Cadet Chuck isn't on the radar deck of the Polaris
II he is working with his Lionel trains.
- Cadet Jack McKirgan
will have his Terra V restoration work documented in an upcoming
issue of a model magazine. Stay tuned for the issue and publication